r< il{A\OL - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
r< il{A\OL - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
Erasmus* Programme Key Action - Mobility for learners 1 and staff Higher Education Student arıd Staff Mobility Inter-lnstltutiona l a g reeme]ı t ZOL6 / 17 -2a2O İ 2L between pro9ramme countries Minimum requirements The.institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of student:s and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commİt to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus crıartei for Hig.her.Education in all aspects related to the organisation'und .unug.r"ni ,"uiıii;;'i; Particular the recognitlon of the credits awarded to students by the partner inJtltution. "}in. A. rnformatlon A. rnformatıon about about hioher ııı{ıtatian inctitııtinnc her education institutions i;]|*ğihF ;',1 {t§ül ıİİİı§:'::.l:|,: llaj!,,,,,,.:ı ,,(*i,ffı 4İ.}ğrılı:. ği!§qtı,", Partner University Dr. Cenoiz YILDIZ, Head of International Relations office Lect. Ömer Faruk KADAN, Erasrnı,]s In5titutional coordinator Phone&Fax: +90 326 221 5815 E-mail : [email protected] !1kueıaşm_u§-@s!ıalka.m [email protected] Assist.Prof.Dr. Oğuzhan ÇOl-AKKADIOĞLU cola kkadioolu @ mku.ed u.tr colakkadioglu@gmal l.com r< il{A\OL Partner unive,rsitv 'tQ ıı,trTl]Yl4 Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Toruniu PL TORUNOİ (Nicolaus International Programmes Office, Nicolaus Copernicus University, ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruıİ, Poland; tel/fax. +48 56 6It4929, te|.611 -4928, 2246 Copernicus ([email protected]) Ewa Derkowska-RybIcka - Erasmus Institutional Coordinator (sTA , sTT) Univerıity in Torui) Malgorzata Grudzi6ska ([email protected]|) - incoming students; placements Marta Wiğniewska ([email protected]), Marta Blaszczyk (martaslo@umk, ol) outqoing students; placements Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz (rrıedical sclences) ı Internationa l Progra mmes Department ul. M. Curie Sklodowsklej 9, B5-067 Bydgoszcz tel. (52) 585-36-91 htto://www.mku.edu.tr Practical info for incoming students : u.tr h,[tp: //int. mku.ed Course cataIogue : fflo://bbs. mku.edu.tr ERASMUS incoming infbrmation: htt:os://www. ra:;m us/ u ollen/e mk. Lecture catalogue: hğ:os : //www. u mk. pllen/e ra:im us/courses/ h fl|os : // ects. u m k, oI / e n / semester dates: h,fl,os : //www, u m k. pşmus/students/ ğğ t u : //wıst.cm. u pl/ e n/e m k: plle"n Paulina Gyrkow Faculty of manities H u PL ToRuNo1 Faculty coordinator: Prof. Zbigniew Nerczuk Faculty of Humanitles Erasmus Co- ordinator Fosa Staromiejska 1a 87-100 Toruıi Poland Tel. (+48) 56 611 36 23 http : / / www, era sm ush u m,umk.ol/ https : / /ww w, face book, coın/grouos/28431126 8410286/ Fax. (+ 48) 56-611-36-32 Mobility numbers per academic year Tlle partne_rs commit to amend the table below in case of changes İn the moL,illty data by the end of January in the preceding academic year. ,f no later than §tııdşnt rnohility ; r::.:,l.',| " ..,:'):.:,i',.. Pğrݧdğ | : ' ,': ıbility for Stuçiiesı ,: ğı *f J»üııilı§ .ıf iiğ 9,r lğ rg e d ü ı 9 t F ı,:}, i |):::.: TR HATAYol PL ToRUNo1 0313 PL ToRuNo1 TR HATiY01 0313 [_*OPtional: lubject area cade.& nalne for St.ude.nl M9lilili far'Tr:aineeships and Psyc}ıolo Psycholo sy ,:']i :,, ' ia 2 students (12 months) L"2 2 students (12 months) ' . ,]İ. , '.:. 1:,,,,,,, ,,..,,. :..:;İ!:,;, cycle are optional, Inter-ifiıtttuttonal ııgreementl are not compulsory Mobjtity for Training. ıiİtİİuİİİİİ-,rrrrlv İİ".-to')ooperate on the organisatioı1 of traineeship; il this caıe they should indicate the number of students ı:natlhey intend to send to the ?a*ner |9yrty.Total duratian in months/days of the student/staff İooiıİİ-İeİiodİ-İr-aleruğ-e aİruİİİİr-oZ stud_y or itafi indicated if releva nt.J Staff M STA and llPll'tY ŞPiiğ9Ş TR HATAYo1 PL ToRUN01 pL TonuNo1 TR HATAYÜİ C. 03 13 Psychology |,,;F 1 peı,son ,{8 h per week) 0313 Recommended language skills Psychoioçy 1 person (8 h per week] The sending institution, folIowing agreement with the receiving institution, iı; responsible for providing suPPort to.