Extrinsic geometric flows - On joint work with Vladimir Rovenski from


Extrinsic geometric flows - On joint work with Vladimir Rovenski from
Extrinsic geometric flows
On joint work with Vladimir Rovenski from Haifa
Paweł Walczak
Uniwersytet Łódzki
CRM, Bellaterra, July 16, 2010
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Throughout this talk:
(M, F, g0 ) is a (compact, complete, any) foliated, Riemannian
dim M = n + 1
codim F = 1,
both M and F are oriented,
b is the 2nd fundamental form of F
A = −∇N (N ⊥ F, kNk = 1) is the Weingarten operator,
σk is the k-th mean curvature of F
τk = the sum of k-th powers of the principal curvatures of F
~τ = (τ1 , . . . , τn ), ~σ = (σ1 , . . . , σn ) etc.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
The flow
Fix N the unit normal and consider the one parameter family (gt )
of Riemannian structures on M varying along F subject to the
= ht :=
fj (~τ )bj
fj ∈C∞ (Rn ) are given a priori
and bj = g (Aj (·), ·). The family (gt ) satisfying (1) is called
extrinsic geometric flow (EGF).
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Geometric flows
Our motivation comes from:
Ricci flow: dgt /dt = Rict
(famous !)
Mean curvature flow: dFt /dt = Ht
(well known !)
Other flows, see
H.-D. Cao, S. T. Yau, Geometric flows, Surveys in Diff.
Geom., 2008
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Extrinsic Ricci flow (by Gauss equation)
Ricex (g ) = τ1 b1 − b2 ,
Extrinsic Newton transformation flows:
Ti (g ) = σi g − σi−1 b1 + . . . + (−1)i bi
Newton transformations were used in the variational calculus
for σj ’s and recently for a generalization of Asimov and
Brito-Langevin-Rosenberg integral formulae, see
K. Andrzejewski, P. W., Ann. Global. Anal. Geom. 2010.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
The strategy
To prove existence/uniqueness results for (1) we shall:
1. derive and the corresponding equation for τ
2. substitute the solution into fj ’s of (1) to get the equation
hj (·)bj
with hj = fj (~τ ) ∈C∞ (M).
3. solve (2) locally, in bifoliated coordinates and show that this
solution satisfies (1).
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Variational formulae
Subject to (1) we have:
gt (Πt (X , Y ), Z ) =
1 t
(∇X ht )(Y , Z )+(∇tY ht )(X , Z )−(∇tZ ht )(X , Y )
Πt = d∇t /dt.
and ht is the RHS of (1). Consequently,
d(At )/dt = −
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
1 Xn−1
[N(fm (~τ ))Am
τ )∇tN Am
t + fm (~
t ]...
Equations for ~τ (1)
... and the corresponding power sums τi (i > 0) of principal
curvatures satisfy the infinite quasilinear system
dτi /dt +
X mfm (~
τ , t)
τi−1 N(f0 (~τ , t)) +
N(τi+m−1 )
+ τi+m−1 N(fm (~τ , t))
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
= 0...
Equations for ~τ (2)
... which (due to algebraic relations between τj ’s) reduces to the
following finite system of quasilinear PDE’s:
∂t ~τ + A(s, t, ~τ )∂s τ = 0,
where s is the parameter along an N-trajectory and A = B + C is
the n × n matrix given by
Cij = (i/2)
τi+m−1 fm,τj ,
(m/2)fm · B̃ m−1
with B̃ being the generalized companion matrix to the
characteristic polynomial of At .
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Companion matrices (1)
Let Pn = λn − p1 λn−1 − . . . − pn−1 λ − pn be a polynomial over R
and λ1 ¬ λ2 ¬ . . . ¬ λn be the roots of Pn . Hence,
pi = (−1)i−1 σi , where σi are elementary symmetric functions of
the roots λi . The generalized companion matrices of Pn are
defined by
 0
B~c =  ···
cn pn cn−1 pn−1
0 
··· 
c1 
c2 p2 c1 p1
where c1 = 1 and ci 6= 0 (i > 1) are arbitrary numbers.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Companion matrices (2)
Our matrix B̃ coincides with B~c , where
ci =
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Existence/uniqueness for ~τ
From the theory of quasi-linear PDE’s:
If the matrix A in (4) is hyperbolic (that is if its eigenvectors are
real and span Rn ) at (0, 0), then (4) has unique solution in a
neighbourhood of (0, 0). If M is compact and A is hyperbolic on
M × {0}, then (4) has unique solution in a neighbourhood of
M × {0}.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Existence/uniqueness for (2)
Calculations in bifoliated coordinates (adapted to F and N) show
that (2) reduces to a quasilinear system of PDE’s with the diagonal
(hence, hyperbolic) matrix of coefficients. This implies directly
The equation (2) has always a unique local (in space and time)
solution; if M is compact, then it has a solution on M × (−, ) for
some > 0.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Existence/uniqueness for (1)
Combinimg Theorems 1 and 2 one gets directly
existence/uniqueness results for the original problem.
