polish role-play - Acting... in progress


polish role-play - Acting... in progress
1.krótki wstęp
2.wyolbrzymiona scenka
3.komentarz do scenki w formie wykładu jak powinno być, a jak nie
4.wstęp przed scenką II dotyczącej równouprawnienia w pracy w Polsce itd.
5.scenka II
6.komentarz do całego występu
Narrator (Oliwia) :Nie jest łatwo zdobyć pracę w Polsce. Czasami powodem jej nieotrzymania jest
niewystarczająca ilość miejsc pracy, czasami nieodpowiednia postawa osoby ubiegającej się o pracę podczas
rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Tę sytuację chcielibyśmy państwu teraz zaprezentować.
First of All, It is not easy to get the job In Poland. The reason why such a situation is present is that sometimes
there are not enough posts or sometimes people don’t behave In appropriate way during the Job interview. We
would like to present you such a scene, don’t treat it completely seriously, but remem ber that In every story
there is a grain of truth.
A (Monika, osoba ubiegająca się o pracę)
B (Michalina, pracodawca)
Janina (Karol)
A: Good morning. Sorry for my being late, but I had to milk my cow.
B: Good morning. You're lucky because I'm in a good mood today and there isn't much to do now. Anyway
you're late 45 min.
A: Mr Nowak, I'm the most suitable person for this post. I'm outgoing, hardworking, honest and punctual. I
always sacrifice everything for work. Mr Nowak, you know that the cow must be milked on time. I can't do two
things at the same moment! /osoba B przez cały czas próbuje dojść do słowa.. but.. well.. I see... /
B: I definitely understand you, but maybe you can take a sit?
A: so, when can I start my work here?
B: first of all, I would like to receive your CV.
A: what does it mean? Is it something connected to TV?
B: I'm a VERY tolerant person but in a minute you will drive me crazy! .. ok, well. Would you like to have a cup
of tea or coffee?
A: I would be delighted if you could bring me a little coffee and a little tea. I'm not greedy and I don't want you
to have a problem.
B: That's ok.. No problem.. Janina! A little coffee and a little tea for our GUEST. /pracodawca i Janina sprzeczają
się o ilość napoju. Wreszcie zirytowany B wychodzi z Janina, żeby przygotować kawę i herbatę/
A: /kładzie nogi na stole, ogląda rzeczy B, siedzi wygodnie w fotelu I kreci się/
B: what on earth are you doing?
A: i'm preparing for my new job – for a post of manager.
As you can see, In the presented scene, the person who is applying for a Job, is ma king a lot of mistakes, chich
of cores are exaggerated by our actors. However, In Real life, we should remem ber about appropriate
behaviour. The potential emploee should:
N: Jak sami państwo widzą, w przedstawionej scence osoba ubiegająca się o pracę popełnia wiele błędów,
umyślnie wyolbrzymionych w naszej prezentacji. Pamiętajmy jednak o odpowiednim zachowaniu podczas
rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Osoba ubiegająca się o pracę should :
come on time,
bring with him appropriate documents,
try to be self-confident, don't feel tense,
not cross his legs during the job interview, but sit in a straight way,
not play with his fingers, buttons, pens or hair, but sit calmly,
have an eye contact and show interest,
first think, then speak,
use a formal language
Karol(bad boy) i Michał(good boy) pokazują. Na koniec kartony z napisami : Karol - ? ! **** …. / Michał - thank
4. Have you ever considered the position of a woman In Poland? Is it easy for her to find the Job? The answer
is: it depands. There is no great discrimination, although there could be some problems with finding thepost in
a specific job. But Polish women are reliable, hard-working and they are Rather confident that if they have Got
appropriate preferences, they can Apply for a chosen post. We would like to present to you a short scene
describing this situation.
5. SCENKA nr 2
A: Karol Matuszak (pracodawca)
B: Tomek Sławek Jerzewski (kobieta ubiegająca się o pracę)
B: Good morinig!
A: Good morning. How can I help you?
B: I was appointed on job interview for today.
A: Eeee .... No, no, no (smile). Beauty shop is next to the office.
B: Mr Smith?
A: Yes, of course.
B: So I was appointed with you on the meeting concerning applying for a job in car repairs.
A: LOL .... (After 10 seconds) Are you joking?
A:We haven't advertised offers for cleaners team. Unfortunatly, we don't have any job for a women.
B: You don't understand me. I'm applying for a post of a mechanic.
A: LOL. YOU?! You’re a woman!
B: (POKER FACE.) Ehm. Why not? Is a woman bad for this post?
A: Sorry, but I cant imagine the woman being a mechanic, especially in my company.
B: Mr. Smith, I can prove that I’m appropriate person for this position.
a: I’m not sure about that.
B: Would you be so kind to take a look at these documents? I graduated the mechanic school with the best
results. Here is the diploma. What do you think about it?
A: I’m very suprised. <node> (wstaje i podaje jej ręke)
Komentarz: No matter if you are a woman. Try to make your dreams come true. Be hardworking, believe In
yourself, follow your values and aims. Remember that everything is possibile.
Monika Olczak and the Polish song „wszystko się może zdarzyć „ which means everything is possibile.
…Piosenka „wszystko się może zdarzyć”…