Current Report No. 2/2011 1 - Relacje inwestorskie


Current Report No. 2/2011 1 - Relacje inwestorskie
Current Report No. 2/2011
Preparation date:
Abbreviated name of issuer:
Petition for the appointment by the court of registration of a special auditor.
Legal grounds:
Art. 56 par. 1, subpar. 1 of the Offering Act – Confidential Information
Report content:
In relation to the delivery on 10 January 2011 a copy of an action brought by “Krakowiak” Open Equity Mutual
Fund with its registered office in Warsaw at the District Court in Rzeszów for declaring null and void or repealing a
resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 30 November 2010 on the appointment of
special auditor (Current Report No. 1/2011) the Management Board of Tire Company Dębica S.A. (“Company”)
would like to advise that one of the attachments to the action is a photocopy of the petition filed with the District Court
in Rzeszów, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register to appoint BDO Sp. z o.o. with its registered
office in Warsaw to the position of special auditor on the grounds of Art. 85 par. 1, and in conjunction with Art. 84 of
the Public Offering Act, in connection with failure of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
held on 30 November 2010 to take a resolution on the appointment of the special auditor with the content proposed
by requesting parties (see: Current Report No. 27/2010).
The requesting parties listed in the photocopy of the petition include: Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń Spółka
Akcyjna (PZU S.A.) with its registered office in Warsaw, Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń na śycie Spółka Akcyjna
(PZU Life S.A.) with its registered office in Warsaw, PZU KRAKOWIAK Open Equity Mutual Fund, PZU MAZUREK
Open Stable Growth Mutual Fund, PZU Open Sustainable Growth Mutual Fund, PZU Open SME Mutual Fund , PZU
NEW EUROPE Open Mutual Fund, PZU Open Specialist Global Investment Mutual Fund - PZU Equity Subfund of
Dividend Companies.
At the same time the Company’s Management Board advises that it has not received a copy of the petition from
the Court and that in case of its delivery the Company will announce this information in a current report.