Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem - Biblioteka Otwartej Edukacji


Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem - Biblioteka Otwartej Edukacji
Danuta Malinowska-Bartków
Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem
Poradnik dla ucznia
Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Radom 2006
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
mgr Janina Rosiak
mgr Jolanta Rychlicka
dr Patrycja Kamińska – opinia językowa
Opracowanie redakcyjne:
mgr inż. Katarzyna Maćkowska
mgr Andrzej Zych
mgr Joanna Fundowicz
Poradnik stanowi obudowę dydaktyczną programu jednostki modułowej 341[02].Z2.01.
Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem zawartego w programie nauczania dla zawodu technik
Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Radomiu 2006
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
1. Wprowadzenie
2. Wymagania wstępne
3. Cele kształcenia
4. Materiał nauczania
4.1. Formy i struktury organizacyjne przedsiębiorstw (Company Structures)
4.1.1. Materiał nauczania
4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.1.3. Ćwiczenia
4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów
4.2. Rodzaje własności (Kinds of Ownership)
4.2.1. Materiał nauczania
4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.2.3. Ćwiczenia
4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów
4.3. Handel wewnętrzny i zagraniczny (Internal and Foreign Trade)
4.3.1. Materiał nauczania
4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.3.3. Ćwiczenia
4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów
4.4. Usługi transportowe (Transport Services)
4.4.1. Materiał nauczania
4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.4.3. Ćwiczenia
4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów
4.5. Działalność marketingowa (Marketing Activity)
4.5.1. Materiał nauczania
4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.5.3. Ćwiczenia
4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów
4.6. Korespondencja handlowa (Business Correspondence)
4.6.1. Materiał nauczania
4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające
4.6.3. Ćwiczenia
4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów
5. Sprawdzian osiągnięć
6. Literatura
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Poradnik ten będzie Ci pomocny w doskonaleniu pracy z tekstem w języku angielskim
dotyczącym języka praktycznego przydatnego w wykonywaniu zawodu.
Zawartość poradnika (pakietu):
– wprowadzenie,
– wymagania w postaci umiejętności, jakie powinieneś mieć przed przystąpieniem
do jednostki modułowej. Jednostka modułowa jest częścią pakietu edukacyjnego i
zawiera zbiór tekstów i ćwiczeń praktycznych, które pozwolą Ci rozwijać słownictwo i
doskonalić techniki czytania ze zrozumieniem tekstów w języku angielskim przydatnych
w wykonywaniu Twojego zawodu,
– wykaz umiejętności, jakie ukształtujesz podczas pracy z tym poradnikiem (pakietem),
– w materiale nauczania zostały omówione zagadnienia, które w rozumieniu autorki, są
najbardziej przydatne dla wykonywania zawodu technik ekonomista,
– zestawy pytań, które pomogą Ci sprawdzić, czy opanowałeś treści podane w materiale
– ćwiczenia, które mają na celu wykształcenie twoich umiejętności praktycznych,
– sprawdzian postępów.
Poradnik zawiera również wykaz literatury oraz materiałów pomocniczych, tj.
słowników, opracowań specjalistycznych pomocnych zarówno w trakcie nauki, jak
i w wykonywaniu pracy zawodowej.
W materiale nauczania zostały omówione zagadnienia dotyczące form i struktury
organizacyjnej przedsiębiorstw, różnych form własności, handlu, zarówno wewnętrznego, jak
i zagranicznego, usług transportowych, marketingu i korespondencji handlowej. Oczywiście,
poradnik ten zawiera niewielką część wiadomości z tego zakresu. Pragnąc rozwijać swoje
umiejętności, powinieneś korzystać z literatury podanej w poradniku, jak również z szeregu
innych publikacji. W trakcie nauki pomocny Ci będzie nauczyciel, który odpowie na Twoje
pytania, rozwieje Twoje wątpliwości oraz wskaże Ci dodatkowe źródła informacji.
Zamieszczone w poradniku pytania pozwolą Ci na sprawdzenie, czy posiadasz
wystarczającą wiedzę z odpowiedniego zakresu materiału oraz czy możesz przystąpić do
wykonania ćwiczeń. Jeśli Twoje odpowiedzi będą poprawne, to możesz przejść do dalszego
etapu, jeśli nie – będziesz wiedział, gdzie masz luki i co powinieneś uzupełnić. Pod
warunkiem, oczywiście, że będziesz odpowiadać na pytania samodzielnie.
Po etapie sprawdzania stanu Twojej wiedzy będziesz mógł przejść do następnego etapu,
czyli do wykonania ćwiczeń praktycznych, których celem jest uzupełnienie i utrwalenie
informacji teoretycznych.
Po wykonaniu zestawu ćwiczeń będziesz mógł sprawdzić swoje postępy, wykonując test
Sprawdzian postępów, zamieszczony zawsze w podrozdziale.
Poznanie przez Ciebie całego lub określonej części poradnika będzie stanowiło dla
nauczyciela podstawę przeprowadzenia sprawdzianu poziomu przyswojonych wiadomości
i ukształtowanych umiejętności. Nauczyciel posłuży się w tym celu Zestawem zadań
testowych zawierających różnego rodzaju pytania. W poradniku zamieszczony jest
przykładowy test.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Przystępując do realizacji tej jednostki modułowej powinieneś umieć:
korzystać z różnych źródeł w celu znalezienia potrzebnych Ci informacji,
czytać lub słuchać ze zrozumieniem tekst w języku angielskim na poziomie średnio
zaawansowanym (intermediate), zadać pytania do tekstu i udzielić odpowiedzi,
posługiwać się słownikiem anglojęzycznym w celu znalezienia definicji nieznanego
słowa w języku angielskim,
posługiwać się podręcznikiem gramatyki języka angielskiego w celu wyjaśnienia
wątpliwości z gramatyki,
wymawiać wyrazy angielskie zgodnie z transkrypcją fonetyczną podaną w słowniku bądź
w podręcznikach do nauki języka angielskiego,
stosować zasady transkrypcji fonetycznej,
stosować zasady gramatyki języka angielskiego na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
W wyniku procesu kształcenia uczeń/słuchacz powinien umieć:
przeczytać ze zrozumieniem tekst o tematyce zawodowej,
odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące przeczytanego tekstu,
skorzystać z technik poznawania nowego słownictwa podczas pracy z tekstem,
użyć nowego słownictwa w ćwiczeniach praktycznych,
zabrać głos w dyskusji na temat przeczytanego tekstu,
omówić rodzaje własności i struktury organizacyjne przedsiębiorstw,
omówić problemy handlu wewnętrznego,
omówić problemy handlu zagranicznego oraz form rozliczeń, ceł i barier stosowanych w
handlu zagranicznym,
omówić problemy usług transportowych w kraju i w transporcie międzynarodowym,
wykazać się znajomością różnych form i rodzajów listów handlowych i motywacyjnych
oraz sposobami ich adresowania, rozróżniając standardy amerykańskie i brytyjskie.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.1. Formy i struktury organizacyjne przedsiębiorstw (Company
4.1.1. Materiał nauczania
You need three groups of people to make up a company: the shareholders to provide
capital, the management to run the company and the workforce to work in it. The
management structure of a typical company is usually shown in an organisation chart.
