

W tym roku klasy I, II i III pisały VII edycję dyktanda z języka
Oto tekst dyktanda i jego omówienie.
People use English around the world, from Australia to Africa and from
Europe to North America. About 400 years ago, the number of English
speakers in the world was probably between 5 and 7 million. There are now
more than 500 million native speakers.
The USA has the biggest population of English speakers, but English is also
the first language in Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and
South Africa. China has got a bigger population than all of these places, but
Mandarin Chinese is not an international language. Not many people speak
Chinese outside China, but an enormous number of people study English as
a foreign language.
But how did English become so important? There are three main reasons.
Firstly, Britain colonized many countries. Secondly, some of those countries
became very rich and powerful, especially the United States. Finally,
international communication became very important, and in many
situations we now need an international language.
It is the most commonly spoken foreign language in 19 out of 25 European
Union countries. According to survey published in 2006, 13 % of European
Union citizens speak English as their native language. Another 38% citizens
stated that they have sufficient knowledge of English to have a
conversation. So the total reach of English in the European Union is 51%.
English is the language of international business, politics, science, tourism
and computers. If a Japanese company wants to talk to Arabic clients, they
probably speak English.
(246 words)
1. Błędy gramatyczne w kolorze czerwonym
a) głównie dotyczą błędnej pisowni państw i przymiotników, które pochodzą od nazw
państw i które należy pisać wielką literą.
New Zealand, Mandarin, Arabic
b)w wyrażeniu 7 million - million nie posiada liczby mnogiej
2. Błędy w pisowni w kolorze zielonym wynikły prawdopodobnie z nieznajomości
słówek. Do najczęściej powtarzających się można zaliczyć:
survey – badanie rynku
citizens – obywatele, mieszkańcy
knowledge – wiedza
reach - zasięg
Dziękujęmy uczniom z udział w dyktandzie i zapraszamy na VIII edycję w następnym
Małgorzata Guzin
Jolanta Zając-Szymczak
Edyta Jagiełowicz

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