Test - Jedzenie


Test - Jedzenie
CLASS .............
SCORE ....... / 40
I. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
1. You DON’T eat something which is:
A) delicious
B) yummy
C) yuk
D) tasty
2. If you add a lot of pepper to your tortilla, it is:
A) warm
B) hot
C) cold
D) well-done
3. What are vampires afraid of:
A) onions
B) radish
C) broccoli
D) garlic
4. After supper somebody must:
A) do the washing-up B) do the washing
C) lay the table
D) bring food
5. If you feel like eating some chocolate or candy, you have:
A) a sweet tooth
B) a sweet tongue C) a sweet stomach
D) chocolate eyes
6. If you want to prepare some eggs, you need:
A) a mug
B) a spoon
C) a teapot
D) a pan
7. Food that comes from the sea or the ocean is called:
A) sea fruit
B) fruit of the sea
C) fishy food
D) seafood
8. Money you give to the waitress when you pay for your food at the restaurant is called:
A) extra money
B) pocket money
C) tip
D) bonus
9. Water CAN’T be:
A) sparkling
B) dry
C) still
10. Fruit and vegatables are:
A) healthy
B) junk food
C) bad for you
D) fresh
D) bought at a jeweller’s
II. Które spośród podanych wyrażeń nie pasuje do pozostałych?
11. A) spoon
B) fork
C) plate
D) knife
12. A) pork
B) beef
C) meat
D) ham
13. A) butter
B) tomato
C) margarine
D) cheese
14. A) lunch
B) dinner
C) supper
D) meal
15. A) cut
B) cook
C) boil
D) roast
III. Dobierz słowa z ramki do podanych definicji.
16. A restaurant where you can call and order some food - ……………………………………
17. A container in which you can find jam - ……………………………………………………
18. A kind of fish used in different salads - …………………………………………………….
19. A text which tells you how to cook something - ……………………………………………
20. All the things you use to cook something - …………………………………………………
IV. Określ czy podane zdanie jest prawdziwe (TRUE) czy fałszywe (FALSE).
21. You can boil water in the kettle - ………………
22. Fast food is very healthy - ………………
23. Mangos are vegetables - ………………
24. Beans are vegetables - ………………
25. If you are too fat, you need to put on weight - ………………
V. Wymień po trzy rzeczy do jedzenia, które są:
(słowo nie może się powtórzyć)
26. słodkie - .................................... - .................................... - ..............................
27. żółte - .................................... - .................................... - ..............................
28. okrągłe - ................................... - .................................... - .................................
VI. Ułóż słowa związane z jedzeniem z rozsypanych liter.
29. EPAR - .......................................................
30. INWE - .......................................................
31. RDBEA - .......................................................
32. LLORS - .......................................................
33. EECOFF - .......................................................
34. SSALG - .......................................................
35. HEONY- .......................................................
36. RENRASTAUT - .......................................................
37.MUNE - .......................................................
38. NDRIK - .......................................................
39. ALOC - .......................................................
40. PICICN - .......................................................

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