Board of Directors
Managing Director
Senior Management
Middle Management
The Board of Directors is headed by the Chairperson or President. The Board is
responsible for overall policy and strategy. The Board usually appoints a Managing Director
or Chief Executive Officer. They are responsible for running the company business. Senior
officers or Company officers are on top of the various departments having different functions
within the company. They may include the following:
– Production
– Finance
– Marketing
– Public Relations
– Information Technology (or IT)
– Research and Development (or R&D)
– Personnel or Human Resources
We will introduce the organization chart and structure of PHILIPS, a major multinational
company having almost 30,000 trademarks registered worldwide.
Accounting & Control
Human Resource
Legal Affairs
Philips has following sectors of activity:
Philips Business Electronics
Philips Components
Philips Consumer Electronics
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Communication and
Public Relations
Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care
Philips Lightning
Philips Medical Systems
Philips Semiconductors
Traditional management styles are becoming obsolete as is often shown by research
conducted at American business schools. In the traditional model senior management use the
company hierarchy to exercise authority to ensure that their decisions are carried out by
subordinates at lower levels. However, it has become clear in today’s rapidly changing
business environment that change is something that managers will have to adapt to nowadays.
In the modern organization decision-making is no longer restricted to senior managers
and employees are allowed to show their initiative. The increasing complexity of business
make it necessary for the managers to delegate tasks to subordinates at lower levels. It has
become a system where your achievements or performance is what determines the respect of
other people in the organization as well as how you are rewarded for your accomplishments.
4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What do you need to set up a company?
2. What is the Board of Directors responsible for?
3. Who is head of the Board?
4. Who does the Board usually appoint?
5. What are senior officers responsible for?
6. What do senior managers do to have their decisions carried out by subordinates?
7. Who is below management in company hierarchy?
8. What do managers have to adapt to nowadays?
9. What do managers have to do in the increasing complexity of business?
10. what deserves the biggest respect and reward nowadays?
4.1.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please read the history of Philips and answer the questions. If you do not understand
a word, please look it up in a dictionary.
The foundations for what was to become one of the world's biggest electronics companies
were laid in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, in 1891.
Philips began by making carbon-filament lamps and by the turn of the century, was one
of the largest producers in Europe. As developments in new lighting technologies fueled
a steady program of expansion, in 1914 it established a research laboratory to study physical
and chemical phenomena and stimulate product innovation.
In 1918, it introduced a medical X-ray tube. This marked the beginning of the diversification
of its product range and the moment when it began to protect its innovations with patents in
areas stretching from X-ray radiation to radio reception.
In 1925, Philips became involved in the first experiments in television in 1925 and in
1927 began producing radios in 1927; by 1932, it had sold one million of them. A year later,
it produced its 100-millionth radio valve and started production of medical X-ray equipment
in the United States. By 1939, when it launched the first Philips' electric shaver, the company
employed 45,000 people worldwide.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Science and technology underwent tremendous development in the 1940s and 1950s,
with Philips Research inventing the rotary heads that led to the development of the Philishave
electric shaver, and laying down the basis for later ground-breaking work in transistors and
integrated circuits. Philips also made major contributions to the development of the recording,
transmission and reproduction of television pictures. In 1963, it introduced the Compact
Audio Cassette. In 1965, it produced its first integrated circuits.
The flow of exciting new products and ideas continued throughout the 1970s. Research in
lighting contributed to the new PL and SL energy-saving lamps, while Philips Research made
key breakthroughs in the processing, storage and transmission of images, sound and data.
These led to the inventions of the LaserVision optical disc, the Compact Disc and optical
telecommunication systems.
In 1972, the company established PolyGram, the enormously successful music recording
label. In 1974, it acquired Magnavox and in 1975, Signetic, both in the United States.
Acquisitions in the 1980s included GTE Sylvania's television concern and Westinghouse's
lamps business. Then, in 1983, came a technological landmark: the launch of the Compact
Disc. Other landmarks of the time included the production of Philips' 100-millionth TV set in
1984 and, in 1995, the 300-millionth Philishave electric shaver.
The 1990s was a decade of significant change for Philips. The company carried out
a major restructuring program to return it to a healthy footing, simplifying its structure and
reducing the number of business areas. In 1997, in cooperation with several other companies and building on the success of its Compact Disc technology (invented by Philips and jointly
introduced with Sony) - it released what proved to be the fastest growing home electronics
product in history: the DVD.
Moving into the 21st century, Philips has continued to change and grow. Long aware that
for many people it is no more than a consumer electronics producer, it has dedicated itself to
projecting a new and more representative image that reflects the products it offers in the areas
of Healthcare, Lifestyle and Technology. By following this up in 2004 with a massive
advertising campaign to unveil its new brand promise of 'Sense and Simplicity', the company
confirmed its dedication to offering consumers around the world products that are advanced,
easy to use and, above all, designed to meet their needs.
When was Philips founded?
Where are the headquarters of Philips?
What did Philips establish in 1914?
What happened in 1918?
What is a patent?
When did Philips produce 100-millionth radio wave?
What did Philips introduce in the Philishave?
What happened in 1965?
What interesting products were introduced by Philips in the 70s?
What did Philips aquire in the 70s?
What acquisitions did Philips make in the 80s?
What important technological landmark came in 1983?
The 1990s marked a significant change. What did it concern?
There are three major areas of Philips activities. Please name them.
What did the advertising campaign in 2004 confirm?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce (jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub
zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika),
2) odpowiedzieć pisemnie na zamieszczone pod tekstem pytania,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please give your T (true) or F (false) answers to the following statements:
1. The foundations of Philips were laid in 1981.
2. The headquarters of Philips are in Amsterdam.
3. It was the first company to produce compact discs.
4. In 1914 a research laboratory was established to stimulate
product innovation .
5. In 1920 Philips decided to protect innovations with patents.
6. Philips has produced 10 million TV sets.
7. The members of the Board of Management do not share the
responsibility for the management of the company.
8. Philips is a global company.
9. Philips shares are not listed on any stock exchange.
10. The Board of Management of Philips is headed by President/Chief
Executive Officer.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie zamieszczone zdania dotyczące firmy Philips,
2) zakreślić odpowiednią ramkę oznaczającą zdanie prawdziwe lub zdanie nieprawdziwe,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Please read the biography of William H. Gates, Chairman and Chief Software Architect of
Microsoft Corporation. Write a short summary of the text. If you do not understand a word or
an expression, please look it up in a dictionary.
William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation,
the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses
realize their full potential. Microsoft had revenues of US$36.84 billion for the fiscal year
ending June 2004, and employs more than 55,000 people in 85 countries and regions.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Their father, William
H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher,
University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.
Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School. There, he
discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.
In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall
from Steve Ballmer, now Microsoft's chief executive officer. While at Harvard, Gates
developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer - the
MITS Altair.
In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he
had begun in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the computer
would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing
software for personal computers. Gates' foresight and his vision for personal computing have
been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry.
Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft's mission has been to continually advance and improve
software technology, and to make it easier, more cost-effective and more enjoyable for people
to use computers. The company is committed to a long-term view, reflected in its investment
of approximately $6.2 billion on research and development in the 2005 fiscal year.
