

WILLIAMSON Beata, dr, starszy wykładowca w Instytucie Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki
(Katedra Kultur i Literatur Anglojęzycznych)
Studia: filologia angielska UG, 1980–1987; studia podyplomowe (M.A.): Central Washington
University, USA, 1989–1991; doktorat nauk humanistycznych: UG, 2000.
Temat obecnych badań: literatura sentymentalna dziewiętnastego wieku, krytyka literacka
Henry’ego Jamesa
Wybrane publikacje:
“Henry James, Charles Nordhoff, and the Peculiarities of Christian Communes.”
Polish Journal for American Studies 8 (2014); “Henry James and Julian Hawthorne, or, on the
Importance of Name.” Henry James Goes to War. Ed. Mirosława Buchholz at al. Peter Lang,
2014; “Henry James, Loisa May Alcott, and ‘The Precocious Little Girl.’” Gender and
Communicative Behavior. Novopolotsk 2013; “On the Pleasures of Reading James’s
Hawthorne.” Beyond Philology 7 (2010); “Nature in the Writings of Mid-nineteenth-century
American Women.” Lingua Terra Cognita. Ed. Danuta Stanulewicz et al. Gdańsk 2010;
“Henry James and Anne Crane: Psychology and Morality in ‘Women’s Fiction.’” Gender and
Communicative Behaviour. Novopolotsk 2010; “Fear or Contempt: Mark Twain on Mary
Baker Eddy.” Gender and Communicative Behavior. Novopolotsk 2007; “Sentimental
Fiction's Devil: Fanny Fern.” De Lingua et Litteris: Studia in Honorem Casimiri Andreae
Sroka. Gdańsk 2005.
Należy do Modern Language Association (MLA), European/Polish Association for American
Studies (EAAS/PAAS), oraz Sopockiego Towarzystwa Naukowego.
Beata Williamson, PhD
Area of Expertise:
Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Ph.D., American Literature, University of Gdansk, Poland, 2000
M.A., English, Central Washington University, U.S.A., 1991
M.A., American Literature and Culture, University of Gdansk, Poland, 1987
Selected publications:
“Henry James, Charles Nordhoff, and the Peculiarities of Christian Communes.” Polish
Journal for American Studies 8 (2014); “Henry James and Julian Hawthorne, or, on the
Importance of Name.” Henry James Goes to War. Ed. Mirosława Buchholz at al. Peter Lang,
2014; “Henry James, Loisa May Alcott, and ‘The Precocious Little Girl.’” Gender and
Communicative Behavior. Novopolotsk 2013; “On the Pleasures of Reading James’s
Hawthorne.” Beyond Philology 7 (2010); “Nature in the Writings of Mid-nineteenth-century
American Women.” Lingua Terra Cognita. Ed. Danuta Stanulewicz et al. Gdańsk 2010;
“Henry James and Anne Crane: Psychology and Morality in ‘Women’s Fiction.’” Gender and
Communicative Behaviour. Novopolotsk 2010; “Fear or Contempt: Mark Twain on Mary
Baker Eddy.” Gender and Communicative Behavior. Novopolotsk 2007; “Sentimental
Fiction's Devil: Fanny Fern.” De Lingua et Litteris: Studia in Honorem Casimiri Andreae
Sroka. Gdańsk 2005.
MLA – Modern Language Association
EAAS/PAAS – European/Polish Association for American Studies
STN – Sopockie Towarzystwo Naukowe (The Learned Society of Sopot)