İts nominated candidates 5o that they can have the recommended language skills at the start the study or teaching period: For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue of each institution [Links provided on the first page], Students aPplying foran Erasmus at NCU should meet the following language requirements: 82 of English (both in writing and speaking). ' For an easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Comnıon European Framework of ReferenCe for LanguageS (CEFR) is recommended, see http://ç_uropass.cedefoo,eurona,eıılçn/reşourcesleHropean- langu age-levels-cefr D, Additional requirements Paıtner llniversity: ; PL TORUNO1: The list of Erasmus coordinators at Ncu ls avai|ğble at http ://www. umk. pllen/cooperati on,/erasmus/coordi nators/ Erasmus students who wish to fo||ow courses at more than one faculty at NCU need to obtain the ' . approval of a coordlnator/dean of a respective,/paıticular faculty. Erasmus students interested in writing a final ıBA-/MA-/PhD-thesis at NCU should ask a respective coordinator to get an approval to do so. Fina| ,t|ıeses need to be graded by the home lnstitution/not by NCU. Tj.o]9_yş Copernicus University attempts at :facllitating the Erasmus exchange students with disabilities or permanent illnesses. Our International Programmes office, in coğeratlon with the Section for Students with Disabilities, tries to meet your special needs. More details and steps to follow available at: http //www.um k. p|/eQ/cooscıalüan/era5m u s/studeıts/ffi , : Contact: i International Programmes Office in Toruıi, +48 İ6 6114928 incoming@er,rsrnus.ur.nk.oı InternationalProgrammesDepartmentinBydgoszcz,+48sz@ Additional lnformation on medical care at Ncu in Toru6 is avai|able at htto :l/www. u mk.pl/en/cooperation/guide/issues/#A2l Health and safety issues.are a very important matter at our university, therefore, during the Orientation Weeks we offer Erasmus students a special pack concerning Emergency Issues. We also provide students with a psychological help durinq their Erasmus stay in Torun. contact: an Engl sh speaking psychologist çğuiı§§].li0sGı era§nr us. u mk. pl i ı E. For the implementation of STA/STT-mobilitieş,, - incoming staff is required to 9et confirmation of invitation by an NCU contact person from the re§pectlve facul§ in reasonable advance in order to prepare a satisfactory programme of teaching/tralning. Calendar 1. Information on ncıminated lications must reach the institution [* to be adapted in case of a trimester system] PL TclRuN01; Partner institutions should send their nominations by email (pls. give student's first and family name, mail, area of studies and sernester of Erasmus scholarship)." Students should apply according to the procedure given on http /lw.ww,unık.pl/enlçoop§ialtçılerasnıus/students/aQolication The online appllcation should be submitted by the students by the 1't of June or l"t of November. 2. The receiVing institution will send its decision within 6 weeks. : Transcript of Records | ' A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than 5 weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI, given that the transcript form and al| relevant course work documents have been submitted by the student. Termination of the agreement The inter-institutional agreement may be amended by mutual agreenll.nt. The inter-institutional agreement may be terminated by either party. In the event of unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academic year should be given. In the event of such noticeı being given, all existing conımitments to staff or students will be fulfilled.