

Department of Art
Module Code:
Module Type:
Introductory requirements:
Language of Delivery:
Module supervisor:
Principal lecturer:
Mode of Delivery:
Number of Hours:
Number of Hours per week:
Assessment requirements:
Points ECTS:
Education of Art /Fine Art
Bachelor’s / ‘Licentiate’
Visual Structures and mechanisms of visual Perception
Core module
kw. art. I st. Piotr Czech, Jarosław Dzięcielewski, PHd
kw. art. I st. Piotr Czech
Lectures, Seminars
1, 2
A pass grade. Pass/Exam
Introductory requirements:
Language of Delivery/Instruction: Polish
Principal lecturer: kw. art. I st. Piotr Czech
Module Aims:
The basics of perception and visual activity of human kind, science of light, colour and their systems,
formation of space with the elements of visual semantics.
Selected issues in visualisation in modern culture( land art, photography, film, picture mixing, picture as a
indirect link in the man-computer system: computer graphics, animation, producing and perceiving
Module outcomes:
The students should be prepared to make practical use of their knowledge on perception and man’s visual
activity, science of light, colour, formation of space and also to apply basic and contemporary methods in
illustration and composition. They should be able to synthesise, analyse and interpret visual phenomena
and to select the right media for artistic realisation.
Assessment requirements:
Regular attendance. A pass.
Oral exam.
Basic literature:
Arnheim Rudolf, Sztuka i percepcja wzrokowa. Psychologia twórczego oka, Wydawnictwo słowo/obraz terytoria,
Gdańsk 2004
Mączyńska-Frydryszek A., Jaskólska-Klaus M., Maruszewski T. Psychofizjologia widzenia PWSSP, Poznań 1991 (pod
redakcją prof. Tomasza Maruszewskiego)
Strzemiński Władysław, Teoria widzenia, Wydawnictwo Literackie Kraków 1974
Kandynski Wasilij, Punkt i linia a płaszczyzna, PIW Warszawa 1986
Zeugner Gerhard, Barwa a człowiek, Arkady 1965
Gombrich Ernst Hans, Sztuka i złudzenie, PJW Warszawa 1981
Supplementary literature:
Młodkowski Jan, Aktywność wizualna człowieka, PWN, Łódź 1998
Berger John, O patrzeniu, Warszawa 1999
Berger John, Sposoby widzenia, Poznań 1997
Barthes Roland, Światło obrazu, Warszawa 1996
Gregory Richard Langton, Oko i mózg. Psychologia Widzenia, PWN Warszawa 1971
Sarzyńska-Putowska Joanna, Komunikacja Wizualna, Fundacja ASP Kraków 2002
Frutiger Adrian, Człowiek i jego znaki, Wydawnictwo Do i Optima, Warszawa 2003
Gombrich Ernst Hans, O sztuce, Rebis Warszawa 2008
Introductory requirements:
Language of Delivery/Instruction: Polish
Principal seminars: Jarosław Dzięcielewski, PhD
Module Aims:
Presentation of mechanisms of visual perception used in the area of visual art and their relations with
psychophysiology of vision. One of the aims is to familiarise the students with basic elements used to form
surface and space such as: line, stain, stroke, block, screen, colour,structure, composition, texture,
construction, and their mutual relationship.
Module outcomes:
The students should be able to form their own judgements and convictions connected with the completion
of the topics.
Assessment requirements:
Attendance and completion of the teaching programme.
Basic literature:
M. Walis-,,pola semantyczne”.
H. G. Gadamer- ,,Aktualność piękna. Sztuka jako symbol i święto.”
L. Wittgenstein- ,,Uwagi o kolorach”.
G. Perec- ,,Przestrzenie”.
Z. Herbert- ,,Studium przedmiotu”.

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