If the matrix A in (4) is hyperbolic at (0, 0), then (1) has unique
solution in a neighbourhood of (0, 0). If M is compact and A is
hyperbolic on M × {0}, then (1) has unique solution in a
neighbourhood of M × {0}.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Ricci flow maps Einstein to Einstein
our EGFlows map umbilical to umbilical:
Let (M, g0 ) be a Riemannian manifold endowed with a
codimension-1 totally umbilical foliation F. If gt (0 ¬ t < )
provide an EGFlow on (M, F), then F is gt -totally umbilical for
any t.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Umbilicity - continuation
R. Langevin and P. Walczak. Conformal geometry of foliations,
Geom. Dedicata 132 (2008), p. 135–178.
we defined a ”measure of non-umbilicity”:
U(F) =
|kj − ki |n · Ω.
M i<j
and have shown that all the foliations of compact Riemannian
manifolds of negative Ricci curvature are far from being umbilical.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Umbilicity - a problem
It is known that Ricci flow on some compact 3-manifolds converges
to a metric of constant sectional curvature.
Under what conditions on (M, F, g0 ), the members (gt ) of the
corresponding EGFlow converge to one for which F is totally
umbilical ( say, U(F, gt ) → 0 as t → T )?
Perhaps, one should consider rather ”normalized EGF’s”, that is
the flows satisfying
dgt /dt = ht −
Ah being a (1,1)-tensor dual to h.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
ρt =
Trace Ah d volt
vol(M, gt )
An example
Consider the strip M = [−1, 1] × R equipped with the 1-dim Reeb
foliation obtained from a vector field X making the angle α with
the first factor, α changing linearly form −π/2 to π/2:
Rysunek: Harvest foliation.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
An example - continuation
If ht = kt · gt along F (kt = the curvature of the leaves), then the
Gaussian curvature Kt (t > 0) of (M, gt ) becomes:
negative in a nbhood of the line x = 0
positive in a nbhood of the lines x = ±1
(More detailed study of (M, gt ) should be performed with the use
of Maple.)
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
If fj (0) = 0 for all j 0 s in (1) and F is totally geodesic for t = 0,
then (trivially) gt = g0 for all t.
A solution to (1) is called a (EG) soliton, when
gt = σt · ψt∗ g0
for some σt ∈ R and ψt , diffeo’s preserving F. Differentiating (8),
we get
σ̇(0) g0 + σ(0)LX (0) g0 = h0
and may call solitons also Riemannian structures g0 satisfying (9).
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Solitons - continuation
Depending on X in (9), one may distinguish between tangent
(X ∈ T F) and normal (X ⊥ F) solitons.
Existence an properties of all such solitons would be of great (we
hope) interest.
Example (EG soliton with conformal Killing X )
If F is totally umbilical with normal curvature λ. then a soliton
X becomes a leaf-wise conformal Killing field:
LX g = (ψ(λ) − ) g along F, where ψ(λ)g0 = h0 . If F is
g -totally geodesic, then X is the infinitesimal homothety along
leaves with the factor f0 (0) − . If f0 (0) = , then X is a leaf-wise
Killing field, for ex., when M is a surface of revolution foliated
by parallels.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
More problems
Describe possible types of singularities for EGFlows as t → T , the
largest value of time parameter for which the regular solution gt
Describe the behaviour of geometry (sectional, Ricci, scalar,
principal, mean curvatures and so on) of (M, F, gt ) as t → T ...
and much more, so we need to find young people to deal with ...
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
V. Rovenski, P. W., Extrinsic geometric flows on foliated
manifolds, arXiv:1003.1607.
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Finis coronat opus
Thanks !
Merci !
Obrigado !
Gracias !
Cπaciδa !
Danke schön !
Paweł Walczak Uniwersytet Łódzki
Extrinsic geometric flows
Arigato !
Dziękuję !

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