Yuav tu cov neeg laus li cas yog mob khaub thuas


Yuav tu cov neeg laus li cas yog mob khaub thuas
Yuav tu cov neeg laus li cas yog mob khaub thuas lawm
How to take care of flu in adults (Hmong)
Qhov yuav pab tau tshaj rau feem ntau ntawm tej tsos mob khaub thuas ces yog pw thiab haus
dej kom txaus. Thov noj tshuaj rau thaum uas koj xav tias yuav tsum tau noj thiaj yuav pab tau
kom txhob mob heev heev xwb.
Ua Npaws
Puas kub tshaj 100°?
Kub: Noj acetaminophen lossis
aspirin. Puas yog mob ntev tshaj 3
hnub lawm?
Mob: Hu koj lub chaw
saib mob.
Tsis kub: Haus kua kom ntau thiab
mus so.
Tsis mob: Tu koj tus
kheej ntxiv mus.
Puas yog koj hnoos
tawm dab tsi?
Yog: Puas ua li no ntev tshaj 5 hnub
Tsis yog: Mus so. Haus kua. Siv lub
tshuab qus pa dej thiab yog tsim nyog
noj ces noj cov tshuaj hnoos tiam sis
tsis txhob noj nrog cov tshuaj hnoos
uas tsis muaj cov kua zoo txhaws
Ua: Txog siav txhua zaus, tsis yog
thaum hnoos xwb.
Ua: Ua thaum twg hnoos tag xwb?
Ua: Hu koj lub chaw saib
Tsis ua: Tu koj tus kheej
ntxiv mus.
Txog Siav
Koj puas ua pa nyuab
thaum koj zaum saum
lub rooj zaum?
Txhaws Ntswg
Puas yog koj ua tsis
taus pa tshwm ntawm
koj lub qhov ntswg
lossis lub qhov ntswg
qhuav heev vim pheej
tshuab ntswg?
Ua: Hu koj lub chaw saib
Tsis yog: Tu koj tus kheej
ntxiv mus.
Tsis ua: Mus so. Haus kua.
Yog: Siv lub tshuab qus pa dej thiab
yog tsim nyog noj, ces noj cov tshuaj
pab kom txhob txhaws ntswg xws li
Tsis yog: Mus so. Siv lub tshuab qus
pa dej.
Mob: Hu koj lub chaw saib mob.
Tsis mob: Mus so. Muab dej sov
xyaw ntsev los yaug qhov ncauj (1
dia me rau hauv ib lub khob).
Mob Caj Pas
Puas mob los tau ntev
tshaj peb hnub lawm?
© 2001-9 HealthPartners
Rev 9-09/X/120041
How to take care of flu in adults
The best treatment for most flu symptoms is rest and fluids. Please use medication only if
you feel they are necessary to relieve serious discomfort.
Is it over 100°?
Yes: Take acetaminophen or aspirin.
Has it lasted over 3 days?
Yes: Call your clinic
No: Continue self-care.
No: Drink lots of fluids and rest.
Are you coughing
up anything?
Shortness of Breath
Do you have a hard
time breathing just
sitting in a chair?
Yes: Call your clinic
Yes: Has it lasted more than 5 days?
No: Rest. Drink fluids. Use a
humidifier and if necessary, take cough
medicine without antihistamines.
No: Continue self-care.
Yes: Shortness of breath all the time,
not just when coughing.
Yes: Call your clinic
Yes: Only when you have just
been coughing?
Yes: Continue self-care.
No: Rest. Drink fluids.
Nasal Congestion
Are you unable to breath
through your nose or is it
raw from blowing?
Yes: Use a humidifier and if necessary,
take a decongestant such as Sudafed.
No: Rest. Use a humidifier.
Sore Throat
Yes: Call your clinic
Has it lasted more than
three days?
No: Rest. Gargle with warm salt water
(1 tsp. per glass).
© 2001-9 HealthPartners
We’re on a mission to improve the health of our members.
Rev 9-09/X/#200439