
KOD UCZNIA - …………………………………..
LICZBA PUNKTÓW - …………………………..
I. Wysłuchaj nagrania i dopasuj do każdej osoby
zajęcie. Jedno zajęcie podano dodatkowo. (4pkt)
1. Jake ____
2. Bob _____
3. Tanya _____
4. Kevin ____
A) horse riding
B) river rafting
C) hiking
D) fishing
E) rock climbing
II. Posłuchaj tekstu i zaznacz kólkiem właściwą
odpowiedź. (10 pkt)
1. How many people are talking?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4
2. Where are they?
a) at the park
b) at home
c) at the train station
3. The boys like/dislike Daphne.
4. Daphne has got a new/old bicycle.
5. The bicycle is brown and green/red and yellow.
6. The bicycle is in the park/garden.
7. The boys want to hide...
a) Daphne’s bicycle b) Daphne’s book
8. They want to hide it...
a) in their house. b) in the shed
9. There is a farm near their...
a) school. b) home.
10. There are ..... on the farm.
a) no people b) many people
I. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
przymiotnikami. (6pkt)
shy, valuable, easy, fashionable, pretty, expensive
1. Look at these flowers! They are so ............... .
2. She doesn’t like meeting new people, she is
really ............... .
3. I can’t buy this car. It’s very ..................... .
4. This is a very old and ..................... painting. It
comes from the fifteenth century.
5. The homework today is really ................. and I’m
going to do it quickly.
6. She always buys ................ clothes.
II. Dopasuj do każdej grupy dyscyplin
sportowych 1-6 właściwą kategorię A-F. (6pkt)
1. canoeing-kayaking-sailing
2. high jump-gymnastics-cycling
3. tennis – golf – cricket
4. rugby – hockey – football
5. table tennis – kickboxing – bowling
6. parachuting – hang-gliding – skydiving
A They are air sports.
B They are team sports.
C They are water sports.
D They are individual sports.
E They are indoor sports.
F They are sports that need a ball.
III. Wpisz właściwą nazwę sklepu obok każdej
wypowiedzi. (6pkt)
pet shop, butcher’s, shoe shop, greengrocer’s,
shopping mall, jeweller’s
1.”I want to buy Becky gloves for her birthday.”
2.”My cat needs a new food bowl.”
3.”Mum needs a new pair of sandals.”
4.”I want to have a salad for dinner.”
5.”I’d like a silver chain to wear to the party.”
6. „We need to buy some meat for tonight.”
IV. Napisz słownie godziny. (4pkt)
0. 6.30 – It’s half past six.
1. 7.00 – _________________________________
2. 12.15 – ________________________________
3. 8.45 – _________________________________
4. 11.30 - ________________________________
I. Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w odpowiedniej
formie czasu Present Simple (I play) lub Present
Continuous (I’m playing). (11 pkt)
Hi Vicki!
Thanks for your letter and the photo. I miss you and I
(think) 1. ...................................... about you very often.
My school in Melbourne is very nice but I (not/know)
2. ..................................... the teachers and the pupils. I
often (see) 3. ................................ my new friend, Kate.
She (live) 4. ......................... in my street and we (walk)
5. ........................................ to school together. I (like)
6. ........................... her a lot.
It’s Friday afternoon now. I (write) 7. ............................
emails and letters. It’s very noisy in the house because
my dad (vacuum) 8. ................................, my little
brother (play) 9. ................................. the violin and my
mum (cook) 10. ................................ . We always (do)
11................................. housework on Friday
afternoons. I must go and help my mum now.
Best wishes,
II. Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź A, B lub C.
1 George is ….. than Bruce.
A tall
B taller
C tallest
2 This is ....... story in this book.
A stranger
B strangest
C the strangest
3 I think this hat is ....... than the hat you’re wearing.
A uglyer
B uglier
C uglyier
4 Is Clueless ..... detective in the world?
A the worst
B worse
C bad
5 I don’t like ....... cats and I’m never going to have one.
B the
C6 I think the book is ...... than the film.
