World YOUTH DAY in Krakow Prayer


World YOUTH DAY in Krakow Prayer
Gospel Notes
Why Must Roman Catholics
Go to Mass Every Sunday?
The Catholic Church tells us that we have an
obligation to go to Mass every Sunday. It is an
obligation that most of us fulfill willingly, but
many people don’t understand why the Church
requires this of us.
Our Sunday Obligation
In the Third Commandment, God tells us to
“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.”
For the Jews, the sabbath was Saturday; Christians, however, transferred the sabbath to Sunday, the day of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from
the dead. The Church tells us that we have an
obligation to fulfill the Third Commandment
by refraining from unnecessary work on Sunday and by participating in the Mass, our chief
form of worship as Christians.
Private Worship Is Not Enough
From the earliest days of the Church, Christians have understood that being a Christian
isn’t a private matter. We are called to be
Christians together; while we can and should
engage in the private worship of God throughout the week, our primary form of worship is
public and communal, which is why Sunday
Mass is so important.
That the incident in the house of Martha and Mary should
follow immediately after the parable of the Good Samaritan suggests a possible connection. One aspect of Christian living is highlighted in the parable by the words ‘go
and do likewise’. Being a disciple is not about ideas, it is
about action.
However, the Martha and Mary story shows that sometimes the action can be misdirected and undertaken in a
way that makes us lose sight of what really matters. We
have to be careful here, because Jesus is not telling Martha that her work is not important, nor is he commending
Mary for doing nothing. He is simply reminding his followers that if we want to serve him we must first listen to
him — we need to be people of prayer before we can be
people of action. Otherwise our actions can just be about
us and it is possible to do good things for all kinds of bad
reasons like, for example, our need to be needed or our
exaggerated belief in the importance of our own contribution. Such behavior can easily undermine the message of
the good news which must always be about Jesus and his
‘The mystery is Christ among you.’ The word mystery is
sometimes used as a way of avoiding having to work
something out or even reflect on it. Paul, however, never
used it in that way. For him Christ reveals the mystery of
God, he does not hide it and so if we want to know God
we must try to recognize the presence of Christ around us.
As with Abraham in the first reading God may be coming
to us as the one in need. If our hearts are not generous and
welcoming, how often have we turned God away and in
turn failed to experience the generosity he wants to bestow on us? Martha and Mary can also teach us something
about recognizing the Christ among us. They remind us
that sometimes we need to ‘waste’ some time just being
attentive, listening prayerfully to his words.
World YOUTH DAY in Krakow Prayer
God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your
love and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman”. We entrust to you in a special way young people of every language, people and nation: guide and protect them as they walk the complex paths of the world today and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits from their experience of the
Krakow World Youth Day.
Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your mercy.
Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt, hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who
feel indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the
spark of merciful love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew
the face of the earth.
Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us.
Saint John Paul II, pray for us. Saint Faustina, pray for us.
July17,2016 SixteenthSundayinOrdinaryTime
Po co chodzę do kościoła?
Ci, co chodzą regularnie do kościoła, aby uczestniczyć w niedzielnej Mszy św., zauważą zapewne zmieniającą się na przestrzeni roku liczbę wiernych biorących w niej udział. Gdyby tę liczby przenieść na wykres,
otrzymalibyśmy linię zbliżoną do sinusoidy o, niestety, dość dużej amplitudzie. Świadczy to o tym, że wielu
katolików, nie tylko w naszej parafii, uczestniczy we Mszy św. częściej lub rzadziej, a nawet incydentalnie.
Najwięcej wiernych widać w kościele w czasie Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanocy. Wielu wiernych do
przeżywania tych Świąt włącza pójście do kościoła, poszukując możliwości ich duchowego przeżycia. To
dobrze. Kościół w czasie Nabożeństw wypełniony jest po brzegi – nie starcza miejsc w ławkach, ba, nawet
stojący są dość mocno stłoczeni. Wtedy w kościele jest naprawdę pięknie. W takim zgromadzeniu naszej
wspólnoty i pieśń niesie się donośniej, i modlitwa brzmi szczerzej, i wiara każdego uczestnika nabiera nowej
W Katechizmie Kościoła Katolickiego /2176/ czytamy: „Świętowanie niedzieli jest wypełnieniem przepisu
moralnego w sposób naturalny wpisanego w serce człowieka.” Najważniejszym elementem godnego
przeżycia niedzieli jest bez wątpienia niewymuszone, ale wynikające z potrzeby własnego serca
uczestnictwo we Mszy św., wsłuchanie się w słowo Boże, znajdowanie w nim wskazań na życiowe
problemy, a szczere uczestnictwo w Eucharystii w zdecydowany sposób rzutuje na to, jaki będzie nasz
następny tydzień, jak ukierunkujemy na ten czas swoje życie i co będzie w nim stanowiło o jego kształcie i
sensie. Jak się nasza rozmowa z Bogiem przełoży na nasze podejście do rodziny, bliźnich, do wykonywanej
pracy. Do kościoła idzie się również po to, aby spotkać, a przede wszystkim zobaczyć Jezusa. Obraz Jezusa
pod postacią Eucharystii można ujrzeć tylko w kościele, tylko w kościele obraz Jezusa jest wyraźny
i jednoznaczny.
