pobierz CV


pobierz CV
Personal details
Date of birth
Polish Resident ID Number
Address for correspondence
Marek Piotrowski
24 April 1986
41/18 Marymoncka St., 01-868 Warsaw, Poland
18/1 Kasztanowa St., 30-227 Krakow, Poland
[email protected]
2011 – 2015
2005 – 2010
2002 – 2005
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, PAS, Krakow,
Interdisciplinary PhD Studies „Molecular Sciences for Medicine (MOL-MED)”
Warsaw University of Technology, Interdisciplinary Centre for Biotechnology and
Faculty of Chemistry (Department of Microbioanalytics)
IV High School, Rzeszow, profile: mathematics – physics – computer science
Jun – Sep 2015
2010 – 2011
Sep 2008
Jul 2008
National University of Singapore, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Nanomedicine & Nanorobotics Lab – internship
Warsaw University of Technology,
Faculty of Chemistry / Department of Microbioanalytics – internship
Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warsaw,
Department of Biotechnology – student internship
National Medicines Institute, Warsaw,
Department of Basic and Applied Pharmacy – student internship
Trainings and courses
Mar 2015
Sep 2014
Jun 2014
Apr 2012
Apr 2010
Oct 2009
Feb – Jun 2008
„Research projects management” (FNP SKILLS) – Warsaw
„Social media and Web 2.0 training for scientists” (FNP SKILLS) – Krakow
„Summer School of Nanomedicine and Innovations” – Tel Aviv University
„School on Surface Analytical Techniques” – University of Regensburg
„HPLC & combined techniques in biotechnology” – Warsaw University of Technology
„Sensors and biosensors” – Warsaw University of Technology
„English for biotechnology at C1 (advanced level)” – Warsaw University of Technology
Scientific achievements
2 patents, 7 publications, 14 conferences (2x oral presentation) as a presenting
author of 30 conferences as a co-author, 4 projects (details on pages 2-4)
Prizes and awards
FNP SKILLS-Internship Award, DOCTUS Fellowship (Malopolska Scholarship for PhD
students), ICSC PAS Fellowship for the best PhD students, PTChem award for the best
master thesis project, II award for the best poster presentation (ChemSession’10,
Proficiency in writing, good in speaking
Practical skills
e.g. DLS, NTA, LDE, HPLC, ADSA, biochemical assays (MTT, LDH)
Personal interests
Bicycle touring, football
Patents approved
K. Wojciechowski, M. Piotrowski, R. Świłło, „System for determining the interfacial tension
based on the examination of the shape of liquid drop or gas bubble and an apparatus for
determining the interfacial tension”, Bulletin of the Patent Office, 2013, 5, 1022, 38, Polish
Patent Application P-396183 (2.09.2011)
K. Wojciechowski, M. Piotrowski, R. Świłło, „A method of determining the interfacial tension and
system for determining the interfacial tension” Bulletin of the Patent Office, 2013, 5, 1022, 3738, Polish Patent Application P-396182 (2.09.2011)
M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, K. Szczepanowicz, S. Łukasiewicz, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński,
„Polyelectrolyte-coated nanocapsules containing undecylenic acid: synthesis, biocompatibility
and neuroprotective properties”, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 135, 8-17
D. Jantas, M.Piotrowski, W. Lasoń, „An involvement of PI3-K/Akt activation and inhibition of AIF
translocation in neuroprotective effects of undecylenic acid (UDA) against pro-apoptotic factorsinduced cell death in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells”, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,
2015, 116, 2882-2895
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, M. Leśkiewicz, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Emulsioncore and polyelectrolyte-shell nanocapsules: biocompatibility and neuroprotection against SHSY5Y cells”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15, 1-12
M. Piotrowski, J. Lewandowska, K. Wojciechowski, „Biosurfactant-Protein Mixtures: Quillaja
Bark Saponin at Water/Air and Water/Oil Interfaces in Presence of β-Lactoglobulin”, Journal of
Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116, 4843−4850
U. Bazylińska, R. Skrzela, M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, P. Warszyński, K. A. Wilk, „Influence
of dicephalic ionic surfactant interactions with oppositely charged polyelectrolyte upon the in
vitro dye release from oil core nanocapsules”, Bioelectrochemistry, 2012, 87, 147-153
M. Piotrowski, J. Lewandowska, K. Wojciechowski, „Biosurfactants as alternatives for synthetic
surfactants”, Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 2011, 50, 5, 90-91
K. Wojciechowski, M. Piotrowski, W. Popielarz, T.R. Sosnowski,„Short- and Mid-term Adsorption
Behaviour of Quillaja Bark Saponin and its Mixtures with Lysozyme”, Food Hydrocolloids, 2011,
25, 687-693
Grants and projects
2013 – 2016
2012 – 2015
2012 – 2014
2010 – 2011
„Nanoparticulate delivery systems for therapies against neurodegenerative diseases –