In 1999, Gates wrote Business @ the Speed of Thought, a book that shows how
computer technology can solve business problems in fundamentally new ways. The book was
published in 25 languages and is available in more than 60 countries. Business @ the Speed
of Thought has received wide critical acclaim, and was listed on the best-seller lists of the
New York Times, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and Gates' previous
book, The Road Ahead, published in 1995, held the No. 1 spot on the New York Times'
bestseller list for seven weeks.
Gates has donated the proceeds of both books to non-profit organizations that support the
use of technology in education and skills development.
In addition to his love of computers and software, Gates founded Corbis, which is
developing one of the world's largest resources of visual information - a comprehensive
digital archive of art and photography from public and private collections around the globe.
He is also a member of the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which invests in
companies engaged in diverse business activities.
Philanthropy is also important to Gates. He and his wife, Melinda, have endowed
a foundation with more than $27 billion (as of March 2004) to support philanthropic initiatives
in the areas of global health and learning, with the hope that in the 21st century, advances in
these critical areas will be available for all people. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
has committed more than $3.2 billion to organizations working in global health; more than $2
billion to improve learning opportunities, including the Gates Library Initiative to bring
computers, Internet Access and training to public libraries in low-income communities in the
United States and Canada; more than $477 million to community projects in the Pacific
Northwest; and more than $488 million to special projects and annual giving campaigns.
Gates was married on Jan. 1, 1994, to Melinda French Gates. They have three children.
Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf and bridge.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce (jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub
zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika),
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
2) opracować krótkie streszczenie tekstu,
3) porównać swoje streszczenie ze streszczeniami kolegów. Dokonać poprawek, jeżeli
zauważyłeś błędy,
4) nauczyć się krótkiej prezentacji na podstawie streszczenia.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
Please fill in the gaps with words from the text. If you do not know the answer, please
look for information in the biography of Bill Gates.
William(Bill) H. Gates is ________________ of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft Corporation ________________ more than 55,000 people in 85 countries.
In 1973 Bill Gates met Steve Ballmer, who is now ________________ in Microsoft.
At Harvard Gates developed the programming language called ________________ .
Microsoft’s mission is to continually ________________ and ________________
software technology.
6. For consumers Microsoft is ________________ and ________________ .
7. Bill Gates ________________ the proceeds of both his best-sellers to non-profit
8. Bill Gates is also member of ________________ of ________________ of Berkshire
Hathaway Inc.
9. Being the richest person in the world, Bill Gates is also engaged in ________________.
10. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have endowed the ________________ with more than
27 billion dollars.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) uzupełnić brakujące słowa w tekście zamieszczonym w ramce,
2) jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi, to poszukaj informacji w biografii Billa Gatesa.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please check your achievements giving correct answers YES or NO to the following
questions or statements:
Sprawdź swoje postępy, wybierając prawidłowe odpowiedzi TAK lub NIE na
następujące pytania lub stwierdzenia:
1. Do you understand the structure of Philips?
2. Do you understand the structure of Microsoft?
3. Can you summarize the history of Philips?
4. Can you present the history of Microsoft?
5. Do modern managers delegate their tasks?
6. Can you show initiative in a modern company?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Have traditional forms of management become obsolete?
William Gates graduated from Harvard University.
Gates has invested the proceeds from his books in Microsoft.
Corbis, founded by Gates, is the digital archive of the world
works of art.
11. Bill Gates is interested in global health, art and global access to learning
and the Internet, especially in low-income regions of the world.
12. Both Bill and Melinda Gates donated billions of dollars to charities.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.2. Rodzaje własności (Kinds of Ownership)
4.2.1. Materiał nauczania
A sole trader is the name of a person who sets up and runs a company on their own. The
person provides all the capital and has unlimited liability for business debts. Failure in the
business means the person has to sell their personal assets.
Limited company (in American English it is called corporation) is a form of ownership
where the capital is divided into shares held by shareholders. Shareholders have limited
liability, but they can vote at the Annual General Meeting in order to elect the Board of
There are two types of limited company:
– private limited company, in which shareholders have to agree before any shares can be
bought or sold,
– public limited company, in which shares are bought and sold freely, most often on the
stock exchange.
Partnership is formed by a group of people who provide the capital, set up a company and
manage it together.
There are two types of partnerships:
– unlimited partnership, in which partners are like sole traders, they are fully liable for all
debts. If the business fails they may even have to sell their personal assets,
– limited partnership, in which there can be sleeping partners. They provide the capital, but
do not participate in the management of the company. In the case of bankruptcy, they lose
their investment and they are not held liable to give their personal assets.
4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące różnych sposobów funkcjonowania i struktur
przedsiębiorstwa, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. How can a sole trader start a business? How they can raise capital?
2. How many people own business in a sole trader company?
3. What are usually people’s personal assets?
4. What is the difference between the sleeping partner and a shareholder?
5. What happens if a private limited company goes bankrupt?
6. What are the advantages of a public limited company?
7. What must you do before you sell your shares in a private limited company?
8. If a limited company has 1 million shares worth 20 PLN each, what is the capital of the
9. Can the sole trader keep their personal assts in case of bankruptcy?
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a sleeping partner?
4.2.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please recognize the positive and the negative qualities of different organizations and
form two groups: one positive and one negative organization. Please choose from the words
given below. If you do not understand a word or an expression, please look it up in
a dictionary.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
bureaucratic, paternal, disciplined, democratic, decentralized, centralized, slow-to-respond,
flat, hierarchical, welcoming, professional, cold, impersonal, caring, market-driven, friendly,
warm , unwelcoming, quick-to-respond, modern, fast developing
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) rozróżnić pozytywne i negatywne cechy różnych organizacji i utworzyć dwie grupy:
dobrych i złych organizacji. Wybrać spośród słów podanych w ramce,
2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please use the following words in the gaps given in the text. If you do not understand
a word or an expression, please look it up in a dictionary.
board of directors, stock exchange, sleeping partners, private limited company, limited
liability, unlimited liability, annual general meeting, personal assets, business partner,
business debts, management, public limited company
In a ________________ there can be sleeping partners.
A sole trader has ________________ for all business debts.
Sleeping partners provide the capital, but the do not participate in the ________________
of the company.
4. In a ________________ shares are bought and sold freely on the stock exchange.
5. Shareholders vote at the Annual General Meetings to elect the ________________ .
6. In ________________ partners are fully liable for all debts.
7. Sleeping partners have ________________, in case of bankruptcy they lose their
investment, but not their personal assets.
8. Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders at the ________________ .
9. ________________ is a market place where shares can be sold and bought freely.
10. If you cannot collect the capital you need for your business, look for a
________________ .
11. In an unlimited partnership partners are fully liable for ________________, they may
even have to sell their personal assets.
12. In a ________________ company /corporation in Am E/ the capital is divided into shares
and all shareholders must agree before any shares can be bought or sold.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wstawić podane słowa w luki pozostawione w tekście,
2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 3
Read the text and answer the questions. If you do not understand a word or an expression,
please look it up in a dictionary.
What makes the managers give up their high salary, company car and pension, and risk
everything in order to set up on their own? A recent UK survey of self-employed
entrepreneurs has come up with a number of reasons.
Although money is a great motivator, it is only part of the answer. Very few self-employed
entrepreneurs can earn what they received in a large company, at least in the first few years.
They invest any extra cash in their business, rather than in expensive cars, houses or holidays.
