Seminarium Sieci neuronowe i statystyka (SSNiS)


Seminarium Sieci neuronowe i statystyka (SSNiS)
{plik SNiS.tex 27 stycznia 2003 r.}
Seminarium Sieci neuronowe i statystyka (SSNiS)
21.10.2002 :
• Michał Matusiewicz:
Nauki kognitywne a sieci neuronowe.
28.10.2002 :
• Marcin Łukasiak:
G. Joya, M.A. Atencia, F. Sandoval,
Hopfield neural networks for optimization: study of the different dynamics.
Neurocomputing 43 (2002), 219–237.
Również inne źródła.
• Jaros Michał:
Z.R. Yang, R.G. Harrison,
Analyzing company performance using templates.
IDA 6 (2002), 3–15.
04.11.2002 :
• Paweł Lorek:
E.N. King, Th.P. Ryan,
A preliminary investigation of maximum likelihood logistic regression versus exact
logistic regression.
The American Statistician 56 (2002), no. 3, 163–170.
• Artur Szewczyk:
G. Saporta,
Data fusion and data grafting.
CSDA 38 (2002), 465–473.
18.11.2002 :
• Jarosław Stakun
Kuo-Feng Hwang, Chin-Chen Chang,
A fast pixel mapping algorithm using principal component analysis.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23 (2002) 1747-1753.
• Grzegorz Wójcik
C. Quek, R.W. Zhou,
Antiforgery: a novel pseudo-outer product based fuzzy neural network driven signature verification system.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23 (2002) 1795-1816.
25.11.2002 :
• Michał Wrona
Th. Ragg, W. Menzel, W. Baum, M. Wigbers
Bayesian learning for sales rate prediction for thousands of retailers.
Neurocomputing 43 (2002), 127–144.
• Konrad Górski
Chin-Chuan Han, Hsu-Liang Cheng, Chih-Lung Lin, Kuo-Chin Fan
Personal authentication using palm-print features,
Pattern Recognition 36 (2003), 371–381.
02.12.2002 :
• Magdalena Lubiszewska
Analiza danych - metoda składowych głównych;
• Adam Szewczyk
Dick de Ridder, Robert P.W. Duin,
Sammon’s mapping using neural networks: A comparison.
Pattern Recognition Letters 18 (1997) 1307–1316.
09.12.2002 :
• Filip Zagórski
D.G.T. Denison, N.M. Adams, C.C, Holmes, D.J. Hand,
Bayesian partition modelling,
CSDA 38 (2002), 475–485.
• Bartosz Bożejko
S. Li, O. de Vel, D. Coomans,
Comparative analysis of non-linear dimensionality reduction methods. Manuscript
1–46, to be presented at the 5th Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1995.
16.12.2002 :
• M. Musielska + B. Cieśla
R.D. Peng, N.W. Hengartner,
Quantitative analysis of literary styles.
The American Statistician 56 (2002), no. 3, 175–185.
• Marcin Żuławski
F. Murtagh,
Interpreting the Kohonen self-organizing feature map using contiguity-constrained
clustering. Pattern Recogn. Letters 16(1995), 399–408
06.01.2002 :
• Bartłomiej Wójcik
Chiaki Kuroda, Jinyoung Kim
Neural network modeling of temperature bahavior in an exothermic polymerization
process. Neurocomputing 43 (2002), 77–89.
• Walter Łuszczyk
Ashraf Elnagar, Reda Alhaji
Segmentation of connected handwritten numerical strings.
Pattern Recognition 30, 2003, 625–634.
13.01.2002 :
• Rafał Kruczek
E. Biganzoli, P. Boracchi, E. Marubini,
A general framework for neural network models on censored survival data.
Neural Networks 15 (2002), 209-218
• Robert Lubczyński
I.S. Dhillon, D.S. Modha, W.S. Spangler,
Class visualization of high-dimensional data with applications.
CSDA 15, 2002, 59–90.