NanoNeucar”, Polish-Norwegian Research Programme, Norway Grants, project member
„Nanoencapsulation of inhibitors of intracellular biochemical cascades and evaluation of their
nauroprotective action”, DOCTUS (Malopolska Scholarship for Ph.D. students), project leader
„Synthesis of biocompatible nanocarriers for neuroprotective agents”, PRELUDIUM Grant,
National Science Center, 2011/03/N/ST5/04808, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface
Chemistry PAS, project leader
„Surface activity of saponins”, 504/G/1022/0983, Warsaw University of Technology, Department
of Chemistry, project member
M. Łapczyńska, K. Szczepanowicz, M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, P. Warszyński, „The PCL
nanoparticles as neuroprotectants-loaded nanocarriers for brain drug delivery”, 58th PTChem
Conference, Gdańsk, Poland, oral presentation;
M. Łapczyńska, M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, P. Warszyński, K. Szczepanowicz, „Phase inversion
emulsification as a method of synthesis PCL nanoparticles containing neuroprotectants for drug
delivery systems”, 6th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces (B&D2015),
Potsdam-Golm, Germany, oral presentation;
M. Łapczyńska, M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, P. Warszyński, K. Szczepanowicz, „Synthesis of the PCL
nanoparticles containing neuroprotectants as efficient (brain) drug delivery systems”, 40th
Congress of The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), Berlin, Germany, poster;
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Evaluation of
neuroprotective action of nanoencapsulated model drugs” 15th European Student Colloid
Conference 2015, Krakow, Poland, poster (organizing committee member, webmaster –
M. Łapczyńska, M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, K. Szczepanowicz, P. Warszyński, „Synthesis of the PCL
nanoparticles containing neuroprotectants from oil-in-water nanoemulsion by phase inversion
emulsification method”, 15th European Student Colloid Conference, Krakow, Poland, oral
M. Łapczyńska, M. Piotrowski, D. Jantas, K. Szczepanowicz, E. Bielańska, P. Warszyński,
„Synthesis of nanoparticles containing neuroprotective agents from nanoemulsions by organic
solvent evaporation method 5th International Colloids Conference”, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
D. Jantas, M. Piotrowski, M. Leśkiewicz, M. Regulska, P. Warszyński, W. Lasoń, „Neuroprotective
activity of (bio)polyelectrolyte-coated nanocapsules containing Cyclosporine A”, Mechanisms of
neurodegeneration 2015, Heidelberg, Germany
M. Piotrowski, M. Łapczyńska, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, M. Leśkiewicz, W. Lasoń,
P. Warszyński, „Polyelectrolyte nanocapsules as a delivery system for neuroprotectants”,
Innovations in Encapsulation 2014, London, England, poster
D. Jantas, M. Piotrowski, W. Lasoń, „Neuroprotective effects of undecylenic acid (UDA) against
hydrogen peroxide-, staurosporine- and doxorubicin-induced cell damage in human
neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells”, 12th International Symposium ‘Molecular Basis of Pathology
and Therapy in Neurological Disorders’ 2014, Warsaw, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, Emulsion-Core
and Polyelectolyte-Shell Nanocapsules as Drug Delivery System for Undecylenic Acid, Nanocon
2014, Brno, Czech Republic, oral presentation
K. Podgórna, M. Łapczyńska, T. Kruk, M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, P. Warszyński, „Targeted
drug delivery systems based on polyelectrolyte nanocapsules”, 2nd International Conference
on Bio-based Polymers and Composites 2014, Visegrad, Hungary, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, S. Łukasiewicz, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński,
„Nanoparticulate delivery systems for neuroprotective drugs”, Summer School of Nanomedicine
and Innovation 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Evaluation
of neuroprotective action of nanocapsules containing undecylenic acid”, Nanomedicine 2014,
Edinburgh, Scotland, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Polyelectrolyte coated
nanocapsules as neuroprotective drug delivery system”, Workshop on Polymeric Nanostructural
Systems 2013, Krakow, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Nanocapsules
for neuroprotective drugs: synthesis and evaluation of chemical and pharmacological
properties”, 19th International Symposium on Microencapsulation 2013, Pampeluna, Spain,
poster, oral presentation
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Emulsion-core
and polyelectrolyte-coated nanocarriers for neuroprotective drugs”, 3rd Summer Symposium
on Nanomaterials and their application to Biology and Medicine 2013, Poznan, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, M. Leśkiewicz, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński,
„Polyelectrolyte coated capsules as a neuroprotective drug nano delivery system”, 3rd Ph.D.
Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (Jagiellonian University -
Collegium Medicum) 2013, Krakow, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, M. Leśkiewicz, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Emulsioncore and Polyelectrolyte-shell Nanocapsules: Biocompatibility and Neuroprotection”,
Nanomedicine 2013, Barcelona, Spain, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Emulsion-core
and (bio)polyelectrolyte shell nanocapsules for neuroprotective drug delivery”, Nano –
Biotechnologia PL 2012, Warsaw, Poland, poster
K. Szczepanowicz, K. Podgórna, M. Piotrowski, P. Warszyński, „Polyelectrolyte nanocapsules with
emulsion core”, ECIS ECIS 2012, Malmo, Sweden, poster
K. Szczepanowicz, K. Podgórna, T. Kruk, M. Piotrowski, P. Warszyński, „Polyelectrolyte
nanocapsules as drug carriers”, Colloids and Nanomedicine 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Polyelectrolyte Coated
Nanocapsules: Neuroprotective Drug Delivery System”, Polyelectrolytes ISP 2012, Lozanna,
Switzerland, poster
K. Szczepanowicz, S. Łukasiewicz, M. Piotrowski, K. Podgórna, D. Jantas , W. Lasoń,
M. Dziedzicka-Wasylewska, P. Warszynski, „Emulsion based nanocapsules for targeted drug
delivery systems”, Bubble and Drop Interfaces B&D 2012, Krakow, Poland, poster (organizing
committee member, webmaster – www.bd2012.krakow.pl)
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Evaluation of
neuroprotective action of nanoencapsulated calpain inhibitor – MDL 28170”, NANOCON 2011,
Brno, Czech Republic, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Szczepanowicz, D. Jantas, W. Lasoń, P. Warszyński, „Evaluation
of polyelectrolyte-coated nanoparticles biocompatibility against SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma
cells”, 18th International Symposium on Microencapsulation 2011, Antalya, Turkey, poster
M. Piotrowski, J. Lewandowska, K. Wojciechowski, „Biosurfactants as alternatives for synthetic
surfactants”, Process Engineering in Environmental Protection 2011, Sarbinowo, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, J. Lewandowska, K. Wojciechowski, „Effect of β-lactoglobulin on kinetics
of adsorption of a biosurfactant saponin”, COST 2011, Madrid, Spain, poster
M. Piotrowski, W. Popielarz, T.R. Sosnowski, K. Wojciechowski, „Surface Activity of Biosurfactant
Saponin and Saponin/Protein Mixtures”, Food Colloids 2010, Granada, Spain, poster
M. Piotrowski, K. Wojciechowski, „Studies of Biosurfactant/Protein Interactions at the water-air
interface”, Chemofor 2010, Warsaw, Poland, poster
M. Piotrowski, W. Popielarz, T.R. Sosnowski, K. Wojciechowski, „Studies of Short- and Mid-term
Adsorption of Saponin and Saponin/Lysozyme Mixture”, ChemSession’10, Warsaw, Poland,
poster (2nd award for presented poster)