Życzymy Wam samych słonecznych
dni i bezpiecznego podróżowania,
udanych i spokojnych wakacji.
Niech Św. Krzysztof Was
prowadzi, a Pan Bóg nad Wami
czuwa. Pamiętajcie o Mszach
Świętych w niedziele i
modlitwie w dni powszednie.
Prosimy także, abyście
nie zapominali o swojej
Parafii. Niestety rachunki
nie mają wakacji. W miarę
możliwości, uzupełniajcie
donacje na kościół.
Bóg zapłać.
Modlitwa na Światowe Dni Młodzieży w Krakowie
„Boże, Ojcze miłosierny, który objawiłeś swoją miłość w Twoim Synu
Jezusie Chrystusie, i wylałeś ją na nas w Duchu Świętym, Pocieszycielu,
Tobie zawierzamy dziś losy świata i każdego człowieka”.
Zawierzamy Ci szczególnie ludzi młodych ze wszystkich narodów,
ludów i języków.
Prowadź ich bezpiecznie po zawiłych ścieżkach współczesnego świata i daj im łaskę owocnego przeżycia
Światowych Dni Młodzieży w Krakowie. Ojcze niebieski, uczyń nas świadkami Twego miłosierdzia.
Naucz nieść wiarę wątpiącym, nadzieję zrezygnowanym, miłość oziębłym,
przebaczenie winnym i radość smutnym.
Niech iskra miłosiernej miłości, którą w nas zapaliłeś, stanie się ogniem przemieniającym ludzkie serca i
odnawiającym oblicze ziemi.
Maryjo, Matko Miłosierdzia, módl się za nami.
Święty Janie Pawle II, módl się za nami.
Święta siostro Faustyno, módl się za nami.
July17,2016 SixteenthSundayinOrdinaryTime
July 23 & 24, 2016
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
SATURDAY, July 16, 2016
* 9:00 - 9:00 AM - Confession / Spowiedź Sw.
* Second Collection: Maintenance
SUNDAY, July 17, 2016
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Second Collection: Maintenance
SATURDAY, July 23, 2016
* 9:00 - 9:00 AM - Confession / Spowiedź Sw.
* Second Collection: World Mission Appeal
SUNDAY, July 24, 2016
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Second Collection: World Mission Appeal
5:30 PM – J. Bonafide
10:30 AM – T. Kaluzny
12:00 Noon – R. Dujanowicz
5:30 PM – K. Skrupskis
8:00 AM – J. Ochal
10:30 AM – H. Galczynska
12:00 Noon – V. Prado
Altar Servers
8:00 AM – I. & D. Szaro
10:30 AM – A. Kaluzny, K. Stopa, D. Koziol
12:00 Noon – V. Prado, F. Fojtik & D. Osegueda
Mass schedule changes for 2017
Saturdays: Ther e will be Anticipator y Mass
at 4:00 PM
Sundays Masses:
In Polish - 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
In English - 12:00 Noon
We remember our
ailing parishioners
in our daily prayers,
including those at home,
in hospitals and nursing
Last Sunday’s Collection:
$ 2,035.00
“...where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be.” Luke 12
Bóg zapłać za złożone ofiary.
Week of July 17,
Joseph Horbacz, Josephine Cardillo, Emilia
Kiczek, Stanislaw Kiczek, Bart Evans, Clair
Pilecki, Stanisław Pekosz, Felicia Bober,
Peter Ciesielski, Danuta Rucka,
Janet Pasterkiewicz, Jozefa Boguszewski, Yolanda
Avila, Olga Olavarria, Sophie and Frank Koczur,
Ann Zamorski, Rose Czekaj, Rosa Koska, Ines &
Timothy Avila, Stanley Gorski...
Lord, keep them in Your loving care.
Uzdrowienie chorych, módl się za nami!
Hosts: In Loving Memory of Monika Niemczyk
Módlmy się za dusze śp. Walter Kaminski
Wieczny odpoczynek racz mu dać, Panie
Sanctuary Candle: W intencji Dni Młodzieży w
- Jagoda Sulkowski
Wine: In Loving Memory of Monika Niemczyk
- Jagoda Sulkowski
Altar Candles: In Loving Memory of Monika
- Jagoda Sulkowski
July17,2016 SixteenthSundayinOrdinaryTime
Confessions on Satur day, 9:00-9:30 AM
at St. Adalbert Church, or by request here at
Sts. Peter and Paul before or after the Sunday
FROM GOD. While on vacation, “getting away
from it all,” remember to keep up a good relationship
with God! Remember, too, the church does not take a
vacation. Ser vices and expenses continue. Use
your envelopes and support our church.
