The community of fans myth or reality?


The community of fans myth or reality?
The community of fans
myth or reality?
Dr Dominik Antonowicz, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun
Dr Radosław Kossakowski, Gdansk University, Gdansk
prof. Tomasz Szlendak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun
Twente-Lechia Project
The project covers two football clubs Fc Twente Enschede (NL) and Lechia
Gdaosk (PL) -condcuted 2010-2012;
Research problem: The reaction of fans to the rapid commercialisation of
thier football clubs in different political and economic environment
Methodology: (a) participatory observations; (b) shadowing of vak-p; (c)
individual interviews; (d) etnography.
Explanatory and empirical research project
Social capital
"I do not refer to real estate, or to personal property or to
cold cash, but rather to that in life which tends to make
these tangible substances count for most in the daily lives
of people, namely, goodwill, fellowship, mutual sympathy
and social intercourse among a group of individuals and
families who make up a social unit…
L.J. Hanifan 1916 (130-131)
According to Robert Putnam, social capital "refers to the
collective value of all 'social networks’ and the inclinations
that arise from these networks to do things for each other".
Sport fandom contributes to building social capital
„fandom is a collective issue”
„shared passion outside the ground”
„sense of togetherness”
„extreme emotions that bound fans together”
„performing rituals such as collective singing,
„going through extreme situations”
„strong identity of WE based on OUR CLUB”
„similarly sets of values”
The research shows that for so called hardcore
fans football fandom is very much about
„being together” on and off the ground.
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How much this unque social
capital is transfarrable outside
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1. Politics
The Lions of the North (Lwy Północy) begun to rebuild their club
from the ashes by participating in election ot the local council as
„Forza Lechia” in 2002 . Although they failed to get into the local
council but with reasonably high popularity they become
important stakeholder for the local authority. No longer, could
they be ignored and issues they fought for – Lechia Gdaosk!
2. Crime
We find little evidence that social capital taken from
football grounds is misused for criminal purposes (in
Lechia and FC Twente).
However there are evidence that at least some groups of
hooligans (in Poland) operate outside football grounds in
business related to drugs dealing, smuggling alcohol,
providing „security” at night clubs, the executions of
usury. Since they operate as „organized criminal groups”
there is little doubt that they use social capital also from
football grounds.
3. Charity
4. Business
Trust is one of the most valuable assets in business.
Just as a screwdriver (physical capital) or a university education
(cultural capital or human capital) can increase productivity
(both individual and collective), so do social contacts affect the
productivity of individuals and groups„ (R. Putnam, 2000)
5. Social
For example I have just bough a house and the
lads from Fc Twente helped me to redecorate it.
I bought materials only since they do not accept
money for their great work. We are really a
community but I think we are not the only
ones. (Twente fan).
„Thanks to our action we have gained fans who will be loyal to
Lechia for years – saying Michal Nowosad from „The Lions of The
North". It was our goal anyway – we want to attract young people to
the club and 'infect' them with positive supporting. Only a few
people have a chance to know activities of ultras from 'the kitchen',
so I suppose that in school's halls kids will talk about our action long
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Bowling alone…in football?
New type of fans/customers can be seen
through Putnam’s work „Bowling alone…”
New football fans become the customers of
popular entertainment but they do not need to
develop social relations with others to enjoy
modern football. Consumption of modern
football is in fact an individual activity.
Supporting alone
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