full Seminar Program


full Seminar Program
30-th Workshop on Turbomachinery
14 September (Wednesday)
14.00-15.00 - Arrival at the Hotel Novotel Marina in Gdańsk
15.30-16.00 - Welcome at IMP PAN Gdańsk and Opening of the Workshop
16.00-17.20 Lecture Session 1 (Chairman: Prof. U. Gampe - TU Dresden)
• E. Klausner - TU Dresden: CFD investigations for turbomachines in aircraft
• S. Bareiß - Univ. Stuttgart: Experimental and computational analysis on the impact of
flow turning in radial fans,
• P. Buchwald - Univ. Stuttgart: Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic investigations of low
speed fans using Large Eddy Simulations,
• P. Bagiński, G. Żywica, A. Andrearczyk - IMP PAN Gdańsk: The application of foil gas
bearings to high-speed turbomachinery
17.20-17.30 Coffee Break
17.30-18.50 Lecture Session 2 (Chairman: Prof. D. Vogt - Univ. Stuttgart)
• M. Banaszkiewicz, W. Radulski, K. Dominiczak – GE Elbląg: Creep-fatigue interaction
in steam turbine rotors during cyclic duty,
• P. Žitek, R. Gaspar, J. Uher, M. Klimko, T. Noga - Univ. Plzen: Experimental Air Turbine
• J. Surwiło, P. Lampart, M. Szymaniak, P. Klonowicz, S. Bykuć, J. Kiciński, Ł.
Jędrzejewski, Ł. Witanowski, T. Suchocki, R. Rusanov - IMP PAN Gdańsk, A. Rusanov IPMach Kharkov: ORC turbines at IMP PAN (power range 100 kWe),
• R. Rusanov, P. Lampart - IMP PAN Gdańsk, A. Rusanov - IPMach Kharkov: Wet steam
and real gas flow computations in turbines
19.00 Dinner at IMP PAN
15 September (Thursday)
9.30-10.50 Lecture Session 3 (Chairman: Dr. R. Gaspar - Univ. Plzen)
• R. Kucharski, J. Topolski – GE Elbląg: Reverse enginneering of nuclear steam turbine
last stage blade,
• D. Munyoki - Univ. Stuttgart: Detailed study on the main sources of loss in steam
exhaust hoods,
• A. Szymański - TU Gliwice: Experimental and numerical study on the performance of
the smooth-land labyrinth seal,
• D. Frączek - TU Gliwice: Comparisons of experimental and numerical results for flow
simulation in labyrinth seals
10.50-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.20 Lecture Session 4 (Chairman: Prof. W. Wróblewski - TU Gliwice)
• K. Dominiczak, M. Banaszkiewicz, W. Radulski – GE Elbląg: Steam turbines lifetime
• M. Thiele - TU Dresden: Heat furnace for generation of high thermal gradients in
turbomachinery components,
• Ł. Breńkacz, G. Żywica, M. Bogulicz - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Dynamics of a 700 kW turbine
rotor designed to operate in an ORC installation,
• R. Rzadkowski, A. Maurin, L. Kubitz - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Free and forced vibration of
mistuned bladed discs in the last stage LP steam turbine,
12.20-12.30 Coffee Break
12.30-13.50 Visit at Labs
14.00 Lunch at IMP PAN
15.00-16.20 Lecture Session 5 (Chairman: Prof. P. Lampart - IMP PAN Gdańsk)
• K. Smołka - TU Gliwice: Analysis of the steam condensing flow in de Laval nozzle and
linear blade cascade,
• Ł. Jędrzejewski P. Lampart, M. Szymaniak, S. Bykuć, J. Surwiło, Ł. Witanowski, P.
Klonowicz, G. Żywica - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Gas/steam (ORC) cycle for small-scale
• M. Lackowski, H. Nowakowska - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Flow control by means of
• F. Tejero, P. Flaszyński, R. Szwaba, J. Telega – IMP PAN Gdańsk: Unsteady conjugate
heat transfer analysis for impinging jet cooling
16.20-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-18.30 Jubilee Session of Prof. A. Gardzilewicz
• P. Lampart - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Prof. A. Gardzilewicz on his 77-th birthday and 55
years in work,
• Congratulations & Greetings,
• Prof. A. Gardzilewicz - IMP PAN Gdańsk: Wet steam flow in turbines,
• K. Jesionek, W. Pospolita - TU Wrocław, J. Badur, P. Ziółkowski - IMP PAN Gdańsk:
Analysis of the Baumann stage operation,
• J. Głuch - TU Gdańsk: Diagnostics of large power units,
19.00 Dinner in the City
16 September (Friday)
8.00 Departure to Jabłonna (near Warsaw)
11.50-12.00 Coffee Break
12.00-13.45 Visit in KEZO (IMP PAN Research Centre for Renewable Energies)
14.00 Lunch at Jabłonna Palace
15.00 Return home or alternatively back to Gdańsk (arrival at 19.00)