Probably the most important part of the answer has to do with being in charge. In the US,
people who want to make a million don’t care weather they own 5% or 10% of the company,
but in the UK, entrepreneurs want 100% ownership: they want to control their company and
to make all the decisions themselves.
Most large companies do not know how to make the best use of clever people. Employees
who criticize the old ways of doing things and want to try out new ideas are disliked both by
their colleagues and their bosses. Comments like ‘They wouldn’t listen to me’ or ‘I kept
pressing new product ideas, only to hear nothing’ are typical of many a manager-turnedentrepreneur. All of this causes frustration, which can quickly lead to boredom. Often, middle
managers start to think: ‘Only another 30 more years of working my way to retirement.’ At
this point, they want to find a way out.
They want to get away from a job that is no longer attractive. So they decide to set up on
their own. But they need something else, too: the challenge of taking risks. They are like
people who climb a mountain by the most dangerous route. Entrepreneurial types need to try
out new things without knowing whether they will succeed or fail. They also want to prove
that they can make it without big company support.
As well as motivation, most successful entrepreneurs have a number of personal
characteristics in common. The first is self-confidence, the feeling of certainty that you gave
got the skills, knowledge and energy to build up your own business. There is also
stubbornness, the determination to prove to the boss who rejected your ideas that they were
good ideas which can be made to work. Possessing this quality means that you won’t give up:
you have to make your ideas work.
What do most self-employed entrepreneurs in the UK give up?
What is the motivation for self-employed entrepreneurs in the UK, according to the
What can frustration quickly lead to?
Why are the entrepreneurs compared to people climbing a mountain?
what are the qualities of character of a successful entrepreneur?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce (jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub
zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika),
2) odpowiedzieć pisemnie na zamieszczone pod tekstem pytania,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please check your achievements giving correct answers YES or NO to the following
questions or statements:
Sprawdź swoje postępy wybierając prawidłowe odpowiedzi TAK lub NIE na następujące
pytania lub stwierdzenia:
1) In a public limited company the shareholders have to agree before
any shares may be bought or sold?
2) In a limited company shareholders have limited liability?
3) If the sole trader goes bankrupt, they have to sell all their personal assets?
4) In an unlimited partnership partners are not fully liable for debts?
5) Sleeping partners manage the limited partnership?
6) Sleeping partners provide the capital?
7) In case of bankruptcy sleeping partners do not lose their investment?
8) The sole trader provides all the capital?
9) Unlimited partnership is called corporation in American English?
10) In a limited company shareholders can vote at the Annual General
Meeting to elect the Board of Directors?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.3. Handel wewnętrzny i zagraniczny (Internal and Foreign
4.3.1. Materiał nauczania
Internal trade
In the XXI century most people live in a consumer society. It means we use a lot of
products and services to satisfy our needs. Those products should be attractively packed to
catch our attention. Their production should be environmentally friendly.
Modern factories try to avoid producing unnecessary waste and much pollution because
people in the developed countries want to have clean water, unpolluted air and a lot of green
areas for relaxation and leisure.
More and more customers look for healthy food. Agricultural products which are free
from artificial fertilizers obtain higher prices and are more popular with customers. They may
often ask questions about the ingredients of the product or its way of production.
Mass production makes it possible to use cheaper and cheaper methods, but producers
want to be noticed by their customers. That is why a lot of money is spent on advertising. To
consume goods and services people need money. It is needed to pay various bills or invoices.
The invoices are documents specifying the amount of money paid, or to be paid before a
certain date. They also state the name and address of the buyer and the seller and specify
quantity, give description of a product or service and the amount to be paid. Such documents
must have a date, a number and, in the case of an invoice, they must be signed.
Foreign trade
People want better and better products and they want to have access to as big a range of
products as possible to have some choice. That is why products are brought from foreign
countries (import) and sent to other countries (export).
Some countries favor free trade by opening their borders. Other countries introduce
barriers to foreign trade introducing tariffs or duties on foreign products in order to protect
their own goods. It is a kind of a tax and it obviously raises their price. Such policy is called
protectionism. Countries employing such policies also introduce quotas, which is the
maximum quantity of goods allowed into the country during a certain period of time. They
can also subsidize goods sent for export or use dumping prices to sell them cheaper than their
costs of production in order to conquer foreign markets.
Some companies want to establish their products in a foreign market. They usually work
with a sole agents or multi-distributors to introduce their products before they establish their
local branch or sales office. Another way is to sell the rights or licenses. In such a case, a
company manufacturing in the export market may set up a local subsidiary or a joint venture.
One major concern, especially between smaller companies is payment. The exporter
wants to receive money for his goods and the importer wants to be sure getting the goods.
That is way the role of the banks is very big in international trade. A widely practiced and
common solution is the letter of credit. It is a form of bank guarantee of payment to the bank
of the exporter once it receives the related shipping documents, including the clean bills of
lading, showing the goods have been shipped without damage or other problems. A standard
practice nowadays are Incoterms defined by the International Chamber of Commerce. They
specify the shipping terms, such as CIF, Carriage insurance freight, where the exporter pays
for insurance of the goods while they are being transported. Such terms are used in standard
contracts, with adaptations, in international trade contracts nowadays.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące handlu wewnętrznego i zagranicznego.
What kind of society do most people live in nowadays?
What do most people need in a consumer society?
Why are products attractively packed?
What do modern industries try to do?
What do people in the developed countries expect to have?
What kind of food do people want nowadays?
Why is so much money spent on advertising?
What is the reason for international trade?
What is characteristic of a free economy?
What do some countries do to conquer foreign markets?
Why do people need money?
What is an invoice?
Why is an invoice an important document in business?
Why do people want a big range of products?
What is a tariff or duty?
Why do some countries introduce quotas?
What are the instruments of protectionism?
What is the role of local subsidiaries or joint ventures?
What kind of rights can be bought or sold for production?
Who does a company employ to enter a foreign market?
4.3.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please match up the words in the two columns below forming an expression.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) dopasować drugi człon, tworząc wyrażenie,
2) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 2
Please match the word with its definition.
1) to sell goods at lower prices than the costs of
2) a company with foreign capital
3) maximum number of goods allowed into a
country during a certain period of time
4) tax put on goods crossing the border
5) policy protecting goods of a particular country
6) sending goods to a foreign country
7) opening the borders for foreign goods
8) a bill signed by the seller
9) a person selling products of a particular
10) products in the same line offering choice for a
tariffs or duty
joint venture
sole agent
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) połączyć słowo z jego definicją,
2) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Complete the sentences below using words given in the table. Please notice that you may
need to change the form of the word.
Most factories nowadays try to avoid producing ________________.
When you have finished your meal at a restaurant, you may ask for a
3. Countries which do not favour the free trade often introduce different
________________ to control their economy.
4. A lot of money is spent to attract the ________________ to choose the product a
company wants to sell.
5. Most businesses try to pay their ________________ on time.
6. TV ________________ is called commercials.
7. Norway is a country with a heavy ________________ on imported cars.
8. Russia ________________ huge amount of gas.
9. Bielorussia favours ________________. It does not allow many goods to be brought to
the country.
10. Iraq must ________________ a lot of goods, especially foodstuff.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) uzupełnić zdania, używając słów podanych w ramce,
2) w przypadku takiej potrzeby zmienić formę danego słowa,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answers to the following statements.