A the most interesting B more interesting
C interesting
7 Mary is ....... youngest student in the class.
A an
C the
8 ..... Himalayas are in Asia.
A The
C9 ..... Moon is not a star. It’s a planet..
AB The
III. Zaznacz kółkiem prawidłową odpowiedź. (9
A: Let’s make a list of what we need from he
B: Good idea. We need 1 any/some bread and 2 a few/a
little tomatoes. How 3 much/many eggs are there in the
A: Yes, there are 4 a lot of/much eggs. But there isn’t
5 much/many cheese.
B: Ok. How 6 many/much milk have we got?
A: Only very 7 few/little. And we don’t have
8 any/some butter.
B: Ok. We’ll get 9 some/ a few butter then. Are you
ready to go?
I. Połącz zdania 1-6 ze zdaniami A-F tak, aby
powstały krótkie dialogi. Wpisz odpowiednią
literę. (6pkt)
1 I really like open top buses. _____
2 Did you sleep well last night? ____
3 This is a photo of my great-grandfather. ____
4 We mustn’t be late for school. ______
5 I knocked over her favourite vase and broke it
yesterday! ______
6 We need to find out about our school trip. ____
A Yes, quick! Let’s catch a bus!
B That’s terrible!
C Let’s ask the headmaster.
D Oh, he was very tall!
E No, you snored and made a terrible noise!
F Yes, I like them too, but not when it’s raining!
II. Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi zdaniami od A
do F. (6 pkt)
Simon: What did you do last weekend?
Luke: I went camping with some friends.
Simon: 1. ..................................................
Luke: We went to Scotland.
Simon: That sounds nice. 2. ............................
Luke: No, we went with my uncle.
Simon: 3. ...................................
Luke: Yes we did! It was great fun because there
were twelve of us and we only had two tents!
Simon: 4. ..............................................
Luke: No, there was a little restaurant at the
campsite and we ate there.
Simon: 5. ..................................................
Luke: We had a bonfire and sang songs. My uncle
played the guitar.
Simon: Oh yes, I remember he’s a great guitar player. 6.
Luke: Yes, it was great! We want to go again next month.
Do you want to come?
A And did you cook?
B Did you sleep in tents?
C What did you do on Saturday night?
D Did you enjoy your weekend?
E Did your parents go with you?
F Oh, really! Where did you go?
III. Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą reakcję A, B lub C. (6pkt)
1. Kelner pyta Cię, czy chcesz coś zamówić. Co mu
A) Yes, I’d like soup for my starter.
B) Please pass me the soup.
C) This soup is a bit salty.
2. Jak zapytasz o cenę posiłku?
A) How much is the bill?
B) Can I see the menu?
C) Are you ready to order?
3. Kelnerka pyta, czy smakował Ci posiłek? Co jej
A) An excellent choice.
B) It was delicious.
C) It’s homemade.
4. Wybierasz się na bal przebierańców. Chcesz, aby
koleżanka poszła z tobą. Co jej powiesz?
A) Do you know when the fancy-dress party starts?
B) Do you fancy going to a fancy-dress party with me?
C) Did you see the fancy-dress party on TV last night?
5. Kolega zaprosił Cię na karnawał i chciałbyś dowiedzieć
się więcej na ten temat. Jakie pytanie zadasz?
A) What can you do at the carnival?
B) How about going to the carnival?
C) What’s your favourite carnival?
6. Twoi rodzice wybrali się na przedstawienie baletowe. Jak
zapytasz ich o opinię na temat występu?
A) When is it?
B) Where did you go?
C) Did you like it?
I. Przeczytaj tekst i w pytaniach 1-7 wpisz
odpowiedniego dinozaura A-B-C, a w pytaniach 810 zaznacz kółkiem poprawną odpowiedź. (10 pkt)
Velociraptor was one of the fasters and smartest
dinosaurs. It had wings like a bird , but couldn’t fly. It
was like a huge chicken , about 1 to 2 metres long, with
a very long tail. It was strong and could kill other
animals with its sharp claws. This made it a very
dangerous dinosaur, able to catch animals that were
much larger than itself!