ı Neither the European Ccımmission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict. F. Inforınation 3 l. Gradinq şy.stenıs of the, institutio_gş Partner University: ECTS Credits: GRADES: The Student Exchange Office recommends the following grading equivalency table: MKu MKU Numeric Grade Numeriç Grade (out of 100) (out of 4) AA 90_100 BA EcTs Grade Remarks 4,00 A successful 80-89 3,50 B successful BB 70-79 3,00 c successful CB 65-69 2,s0 D successful cc 50_54 2,z5 E iiuccessful Dc 55_59 \,75 DD 50-54 t,25 FX Fail FD 40-49 0,75 FF 0-39 0,00 F Fait F7 No Attendance 0,00 MKU Letter Grade Fail PL TORUNO1: The Nicolaus Copernicus University follows the ECTS scheme, which means that EçTS credits are allocated to course units, |ectures, practical works, etc. at each faculty. In ECI'S, 60 credits represent one Year of study (in terms of workload); normally 30 credits are given for six months (a term,/semester). The Polish grading system ln higher education is: based on the 5 to 2 scale, where 5 is the best mark and 2 is the worst. Moreover, students can also be marked With additional signs of + and -. E:ach of them equals half a Point: + means 0.5 more. Some courses, however, are n6t evaluated on ı;uch a marking scheme and for these a student may simply obtain zal. ar zaliczenle (EN. 'pass') w,hich means that their workload was satisfactory and they have passed the course. Uniwersytet Mikot4ja l9!ı l _[,a=ry, ı_p 19,n ı u 6rade Grade -,- €cTs Preiiciii 5 4,5 Better than Good Betıer than satisfactory Participation; i.e. the student has attended the course. 2. Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provlde assistance, when regulred, ln securing visas for incoming and .outbo.und mobile participants, according to the requirement, oİ-tı.t,j Erasmus Chaıter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sOurces: ,'üoı lact i {en oii, University ?t J&şx\,r:l PL TORUNOİ detaİıs .i erasmus@mku. edu.tr kuerasm com mkuerasmus@o mail. com m ı n us @ya hoo. çmiıg.@ Wet phone) :+90 326 22158L e raşn: u s. un:!., 8J Tel. Toruri campus (+48 56 611 4928) erasmusG]An]. un!(.Q]l Tel. Co|legium Medicum in Bydgoszcz İttpjİjııü}.U. ed.ç_.tr İİğı ://ııbs; mk,ı_şçJü.tr http: //www. ıımk. ollen/coopc.ration/gu e/issues/#4,1 Polish Ministıy of Foreign Affairs i d www.msz.oo,v.ollen/travel to poland1 52 585 3691 3, rnsurance The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, accordİng to the requirements of t-he eİaİmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in ı,ııhich insurance cover is not automatİca|lY Provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact tion sourcesı U ]'i irı*tltııtjrn. '' IEra§ffiıı§ eod*] Partner Uııiversity K İJd]Huüj PL ToRuNo1 erasmus@mku,edu.tr mkuerasmus@va hoo. com m kuerasmus@o ma ii,com X;+90 326 2215815 [email protected] Tel. Toruıi campus (+48 56 611 4928) erasmus@cm. umk. nl Tel. Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz rİ htto ://iht, mku"ed u.tr httş;//bbs. nık:. şd http://www. unı u -tı- k, delissues/#A2 ollen/coooeration/o ui 4. Housino The receiving insLitution will çuide incoming mobile parlicipants ın finding accömmo,datiçn, according to the requirements oi the Eıasmrs Lhu.ter roİ xign"r ejr.,İtıon.-- a§sistance can Lıe provided Partfier. tJniversity llij-İ ıüütL PL TORUNOİ IR_ erasm us@mku,edu.tr mkuerasmus@ya hoo.com kuerasmus@oma il. coln m [email protected]. pI Tel. Toru6 campus (+48 56 611 4928) erasmus@cm. u mk. pl Tel. Collegium Medicum |n Bydgoszcz +4B 52 585 3691 I ns şnd informatign sou rnku.ğd.j.tr hİtn ı/lbbs;nıku; e,d u.tiı http://ift r. htto: //www. sm us/stud dclbn e http: //www, u rrık. ntsı'a u ın k. o l/en/cooper;ıtion/era p o licatio n/#Accom mo pllen/coooeratio n/9 delaccommodation/ u.i q G. ] Institgtian [§rasnıus codel .,\ §arne, function ilate türe' i il' ] l Partner Univercity Prof. Dr. Hasan KAYA Rector ,L1_ h,|le , \4TAY 04_ Pı*ToRuNo1, Prof. Zbigniew Nerczuk Vice- Dean of the Faculty of Human|tles 9.q.u,{6 * At.PLTORUNOl single-subject agreements are signed bythe dean of the respeffive faculty, while multl-subject agreements by the Vlce-rector for Education. 2 Scanned signatures are accepted t'|vJ .UMK