BTS SW Integration Engineer


BTS SW Integration Engineer
Base Station
Software Integration Engineer
Professional challenges and career opportunities:
Nokia Siemens Networks European Software & Engineering Center is looking for motivated software
professionals for BTS I&V Engineer positions. The challenges you will face include support of various software
specification, developing, maintaining and testing processes.
In European Software & Engineering Center in Wroclaw we have a variety of opened positions for candidates with
wide range of work experience – from fresh graduates to highly experienced professionals. You have to remember
that the more experienced you are, the greater opportunities you have.
Position Description:
responsibility for ensuring of appropriate quality of the Base Station Software;
analysis of future specifications, test cases description preparation;
test environment configuration, execution of the test cases;
faults reporting and coordination of fault correction delivery;
cooperation with development and test automation.
Position Requirements:
Must have:
1,5+ years experience in Telecom area and Software Integration/System Testing;
knowledge of cellular and broadband access technologies;
basic knowledge and skills in electronics & RF measurement equipment;
basic programming skills with script languages (e.g. Python, Perl, Unix shell);
MSc or BSc degree in Computer Science, Telecommunications or a similar subject;
fluent communication in English (both written and spoken);
readiness to relocate to Wroclaw, living in or nearby.
Nice to have:
familiarity with fault reporting tools;
good interpersonal and teamwork skills;
ability to communicate and co-operate with other people in various situations.
We can offer you:
competitive salary + bonuses depending on one's achievements;
medical care for you/your family;
flexible working time;
group life insurance;
paid extended parental leave (up to 8 weeks);
relocation package;
co-financing of nursery and kindergarten;
multiSport card (gyms, swimming pools, joga, fitness, etc.);
tickets to cinema, theater, opera, e-ticket;
lunch tickets.
If you are interested in this job offer, send your CV in English
with reference number BK/BTS/09/2012 using link below:
BTS SW Integration Engineer
Looking for other opportunities? Visit our career portal:
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"Oświadczam, że wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb przyszłych
procesów rekrutacji Nokia Siemens Networks Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Domaniewskiej 39A (zgodnie z ustawą z
dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych, Dz. Ustaw nr 133 poz. 883 z późn. zm.)."
"I hereby authorize Nokia Siemens Networks, located in Warsaw 02-672, ul. Domaniewska 39a, to process the attached personal
information strictly for the purposes of job recruitment pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of
Laws (Dz.U.) No. 133, item 883)."
Please be informed that we reserve ourselves the right to contact only with selected candidates.