GERMANY HDI V. a. G. Talanx AG Hannover Rück SE HDI Global


GERMANY HDI V. a. G. Talanx AG Hannover Rück SE HDI Global
HDI V. a. G.
Talanx AG
Hannover Rück SE
HDI Global Network AG
neue leben Lebensversicherung AG
E+S Rückversicherung AG
HDI Global SE
neue leben Unfallversicherung AG
International Insurance
Company of Hannover SE
HDI Lebensversicherung AG
PB Lebensversicherung AG
HDI Versicherung AG
TARGO Lebensversicherung AG
TARGO Versicherung AG
HDI Versicherung AG
Magyar Posta Biztosító Zrt.
Magyar Posta Életbiztosító Zrt.
Talanx Reinsurance (Ireland)
InChiaro Life Designated Activity
Hannover Re (Ireland)
Designated Activity Company
HDI Assicurazioni S. p. A.
CBA Vita S.p.A.
InChiaro Assicurazioni S. p. A.
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń
Europa S. A.
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń
na Życie Europa S. A.
Open Life Towarzystwo
Ubezpieczeń Życie S. A.
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i
Reasekuracji WARTA S. A.
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie
Tender for Annual Financial Statement Audit Services
The above-mentioned entities of the Talanx, HDI and Hannover Re groups are conducting tender processes
for the audit of each of their annual financial statements as of financial year 2018 including their Solvency II
balance sheets and the relevant data for the IFRS consolidated statements of the Talanx, HDI and Hannover
Re groups. For HDI V. a. G., Talanx AG and Hannover Rück SE the tenders also include the audit of each of
the consolidated financial statements and the Solvency II balance sheets for each of the groups.
Audit firms that are interested in participating in the tender processes are invited to indicate their interest by
emailing [email protected] in English or German by 8 September 2016, 8:00 pm CET at the latest. In
your response, please indicate for which of the above companies you would like to participate in a tender
process and provide one central contact for your global organization.
Following this, and subject to signing a confidentiality agreement, tender documents containing detailed
information on the scope of the tenders will be provided by each company.

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