język angielski – wrzesień – grupa i


język angielski – wrzesień – grupa i
Już umiem / rozumiem:
przywitać i pożegnać się: Hello!, Bye-bye!, See you!,
wyrazić sympatię/upodobanie: I like you., I like (apples.),
wyrazić radość: Hurray!,
imiona bohaterów: Polly, Foggy, Susie,
nazwy zwierząt: bird, frog, cat, dog(gy), squirrel,
wyrazy dźwiękonaśladowcze: woof woof,
nazwy elementów przyrody nieożywionej: tree, sun, sky, grass, rain, puddle, rainbow,
leaves, mushroom, wind,
nazwy owoców i warzyw: apple, pear, plum, orange, carrot, nut,
nazwy pieczywa: bread, roll, (sweet) bun,
nazwy słodyczy: biscuit, sweet, lolly,
nazwy zabawek: ball, doll(y), dog(gy), teddy bear,
smak słodki: sweet,
nazwy kolorów: green, blue, yellow, red, orange, brown, purple,
pytanie: What’s your name?,
polecenia: Sit down., Stand in a circle., Take your hands., Look., Walk., Run., Jump.,
Let’s play., Touch., Say.
piosenki i wierszyki:
Hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello!
I am ... (imię)
Yellow, green
Yellow, green, yellow, green,
Orange, blue, orange, blue.
Sing with me! Sing with me!
I’ll sing with you.
Grass is green
Grass is green. / x2
Sky is blue. / x2
Sun is yellow. / x2
I like you.
Little birds
Little birds /x2
fly away /x2
far away /x2
far away /x2
Rainbow, rainbow in the sky.
In the sky, very high.
Rainbow, rainbow in the sky.
In the sky, very high.
Red and orange /x2
yellow, green /x2
blue and blue /x2
and purple, too.
I like apples
I like apples,
I like apples,
I like apples.
Yummy, yummy, yumm.
I like pears,
I like pears,
I like pears.
Yummy, yummy, yumm.
I like plums,
I like plums,
I like plums.
Yummy, yummy, yumm.
Rain, rain, rain,
rain is falling down,
making, making
puddles all around.
Splash, splash, splash. /x4
Come to the window
Come to the window /x2
and look through the pain. /x2
It’s raining, it’s raining, /x2
it’s raining all day. /x2
Let’s play! Let’s play! /x2
Hurray, hurray! /x2
Let’s play! Let’s play /x2
all day, all day. /x2
Let’s play all day.
In the forest
In the forest, in the forest
little squirrels jump, jump.
Leaves fall down, leaves fall down,
mushrooms grow on the ground.
Leaves fall down, leaves fall down,
mushrooms grow all around.
Frogs and dogs
Jump, jump, jump,
jump little frogs.
Walk, walk, walk,
walk little dogs. // x2
Wind is blowing
Wind is blowing.
Wind is blowing.
Trees are bending here and there.
Leaves are floating in the air.
Do you like me, teddy bear?
Do you like me, teddy bear?
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Do you like me, teddy bear?
Yes! – I like you, too.
I like you
I like you, Polly, /x2
little dolly. /x2
I like you, Polly, /x2
very, very much. /x2
I like you, Foggy, /x2
little doggy. /x2
I like you, Foggy, /x2
very, very much. /x2
Many leaves are falling down
Many, many leaves are falling down, /x2
making a carpet on the ground. /x2
Walk, walk, walk through the leaves. /x2
Run, run, run among the trees. /x2
Many, many leaves are falling down.
Pat-a-cake baker’s man
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man.
Make me a cake as fast as you can.
Pat it and prick it, and mark it with ‘B’,
and put it in the oven for baby and me.
For baby and me, for baby and me.
And put it in the oven for baby and me.
(znana piosenka angielska dla dzieci)
A biscuit, a lolly and a sweet (clap, clap) /x2
A biscuit, a lolly /x2
A biscuit, a lolly and a sweet (clap, clap)
Nauczyciel: Joanna Wójciak