Proszę podać odpowiedzi T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia.
people in most countries want to live in a clean environment?
Poland favours protectionism nowadays?
advertising makes the product cheaper?
Sweden puts heavy duty on cigarettes and alcohol?
the countries of Africa and South America export a lot of natural
resources, like for example, wood?
it is very difficult to break into the Japanese market?
the USA and Russia are rich in natural resources?
if you want to export a lot of goods to a particular country, it is
recommended to establish a joint venture or a local subsidiary there?
10) dumping is very positive for the free trade?
11) drugs should be made legal in most countries?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.4. Usługi transportowe (Transport Services)
4.4.1. Materiał nauczania
Within the Community, the transport service industry accounts for about 4 per cent of
gross domestic product. The concept of a common transport policy was laid down in the
Treaty of Rome, the main principles of which have been achieved through deregulation of
services and the single market programme. The Maastricht Treaty promotes the establishment
and development of links between national networks. An important part of single market is
the liberalisation of international road haulage allowing hauliers to make as many
international journeys as they wish between Community member-states.
Action has also been taken to allow road hauliers increased freedom to pick up and
deliver loads entirely within another member state. This freedom, known as 'cabotage', has
been allowed in the Community under a permit system since July 1990. Since 1 January 1993,
cabotage has also been allowed in the bus and road sector.
Construction standards for new vehicles are set out in international regulations and
Community Directives. The standards lay down rules on design and performance designed to
help reduce road casualties and vehicle emissions. Seat belts have been required in new types
of coach from 1997 and new types of minibus from 1999.
Environmental impact assessments are made for all motorway and major road
construction, and for other road schemes where there is likely to be a significant effect on
Rules for a single market in civil aviation, establishing free, fair and open competition on
Community air routes, took effect from the beginning of 1993. Airlines meeting common
safety and financial fitness criteria are entitled to an operating licence which allows virtually
unrestricted access to routes within the Community. They arc free to set fares and rates
according to their commercial judgment.
The single market is supported by regulations applying the Community’s competition
rules to air transport and setting common rules for the allocation of runway slots at
Community airports.
The community’s common shipping policy aims to:
– liberalise the EC’c international trade and ensure freedom to provide shipping services to,
from and between member states;
– enable the Community to take action against unfair discrimination and protectionism by
other countries;
– counter unfair pricing practices; and
– establish competition rules for shipping.
Measures aimed at harmonization of operating conditions and improving the
competitiveness of Community fleets, together with the liberalisation of movement of goods
by ships between member states, have been agreed, as has an action plan to improve
Community maritime safety.
Common policies concerning the European Union ‘s rivers and canals, which move large
amounts of raw materials and industrial goods, focus on reducing over-capacity and barriers
to transport.
Agreement has been reached on reciprocal recognition of national boatmasters’
certificates and the liberalisation of waterway traffic between member states.
A number of measures have been adopted aimed at improving the performance and
financial position of railways within the European Union.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
A Directive on liberalization of access to the European Union rail network has been
agreed. It will allow access by individual rail companies to the railway systems of other
member states and will encourage greater use of rail freight services.
In 1986 Britain and France signed a treaty agreeing to the development, construction and
operation of a fixed link across the Channel. The link, which has been built by a privately
founded French-British consortium (Eurotunnel), comprises twin single-track rail tunnels
(plus a service tunnel) about 50 km (31 miles) long. Eurotunnel operates a vehicle shuttle for
cars, coaches and heavy good vehicles. The journey time between the two terminals at
Cheriton (Folkestone) and Coquelles (Calais) is about 35 minutes.
In addition, there are through services operated by Eurostar (UK) Ltd and the French and
Belgian railways from London to Paris and Brussels, taking approximately three hours. There
are night services from London to Germany and the Netherlands, together with day and night
services from several other British cities to Paris and Brussels. Through rail freight services
will run from a network of regional terminals to the major industrial centres on the continent.
The Community is working towards the completion of trans-European networks in the
fields of transport, energy and telecommunications. The aim is to improve the interconnection
and interoperability of national networks, thereby providing better conditions for intraCommunity communication, trade and transport.
4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące usług transportowych, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What are the main principles of a common transport policy laid down in the Treaty of Rome?
2. What does the liberalization of international road haulage consist in?
3. What is “cabotage”?
4. What are the requirements of road safety in the EU?
5. What are airlines meeting common safety and financial fitness criteria entitled to?
6. What are the airlines free to do?
7. What does the Community want to liberalise?
8. What are common policies of EU concerning rivers and canals?
9. What are the two terminals of Eurotunnel?
10. How does the rail freight operate?
4.4.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please read the text about transport and answer the questions. If you do not understand
a word, please look it up in a dictionary.
Most people travel or commute because they have to get to their workplace or they have a
business arrangement. They use buses, trams, trains, ferryboats or private cars to reach their
destination on time. Everybody is in a hurry, people are on the move with other fellow
passengers or are kept waiting at the traffic lights, the crowded platforms or terminals.
Coping with little space, queuing to get a ticket or to check-in raises people’s adrenaline level,
which often leads to unacceptable behaviour. Passengers get abusive and verbal or even
physical assaults are common problems for staff, especially on flight decks. The pressure of
time and feeling of insecurity connected with little control which one may have in a difficult
or dangerous situation may lead to anger and frustration. If you add cancellations,
overbooking, delays or diversions, the tolerance level for stress may easily be exceeded.
For traveling you need to stay cool and always have a sense of humour
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Why do people travel?
What can cause people’s to become angry or frustrated?
What may be a problem for the staff?
How can a passenger misbehave?
What may raise the level of passenger’s stress?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać tekst o transporcie i odpowiedzieć na pytania,
2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please read the text about transport and answer the questions. If you do not understand
a word, please look it up in a dictionary.
Passengers feel worried and nervous.
Passengers don’t feel safe.
There are long queues for tickets or at check-ins.
There isn’t enough room.
There are cancellations
There is overbooking.
There are diversions.
Buses, trains or planes don’t arrive on time.
Staff are not polite.
There are delays.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wybrać najczęstsze powody złego nastroju w czasie podróży i przyporządkować im liczbę
od 1 do 10 według własnej opinii,
2) porównać swoje opinie z opiniami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Please distinguish between American and British English expressions.
line – queue
holiday – vacation
baggage – luggage
tube – subway
petrol – gasoline
return – round trip
truck – lorry
cab – taxi
motorway – freeway
flight attendant – steward / stewardess
car park – parking lot
timetable – schedule
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) rozróżnić wyrażenia amerykańskie i brytyjskie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
Please study the following words and decide whether they are connected with:
a) road transport
b) rail transport
c) air transport
d) sea transport
parking lot
boarding pass
jet lag
flight attendant
upper deck
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać słowa podane w tabeli i zdecydować z jakim transportem się one wiążą,
2) wpisać w kolumnie obok odpowiedni rodzaj transportu.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 5
Please decide what you have to do to board a plane and put the following activities in the
proper sequence of events.
take a trolley
leave your luggage
buy a ticket
arrive at a terminal
arrive at the check-in desk
go to the duty-free shop
go to passport control
go through the terminal gate
get the boarding pass
board the plane
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zdecydować, jakie czynności trzeba wykonać zanim wejdzie się na pokład samolotu,
2) uszeregować je we właściwej kolejności.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 6
Please find the equivalents of the given word and expressions.
to register for a flight
leaving the ground by plane
getting on a plane
to hire
to tell customs officer about
something you are carrying
6) to book
7) a tax-free shop
8) a person who flies planes
9) at the correct time
10) a person who carries luggage
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) znaleźć odpowiedniki podanych słów lub wyrażeń,
2) wpisać je obok podanych wyrazów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give your answers Y (yes) or N (no) to the statements given below.