B – T-Rex
T-Rex was one of the biggest dinosaurs. It was heavier
than two elephants with a huge head and large pointed
teeth . It was 12 metres long and about 6 metres tall and
weighted about 7 tons. It had tiny arms, each with two
fingers. Its feet looked like a bird’s. Its slim, pointed tail
helped it run very fast. T-Rex was a very dangerous
meat-eating dinosaur that could eat up to 230 kilos of
meat in one bite.
C – Sauroposeidon
Sauroposeidon was the largest dinosaur that ever lived.
It grew up to 18 metres tall and weighted as much as ten
elephants. But it wasn’t dangerous. It wasn’t a meat
eater. Actually, it used its long neck to reach the leaves
of tall trees It was around thirty times larger than a
giraffe , with a neck as thick as a tree trunk!
was as heavy as ten elephants? _________
had a huge head? _______
had a long neck? ________
had a slim tail? ______
had wings? _______
had feet that looked like a bird’s?_______
was a plant eater? _______
8.Velociraptors were similar to birds because they
A) were as small as a chicken.
B) had long claws.
C) had wings.
9. T-Rex used its tail to
A) point to its food.
B) eat fast.
C) move quickly.
10. Sauroposeidon ate
A) animals.
B) plants.
C) tree trunks.
II. Zadecyduj, o czym jest każdy tekst.
Dopasuj do każdego tekstu właściwy temat
A – D. (3 pkt)
A a friend
C transport
B a family
D a holiday
I’m in London with my friend Laura. We go
sightseeing every day. It’s really easy to get
around the city – there are lots of buses and
taxis. I don’t like travelling on the
underground, though.
1. This text is about _____
Jose lives in Brazil. We send each other emails
every week. Jose is tall with black hair and
brown eyes. He lives with his parents and his
two sisters.
2. This text is about _____
A Three kinds of mammals
B Eating habits
C Description and habitat
D Lifestyle
4. Lions are cold-blooded animals .
5. Some mammals like kangaroos lay
eggs. __________________
6. Giraffes carry their young in a pouch
7. Herbivores eat only meat.
8. Giraffes are carnivores.
I love spending the summer at my
grandparents’ house in Spain. The weather is
always warm and sunny and we can go to the
beach every day. We go swimming and play
games on the beach.
3. This text is about _____
I. Napisz list do przyjaciela o twoim nowym
sąsiedztwie. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać więcej
niż jedno słowo. W sumie musisz dopisać 20-40
słów (I’m = 2 słowa). (15p)
III. Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj tytuły
akapitów. Następnie popraw zdania
zmieniając wytłuszczony wyraz. (11 pkt)
I’m sorry i didn’t answer your letter earlier, but
Hello Ted,
_______________________ . You asked me about
my neighbourhood. Well, it’s ________________
Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They
have fur or hair. They feed their babies on
their own milk. Most mammals have teeth.
They live on land, underground or in the ocean
and they are very intelligent. Some mammals
can fly.
Some mammals like the whale, the hippo, the
rhino and the elephant give birth to live young.
Other mammals like the kangaroo and the
koala bear carry their young in a pouch. A few
mammals like anteater lay eggs.
Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores.
Carnivores include lions, tigers, seals and
polar bears. Mammals that eat only plants are
called herbivores. Some herbivores are cows,
elephants and giraffes. Mammals that eat both
meat and plants are called omnivores. Humans
are omnivores.
________________________________. It has got
_______________________________. What I like
about my neighbourhood is ________________
_____________________________________ . But
I don’t like _______________________________ .
The city centre is ___________________________
______________________________, so I get there
___________________________. That’s all about
my neighbourhood.
Write soon,