Prof. Bogdan Szlachta, Professor of Humanities, expert in Law and


Prof. Bogdan Szlachta, Professor of Humanities, expert in Law and
Prof. Bogdan Szlachta, Professor of Humanities, expert in Law and Philosophy.
Head of Chair of Political Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow; head of Chair of
Theory and Philosophy of Politics at the Academy Ignatianum in Krakow. Dean of the Faculty of
International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Editor-in-chief of the serial
publication “Societas” and academic journal “Politeja. The Journal of the Faculty of International and
Political Studies JU”.
Bogdan Szlachta
Personal data:
born: July 26, 1959
31-515 KRAKÓW, Ul. Bandurskiego 58 M. 11
+48 506 006 569
[email protected]; [email protected]
1984 – LL.M. from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow; thesis: Doktryna
społeczna i polityczna papieża Leona XIII [Political Doctrine of the Pope Leo
1986 – M.Phil. from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow; thesis: Filozofia
polityczna Josepha de Maistre’a [Political Philosophy of Joseph de Maistre];
1994 – PhD (LL.D.), Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian
University in Krakow; thesis: Myśl filozoficzna i polityczna polskich
ultramontanów w latach 1834-1883 [Philosophical and Political Thought of
the Ultramontanes]
2001 – Habilitation, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian
University in Krakow; thesis: Polscy konserwatyści wobec ustroju
politycznego do 1939 roku [Polish Conservatists vis-a-vis the Political System,
until 1939]
2003 – Associate Professor
2006 – Professor
2009 – Full Professor of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Positions held (selected):
1988-1994 – Teaching Assistant and Assistant; Faculty of Law and
Administration, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
1995-2001 – Assistant Professor; Faculty of Law and Administration,
Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2001-2003 – Assistant Professor; Faculty of International and Political
Studies, Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations,
Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2001-2003 – Director of the Institute of Human Rights in Oświęcim, and the
Editor of the Bulletin of the Institute of Human Rights in Oświęcim
2003-2006 – Associate Professor; Department of the History of Political
Thought, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2003-till date – Editor-in-chief of “Politeja. The Journal of the Faculty of
International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University”;
2002-2005 – Deputy Head of the Institute of Political Sciences and
International Relations, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2005-2008 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International and Political
Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2006-till date – Head of Chair of Philosophy of Politics, Jagiellonian
University in Krakow
2008-till date – Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies,
Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2014-till date – Member of Academia Europaea, London
Academic experience (selected):
1990-1991 – several series of lectures dedicated to contemporary philosophy
of politics (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
1992-till date – cooperation with the Centre for Political Thought in Krakow
(series of lectures; seminars dedicated to the philosophy of St. Thomas
Aquinas, the encyclical Centesimus annus, and Aristotle)
1994 – research fellowship in the UK (University of Aberystwyth)
1994-2004 – the editor of fifteen volumes of source texts from various fields
(philosophy, history of political and legal doctrines, history of the Polish
political thought, philosophy of politics)
1995 – nineteen lectures dedicated to relations between the Church and the
State in the history of political thought (for Radio Vaticana)
1996: Ład - Kościół - Naród. Filozofia i myśl polityczna polskich
ultramontanów w latach 1834-1883 [Order – Church – Nation. Philosophy
and Political Thought of the Polish Ultramontanes], a monograph
1997 – research fellowship in the UK (Oxford University, St. Hugh’s College)
1998: Konserwatyzm. Z dziejów tradycji myślenia o polityce [Conservatism.
From the History of Thought about Politics], a monograph
2000: Z dziejów polskiego konserwatyzmu [From the History of Polish
Conservatism], a monograph
2000: Polscy konserwatyści wobec ustroju politycznego do 1939 roku [Polish
Conservatists vis-a-vis the Political System until 1939]; a monograph
2000-till date – President of the Editorial Committee of the series: “Library of
the Classics of Polish Political Thought”
2001: Monarchia prawa. Szkice z historii angielskiej myśli politycznej do
końca epoki Plantagenetów [A Monarchy of Law. Sketches from the History
of the English Political Thought, until the End of the Plantagenets’ Epoch], a
2001 – research fellowship in the UK (Oxford University, St. Hugh’s College)
2004 – research fellowship in London (The Lanckoroński Foundation)
2004 – Scientific Editor of the Social Dictionary (p. 1714), Kraków 2004
2005: Konstytucjonalizm czy absolutyzm? Szkice z francuskiej myśli
politycznej XVI wieku [Constitutionalism or Absolutism? Sketches from the
16th Century French Political Thought], a monograph
2006 – two research visits to the UK
2006-till date: Editor-in-chief of academic journal “Politeja. Journal of the
Faculty of International and Political Studies”
2007: Encyklopedia polityczna, t. I: Myśl polityczna: główne pojęcia, doktryny
i formy ustroju [Encyclopaedia of Politics, vol. 1: Political Thought: the main
notions, doctrines and forms of political systems]; a book prepared in
cooperation with Prof. Jacek Bartyzel i Dr. Adam Wielomski
2008: Monarchia prawa? Angielska myśl polityczna doby Tudorów [A
Monarchy of Law? English Political Thought in the Times of Tudors], a
2008-till date: Editor-in-chief of the serial publication “Societas” (over
seventeen books)
2008-2014: four collections of articles
2001-2014: academic supervision over fourteen defended doctoral thesis and
fifteen initiated doctoral procedures; academic supervision over
approximately five hundred MA dissertations.