Podaj odpowiedzi T (tak) lub N (no) do poniższych zdań.
You have to book your seat on a plane much in advance.
You have to register for a flight 10 minutes before departure.
You can use the boarding pass for shopping in the duty free shop.
You can ask a flight attendant for help if you do not feel good.
There is often a lot of sunshine in the upper deck.
You are allowed to take any amount of alcohol and cigarettes if you
drink or smoke.
7) Your luggage is often sent by special cargo planes.
8) When you travel across the Atlantic you may have a jet lag.
9) Flight attendants have no responsibilities, they only have to look smart.
10) Most people feel good and safe in a big crowd.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.5. Działalność marketingowa (Marketing Activity)
4.5.1. Materiał nauczania
Marketing is the term of various techniques used to create a profitable demand for
a product. It is a quickly developing branch of science which also deals with identifying
people’s wants and needs to develop a product they will really like to buy. Marketing
specialists make decisions about the proper price and place to sell it as well as different ways
to promote it. These 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) are known as the marketing mix.
There are lots of techniques and tricks to persuade, attract or inform potential customers
to buy a particular product. They may be advertised it in different media, such as the radio,
television, the press etc.
Television is an expensive but a very powerful medium, often reaching the biggest
audiences. A lot of television programmes are sponsored i.e. financed fully or partially by
companies advertising their products. Superstars from the world of sport or modeling get
millions of dollars for wearing clothes or sportsgear of famous brands to endorse a particular
People in public places, such as railway stations, bus stops, airports or underground
always have a chance to admire beautifully slim models in their skimpy underwear
persuading us not only to buy such attractive looking items, but also to try a slimming diet to
change our appearance.
Marketing specialists may also prepare a surprise for the customers when they finally get
home. Their mailbox may be overflowing with leaflets and mailshots. And as soon as the door
is opened, the consumer may hear the telephone ringing. Who do you think is calling? Of
course! A marketing specialist who wants your opinion on a product or service or just some
information about your customs, habits or preferences. You are never left alone in the global
village of the 21st century.
4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiedając na pytania dotyczące różnych form działalność marketingowych,
sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What is marketing?
2. What is marketing mix?
3. What different media are used by advertising?
4. How can sponsors help a product to be sold?
5. How can you endorse a product?
6. What is the name of high quality product distinguished on the market?
7. How is television advertising called?
8. What can you find in your mailbox?
9. How can marketing specialists obtain information about your habits and preferences?
10. What public space is used for advertising?
4.5.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please fill in the gap with a proper word or expression. If you do not understand a word
or an expression, please look it up in a dictionary.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Last year we spent millions on ______________ (11 letters) but it increased our sales
I prefer to pay more for clothes of famous ___________ (6 letters) because they are of
better quality.
Yesterday I watched a funny ______________ (10 letters) on the regional TV.
Most American TV programmes are ____________ (9 letters).
Adam Małysz can earn millions for ____________ (9 letters) sportsclothes and sportgear.
Marketing specialists construct __________________ (14 letters) to find information
about customers’ habits and preferences.
Customers nowadays look for interesting ______________ (10 letters) when they do the
Many companies employ a _______________ (9 letters) _______________ (10 letters)
especially when their sales go down.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wypełnić lukę, wstawiając właściwe słowo bądź wyrażenie,
2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please choose a word that best fits in the sentence.
In my mother’s opinion, the ________ are the only thing worth watching on TV.
a) politics
b) publicity
c) commercials
d) advertising
The company’s ________ was greatly improved by the TV porgramme.
a) appeal
b) attitude
c) approach
d) image
They used a(n) _________ agency to try to repair the damage the programme caused.
a) model
b) advertising
c) public relations
d) marketing
We are looking for a famous and respected athlete to ________ our new running shoes.
a) sponsor
b) model
c) endorse
d) approach
Their new packaging certainly _________ the eye.
b) catches
c) takes
d) attracts
a) steals
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wybrać słowo, które najlepiej pasuje do zdania,
2) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 3
Please think about the questions and discuss them with a partner.
1. Can you think of any products which should never be advertised?
2. Can you think of any advertisements which might offend certain group of people?
3. What are your favourite and most memorable advertisements? Do you think they
could work in another language or culture?
4. Are there any products which are not allowed to be advertised in your country? What
are they?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zastanowić się nad podanymi pytaniami i przedyskutować je z kolegą (koleżanką).
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answers to the following statements.
Proszę podać odpowiedzi T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia
Advertising makes the product cheaper.
Marketing specialists need to know a lot about human behaviour.
Politicians often employ specialists to create a proper public image.
Leaflets and mailshots are the most effective means of advertising.
People like blank walls of public buildings and places.
Marketing specialists want people to demand more and more products.
Sport stars sponsor a lot of sportsgear.
Commercials can be published by different media.
Promotions are given for lower quality products.
People usually trust that well known brands offer high quality.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.6. Korespondencja handlowa (Business Correspondence)
4.6.1. Materiał nauczania
Most business correspondence, especially in small companies, deals with letters of
enquiry and answers to letters of enquiry as well as placing orders for goods and services.
Firms write official enquiries to find out about other companies offers and if the answer is
satisfactory to them they may decide to place an order to buy goods or services.
Components of an Enquiry
Writing to another company for the first time requires giving information about enquiring
company. It is usually done at the beginning of the letter in the form of introduction by giving
the name of the company, general information and some details about its scope of activity.
We are the main producer of frozen chicken in Western Pomerania…
We are a leading distributor of “ZIELONA BUDKA Ice-Cream”…
It is common to write recommendations received from other companies or give other
references. Example:
You were recommended by the Business Centre Club in Szczecin.
We have seen your products at this year’s Fair in Struga Str.
It is customary to proceed to your business by:
a) asking about good or services
b) requesting price lists, samples, catalogues, patterns and terms
c) suggesting terms and methods of payment
d) asking about discounts
e) asking about delivery terms
f) asking for an early reply
g) asking for competitive terms and concessions.
a) We would like to purchase your latest skiing equipment.
b) Please send us your latest offer for the supply of cotton shirts.
c) Payment will be made by bank transfer / by documentary letter of credit.
d) We would expect a quantity discount for big orders.
e) Please inform if you can deliver promptly.
f) We look forward to hearing from you soon.
g) If your prices are competitive, we may place regular orders with you.
A letter of enquiry ands with an enquiry for prompt answer and a complimentary close.
Placing an order
An order is usually placed on an official form and it is accompanied by covering letter
containing the following information:
1) explanation that there is an order accompanying the covering letter
2) confirmation of the agreed forms of payments
3) confirmation of discounts
4) confirmation of delivery dates
5) instructions concerning packing
6) instructions concerning transport and additional information safeguarding the quality
of the goods
7) request to confirm the order
8) expression of hope the order will be properly executed.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ad 1. The enclosed order /R122/
Ad 2. Payment will be made by bank transfer against your invoice.
