Episode 04x03: Holidays


Episode 04x03: Holidays
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Episode 04x03: Holidays
Before you watch (Rozgrzewka)
1. Holiday words. Połącz słowa i definicje.
to hit a place
a bunch of
a destination
a sophomore year
to go sightseeing
a casino
to go hiking
a place where people play card games to win money
a place where someone is going
to walk a great distance in the countryside/mountains
pictures painted on a church wall
to visit interesting places in a city or a region
to reach or visit a place
the second year of US college
a large number of
2. Holiday words Uzupełnij brakujące słowa. Niektóre
litery są podane.
1. Brittany
2. Prang
My dream v_ _ _t _ _n destination
is Italy, because I want to go to the
Colosseum and the Palazzo Ducale
and just a bunch of p _ _ _ e_ there.
And other than trying the food
I might go like walk around, take
_ h _ t _ _. Because it’s the best way
to like keep it in the memory.
3. Brittany
I would go sightseeing, be really
touristy, go to a lot of the _us _ _ _ s,
see the frescoes and the paintings.
Video tasks
(Do wykonania po obejrzeniu filmu)
1. Holiday experiences. Wpisz właściwe imiona
w odpowiedzi na pytania.
Which person
1. would like to travel by train from France to Italy?
2. wants to go to Europe because her friends recommend
3. studied Italian in college?
4. would like to sunbathe on a beach on her dream holiday?
5. would do a lot of sightseeing on her dream holiday?
6. spent three weeks in Hawaii?
7. talks about her summer trip to Disneyland?
8. has always wanted to visit Baker Beach in San Francisco?
4. Nicola
5. Gosia
My best s _ _ m _ _ so far would’ve
had to been when I went to Hawaii
for three weeks. And I did nothing
but lay on the _ _ a_ h, shop and
eat. Because they’re all my three
favorite things.
Some people dream about
a _ r _ p to Machu Picchu, others
want to go on s _ _ a _ i in South
Africa. Everyone wants to visit their
dream place.
3. San Francisco. Zaznacz, co z tej listy można
zauważyć na filmie nakręconym w San Francisco.
a. a tram
b. a Walk/Don’t walk sign
c. a lorry
d. a swimming pool
e. a bridge
f. trees
g. a bicycle
h. a cave
i. a jogger
j. a beach
Student’s Worksheet
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Episode 04x03: Holidays
Follow-up (Na następnej lekcji)
1A. Talking about holidays. Z rozsypanych słów ułóż pytania, które zadano w filmie.
1. destination/ is/ holiday / dream/ What/ your/ ?
________________________________________________________________ ?
2. there/ do/ would/ you/ What/ ?
________________________________________________________________ ?
3. been/ your/ has/ best/ so/ summer/ What/ far/ trip/?
________________________________________________________________ ?
1B. Pracuj z kolegą/koleżanką w parze. Zadajcie sobie wzajemnie pytania z ćwiczenia 1A i odpowiedzcie na nie.
2A. Holiday destinations around the world. Połącz miejsca z ich opisami.
South Africa
Machu Picchu
Baker Beach
Palazzo Ducale
A. It’s a country in southern Europe. Its capital city is Rome. The country is famous for its history, art, beautiful beaches, great
food and friendly people.
B. It’s a large amphitheatre in Rome, which was built about 2000 years ago. It was used for gladiator fights.
C. It’s a historical building in the town of Venice. It is one of the most important monuments in Italy.
D. It’s a large city situated in the desert, in the US state of Nevada. It is famous for its casinos. People say that this city never
E. It’s a 15th-century city in Peru, South America. It is situated high in the mountains in the middle of a tropical forest.
F. It’s one of the 50 US states. It is consists of a group of islands. It is popular among the tourists because of its beautiful
beaches. A lot of people go surfing there too.
G. It’s a large country in Africa. Most tourists go there to see the wild animals living in the country’s national parks: lions,
leopards, white rhinos and giraffes.
H. It’s a beach in San Francisco. It offers an amazing view of the famous Golden Gate Bridge. It’s a wonderful place for
I. It’s a European country. Its capital city is known as the ‘City of Lights’ and the ‘City of Love’. The country is famous for
different kinds of cheese.
2B. Pracuj z kolegą/koleżanką w parze. Przeczytaj zadanie poniżej i przeprowadź rozmowę.
Together with your friend plan a trip to one of the places from Activity 2A. Decide
– where you want to go,
– what you want to do,
– how you are going to get there,
– where you are going to stay,
– what you are going to take with you.
Student’s Worksheet