Guidelines for authors


Guidelines for authors
Instructions for the footnotes and a bibliography of article
Character: Times New Roman, 12 ppt.; interspace 1,5; with no format and distinctions (it is
acceptable to use italics, eg, for citations).
Format .doc or .docx:
a. text with footnotes
b. literature
c. abstract (max. 5 lines)
d. caption to figures
e. precise data Author / Authors: title / degree, name, affiliation, e-mail
a. All images in the article should be described as Fig. with a continuous Arabic numbers
of the Arab;
b. captions to figures should contain: the description, authors’ names or reference to the
original work, for example (draw by J. Smith), or (at Gödelian 1974: tabl. I), or (fot. By
R. Chowaniec);
c. Figures should be created at 300 dpi or higher and saved in .tif, in RGB mode (color
images) or grayscale (black and white figures). The format .jpg is acceptable;
d. Each figure should be saved in a single graphic file, named according to the reference
in the text (eg, Fig. 1);
e. Caption of figure should be placed only in a text file (not as graphic files)
a. We accept the Oxford system.
b. In the round brackets write the author's name and a year of publication, together with
pages, and illustrations, for example: (Chowaniec 2010: 18, Fig. 1)
c. Please use English language to mark an abbreviation, references, for example:
(Chowaniec et al. 2010: 45, note 2, table 2)
d. If the article/book has more than 3 authors, please cite it using the first name and a
note "et al.; full names of the authors should be included in the literature, directly in
front of the title quoted work;
e. the full title of the cited work should be given, including all sub-heads;
f. the titles of cited articles, monographs and works should be in italics;
g. the titles of journals should be in normal fonts, but saved in "in quotes”;
h. the titles of Series should be in normal fonts with place of publication;
i. The list of cited literature (and sources of illustration) should be combined according
to the following scheme:
Chowaniec R.
2010 Dziedzictwo archeologiczne w Polsce. Formy edukacji i promocji,
Madyda-Legutko R.
1987 Metalowe części pasów na obszarze kultury zachodniobałtyjskiej w
okresie wpływów rzymskich, „Wiadomości Archeologiczne” XLVIII/1
(1983), 21–36.
Nowakiewicz T., Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz A.
2001 Zapinka rozetowa z Bezławek. Litewski czy sambijski import w
pruskiej Barcji?, (in:) W. Nowakowski, A. Szela (eds.), Officina
archaeologica optima. Studia ofiarowane Jerzemu OkuliczowiKozarynowi w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, Światowit Supplement
Series P: Prehistory and Middle Ages VII, Warszawa, 141–148.

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