Ad 3. We will certainly take advantage of the 15% trade discount and 10% of quantity
Ad 4. The consignment should be delivered by 15 November.
Ad 5. Full details regarding packing are given on the attached sheet.
Ad 6. Please arrange for immediate delivery of the goods.
Ad 7. We will be greatly obliged if you treat this order as urgent.
Ad 8. We will be obliged if you treat this order with attention and care.
There are general rules regarding writing business letters. You must always remember to
be precise and polite, write in standard language in a coherent and logical way avoiding
sophisticated expressions and complex structures. You should always remember that
a business letter creates the company image. That is way it should be correct, neat, printed on
a computer, always spell-checked and it should sound positive.
It is essential to begin and end the business letter in the proper way because it creates the
biggest impression. There are several sections to a business letter:
1. Letterhead
Letterhead contains the name of the company, its addresses, telephone and fax number,
e-mail address, company logo, names of board of directors.
2. References
This information is usually given on the left side under the letterhead.
3. Date
The date may be written on the left or right side under references. It is recommended to
write only figures, without commas and stops, giving the name of the month and the year
in full omitting the name of the place. Examples:
19 October 2005
October 19 2005
4. Inside address
Inside address is always printed on the left side. Most letters nowadays have no commas
or full stops in the addresses. Examples:
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM 20 2JE
The Managing Director
British Chemical Ltd
10 High Street
Kirkby NOT B7654
Ms Izabela Borkowska
Pearson Education for Poland
Co Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM 20 2JE
If you do not know any names you write
the company name
If you write to the manager, but you do
not know their name
If you know the name of a person you
are writing to
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Messrs Weddell and Reed
6 Pine Tree Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55112
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM 20 2JE
Attention: Ms Izabela Borkowska
If there is more than one name in the
name of the company
Attention: If you want your letter to be
given to the person you name
Please note: If you write to a married woman you use the form Mrs, in other cases you use
the form Ms. If you write to a man you use the form Mr. If they have a title we write: Prof
/Professor, Dr/Doctor etc.
5. Salutation
Salutation is an expression beginning the letter. It is written on the left side, under the
address, using double space. Examples:
Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sirs Gentlemen (Am E)
If you do not know the name or:
Dear Mrs Brown Dear Mr Smith Dear Ms Snow Dear Miss White
If you know the names and the marital status: Mrs for a married woman, Miss for an
unmarried woman and Ms if you do not know or you do not want to define the marital status
of a woman.
6. Subject line
Subject line is the main information of the letter. We write it on the left side under the
salutation using double space. We underline it. Example:
Your order No 237
This information can be omitted.
7. The body of the letter
In modern business letters we most often write in block using double space. Each block
begins right on the left side. Most business people find it an economic and quick method of
writing. A business letter has 3 main components:
1) An Opening Paragraph (you inform why you are writing and give any necessary
2) The Main Body of the Letter (you write detailed information, one by one using
numbers or titles for each new topic);
3) Closing Paragraph (gives information who and when should take action and gives the
summary of the main points of the letter).
8. Complimentary close
Complimentary close is an expression to close the letter. It is now written after a double space
on the left side. Examples:
Yours faithfully
Yours sincerely
Yours truly/Very yours
if you do not know the person
if you know the person
in American English
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
9. Signature
We sign by hand four spaces below the Complimentary close. Under the handwritten
signature we always give a name and the position of the person writing the letter. Example:
John Richards
John J Richards
Chief Executive Officer
Before the surname you give the name(s) or initials. There are no full stops after the initials.
George W Brown or
G W Brown
George Brown
or G Brown
Women often give information about their marital status: Ms, Mrs or Miss. Example:
(Miss) Snow White (Mrs) J D Black (Ms) Ann Kowalski
Sometimes you may see a term per pro = p.p. (per procurationem). It means the person is
signing the letter on behalf of the company. Example:
Yours faithfully
p.p. Rainbow Tours
Snow White
(Miss) Snow White
Sales Manager
10. Enclosures
They are given in the bottom left of the letter. In most cases you write “Enclosure (s)” without
specifying the documents, unless there are several of them and you want to specify them.
Enclosure(s) or
Enc. Encs/Encl. Encls.
Enclosures: Bill of Lading (5 copies)
Bill of Exchange (1 copy)
Insurance Certificate (1 copy)
11. Copy to cc
These are copies sent to different recipients and printed under “Enclosures” (if there are any).
cc Pearson Education Limited Poland
12. Addressing envelopes
They are printed according to the standards of Inside addresses. They are put in the bottom
right of the envelope.
In the UK the postal code is given at the end of the address and the name of the town and
country is printed in capital letters. Example:
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburg Gate
CM20 2JE
In the United States the name of town, state and the postal code are printed in one line.
Dr Ursula Kovalski
4411 Pinewood Road
Dallas, TX 75109
The Return address, which is often a sticker, is given in the top left corner. Example:
Global Communication
1 Dolphin’s Rise
Lloyed Harbour, NY
1173 43
Dr Ursula Kovalski
4411 Pinewood Road
Dallas, TX 75109
4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji handlowej, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What does the letterhead contain?
2. How do we shorten the name of the month?
3. What is given in the capital letters in the addresses to the UK?
4. Where do you put the attention line?
5. What does the opening paragraph contain?
6. What is the layout of the Main body?
7. How do we write our signature?
8. What forms of complimentary close do you know?
9. Where do you print enclosure?
10. What is the character of a proper business letter?
11. What do you have to before you send the letter?
12. What kind of language should be used in business correspondence?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
13. How should a business letter be structured?
14. What should be avoided in a business letter?
15. What are the most important parts of a business letter?
4.6.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please check if you remember all the necessary details given in Business Correspondence
material before you proceed to Exercises. Use the Format of a letter with Printed Letterhead
to describe part of the letter.
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe
Sabina i Bartosz Boguccy
ul. Wyszyńskiego 28 70-203 Szczecin
Tel. 091 433 84 75, NIP: 955-18-23-446
17 October 2005
the Colin Turner Group
City Cloisters
188-196 Old Street
EC1V 9BX London
Mr John Black
Dear Mr Black
Request for product list
Thank you for your letter of 14 October requesting our product list.
We have pleasure in inclosing our brochure showing also location of our shop in Szczecin.
You will see that we can offer a wide selection of paints. The colours are blended on spot,
according to the specifications. We enclose samples of the range of colours.
If there is any further information you may require, please contact us.
Yours sincerely
Sabina Bogucka
Sabina Bogucka (Ms)
Sales Manager
Samples of the range of colours.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) sprawdzić, czy pamiętasz wszystkie potrzebne szczegóły przedstawione w materiale
nauczania o korespondencji handlowej zanim przejdziesz do wykonywania ćwiczeń,
2) użyć formatu listu z nagłówkiem i opisać części listu.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please read the following letter and supply all the missing words.
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe
Sabina i Bartosz Boguccy
ul. Wyszyńskiego 28 70-203 Szczecin
Tel. 091 433 84 75, NIP: 955-18-23-446
27 October, 2005
British Chemicals Ltd
10 High Street
NOT B76 54
Dear Sirs
We are a retail shop and a distributor of high quality paints in Szczecin. Your 1_________
was recommended to us by Business Centre Club in Szczecin and we would like to
2_________ if you could supply us with chemicals we need for our paints.
Please send us your latest 3_________ together with 4_________ 5_________ and inform us
about your 6_________ dates. We would like to know if you have any trade or cash
If your prices are 8_________, we will consider placing regular 9_________ with you.
We look 10_________ to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully
Sabina Bogucka
Sabina Bogucka
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać list i uzupełnić brakujące słowa,
2) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Please write a letter to DEKOR AMK requiring information about their scope of services.
Adres firmy: DEKOR AMK
Agnieszka Michalak-Karkosz
Przemysław Karkosz
72-010 Police Nowopol 2/1
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) napisać list do firmy DEKOR AMK z prośbą o dostarczenie informacji na temat zakresu
ich usług.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
Please fill in the missing information in the covering letter and order given below.
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe
Sabina i Bartosz Boguccy
ul. Wyszyńskiego 28 70-203 Szczecin
Tel. 091 433 84 75, NIP: 955-18-23-446
17 Ocober 2005
British Chemicals Ltd
Dear 1_________
Please find 2_________ order No R112 for 2 tons of Pure White paint as well as 300 kgs of
pigment ‘Blue Sky’. Payment will be made by money against your 3_________ .
We will greatly appreciate the 4_________ by 15 November. Please 5_________ the goods
by road to avoid constant handling.
Yours 6_________
Sabina Bogucka
Sabina Bogucka
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
7_________ No R112
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe
Sabina i Bartosz Boguccy
ul. Wyszyńskiego 28 70-203 Szczecin
Tel. 091 433 84 75, NIP: 955-18-23-446
17 Ocober 2005
British Chemicals Ltd
Please supply
Item description
Catalogue No
Price CIF Szczecin
2 tons
300 kgs
Pure White paint
pigment “Blue Sky”
₤ 1,241.00 per ton
₤ 141.00 per ton
Payment: 8_________
Delivery: 9_________
Transport: 10_________
For Bal-Trans
Sabina Bogucka
Sabina Bogucka
Please sign the duplicate of this order and return to us as an acknowledgement.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) uzupełnić informację w liście przewodnim,
2) uzupełnić informację w zamówieniu,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please tick Yes if you know how to proceed with a given task and No if you do not know
how to proceed with it.
Zaznacz odpowiedź Tak, jeśli potrafisz wykonać określone zadanie lub odpowiedź Nie,
jeśli nie potrafisz wykonać określonego zadania.
Can you:
address a letter to a company?
use a proper form of address for a man?
use a proper form of address for a married woman?
use a proper form of address if you do not want to define the
marital status of a woman you are writing to?
use a proper form of address for a single woman?
how to begin a letter with a salutation and how to end it if it is formal?
how to begin a letter with a salutation and how to end it if you write to
a person in a company?
ask for a company offer?
ask for a price list, samples, catalogues and sales conditions?
offer payment conditions?
ask for a discount ?
ask for an ugent reply?
ask for better selling conditions or a better service?
write a covering letter?
place an order for a service or delivery of goods?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Instrukcja dla ucznia
Przeczytaj uważnie instrukcję.
Podpisz imieniem i nazwiskiem kartę odpowiedzi.
Zapoznaj się z zestawem zadań testowych.
Test zawiera 10 zadań. Do każdego pytania dołączone są 4 możliwe odpowiedzi. Tylko
jedna jest prawidłowa.
Udzielaj odpowiedzi tylko na załączonej karcie odpowiedzi, stawiając w odpowiedniej
rubryce znak X. W przypadku pomyłki należy błędną odpowiedź zaznaczyć kółkiem,
a następnie ponownie zakreślić prawidłową odpowiedź.
Pracuj samodzielnie, bo tylko wtedy będziesz miał satysfakcję z wykonanego zadania.
Kiedy udzielenie odpowiedzi będzie Ci sprawiało trudność, wtedy odłóż jego rozwiązanie
na później i wróć do niego, gdy zostanie Ci wolny czas.
Na rozwiązanie testu masz 30 min.
Zestaw zadań testowych
1. What are senior officers responsible for?
a) advertising,
b) public relations,
c) sales,
d) various departments.
2. Who does the Board usually appoint?
a) shareholders,
b) workers union,
c) Chief Executive Officer,
d) chairperson.
3. In an unlimited partnership partners?
a) may keep their personal assets,
b) are fully liable for business debts,
c) may sell their shares,
d) may sell their assets.
4. What is the main role of sleeping partners in a company?
a) they participate in the management,
b) they are held liable to give their personal assets in the case of bankruptcy,
c) they provide the capital,
d) they do not lose their investment.
5. What do some countries do to enter foreign markets?
a) start a war,
b) introduce heavy duty,
c) set up a local subsidiary or joint venture,
d) introduce quotas.
6. Why do some countries introduce quotas?
a) to conquer foreign markets,
b) to start joint venture,
c) to set up local subsidiaries,
d) to protect their own industry.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
7. What do you have to do if you want to register for a plane?
a) go to a passport control,
b) go to a duty free shop,
c) check-in,
d) check if the weather is good.
8. If you want to stop people to buy a product you
a) close the borders,
b) introduce heavy duty or tax,
c) use dumping,
d) start an advertising campaign.
9. How do marketing specialists obtain information about your habits and preferences?
a) by following you with a camera,
b) by asking neighbours questions about your behaviour,
c) by talking to your family,
d) by asking you to fill in a questionnaire.
10. If you want to earn money money from endorsement you
a) produce TV commercial,
b) engage a famous sportsman,
c) invest in advertising,
d) sponsor a TV programme.
11. If you write to a woman and you do not know her marital status you use the form
a) Ms,
b) Miss,
c) Mrs,
d) Madam.
12. What form of Complimentary close do you use if you do not know the person?
a) Yours sincerely,
b) Very yours,
c) Yours truly,
d) Yours faithfully.
13. How many people own business in a sole trader company?
a) Two,
b) one,
c) as many as they wish,
d) more than three.
14. What do some countries do to limit import of foreign goods?
a) introduce tariffs or quotas,
b) use dumping,
c) broadcast commercials on TV,
d) close their borders.
15. The role of sole agents or multi-distributors is:
a) to lower the costs of production,
b) to set up a sole trader company,
c) to introduce a product in a foreign market,
d) to use dumping.
16. If a country introduces high tariffs or duties
a) it protects its own industry,
b) it uses dumping,
c) it conquers a foreign market,
d) it wants to increase import.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
17. If you have come to meet a foreign guest visiting your company at the airport you have to
go to
a) check-in,
b) arrivals,
c) departures,
d) duty free shop.
18. How do you write your signature in a business letter?
a) in capital letters,
b) by hand,
c) using double space,
d) you print it.
Imię i nazwisko.....................................................................................................
Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem
Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S.: Market Leader. Coursebook. Intermediate Business.
Longman 2000
Johnson Ch.: Market Leader Banking and Finance. Longman 2000
Świda D.: Office English. Polter, Warszawa 1998
Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business. Coursebook. Longman 2000
Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business. Workbook. Longman 2000
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”

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