“We Are Living Stones” campaign---Did you take
a brochure home with you? It explains all you need
to know regarding this money-raising campaign in
the Archdiocese. If enough money is raised, St. Adalbert and Sts. Peter and Paul will benefit directly. So,
help the Archdiocese and our churches!
The 2017 Mass Scheduling Book is available at the
church office for reserving Masses. Kindly send us a
listing of the Masses requested, or call the office.
OCTOBER CASH RAFFLE benefiting the Sister s
of St. Francis of the Providence of God (our sisters in
Pittsburgh). The raffle is based on the evening 3-digit
PA lottery. $70 prize each day in October EXCEPT:
$500 Autumn Gala Grand Prize on October 6, 2016;
$200 every Sunday and $100 every Saturday.
BONUS - $20 daily for # above, # below, and reverse #. Tickets are $10 each and will be available
after Masses today or by calling the church office.
One can wonder how Luke’s Gospel passage today
might have been different if Mary, not Martha, had
been the one to complain to Jesus, if Mary had said
“Lord look at her! Here you are sharing your wisdom
and all she can think about is supper.”
As a fully human person, Jesus knew the human
needs that had to be tended. He doesn’t deny this, nor
does he chastise Martha for her working service. He
chides her for being anxious and worried. The church
has borne the burdens of service from the position of
Mary, at the feet of the Lord, listening to and being
guided by his word.
Next week in our parish: Mission Appeal. We ar e
invited to take part in Church’s worldwide mission.
This year, missionary religious priest from Philippines, Rev. Michael August de Leon of the Disciples
of Mary will be sharing his missionary experience.
July 16 / July 17
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
9:00 AM – MaryAnn & George Doney
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
4:00 PM – Ann Ruppert
9:00 AM – Gloria Sison
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
July 23 / July 24
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
9:00 AM – Gloria Sison
11:00 AM – Dolores Leonard
4:00 PM – Ruth Guariglia
9:00 AM – Heather Canesper
11:00 AM – Vytautas Masiliunas/Nijolė Klimik
Last Sunday's Collection
No available at this time
not available
Thank you for your generosity.
Ačiu už jūsų dosnumą.
We remember our sick parishioners in our
daily prayers including those at home,
in hospitals, and nursing homes:
Robert Cook, Ruta Didzbalis, Helen Gradeckis,
Julianna Liana, Mary Mackelis, Frank Matuzewski,
Madeline Morris, Miriano Rodrigez, Noel
O’Sullivan, Dolly Townsend, Karen Townsend ...
Memorials for the Week of
July 17th, 2016
Tabernacle Candle:
Intentions of Lorraine Staboris
Altar Candle:
Requested by Joan Salus
Intentions of Lorraine Staboris
July17,2016 SixteenthSundayinOrdinaryTime
Requested by Joan Salus
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
Week of July 17, 2016
4:00 PM + B Joseph Linkus
SUNDAY (17th)
9:00 AM + Bertha Battman
11:00 AM + Martin Leonard, Sr.
MONDAY (18th)
12:00 Noon + Daniel Degutis (ann.)
TUESDAY (19th)
12:00 Noon + Frank Jankunas (ann.)
12:00 Noon + Eva & Algerd Galinis
12:00 Noon + Joseph Janonis
FRIDAY (22nd)
12:00 Noon + Paul P. Shubeck
4:00 PM + Jonas Kasauskas (ann.)
SUNDAY (24th)
9:00 AM + Bertha Battman
11:00 AM + Vytautas Kavolius
Next week in our parish: Mission Appeal
We are invited to take part in Church’s worldwide
mission. This year, missionary religious priest
from Philippines, Rev. Michael August de Leon
of the Disciples of Mary will be sharing his missionary experience. What an opportunity we will
have next weekend to respond to our baptismal
call to take part in our Church’s missionary challenge… and receive the full graces of the Eucharist offered for us by this missionary priest.
We would like to invite you to take part in his
mission apostolate through prayers and donations
as Fr. Michael reaches out to families, adult and
youth as well, who are confronted with poverty
and other challenges in life.
Take a part in Lord’s mission.
St. Adalbert Church
Week of July 17, 2016
5:30 PM + Thomas Pasterkiewicz
– Robert Pasterkiewicz & Deborah Giddes
8:00 AM + Anna Maciąga – Mąż Edward
10:30 AM + Michal Sliwa – Stanisław Lorenc
12:00 PM + Mary & Edward Zarzecki, Sr.
– John & Lucille Zarzecki
7:30 AM + Jean T. Ciuba – Maryann Pakulski
8:15 AM + Monika Niemczyk
– Rose Czekaj & Family
7:30 AM + Joanna Paster – Rodzina
8:15 AM – O Boże błogosławieństwo dla Ewy
– Rodzice
7:30 AM + Frederick E. Obst Sr. – Wife Jean
8:15 AM + Czesława Tutak – Maria Grabowska
7:30 AM + Steve Golda – Ann & Andy Bara
8:15 AM + Klara Jablonski - Ela i Janusz Kus
7:30 AM + Susanna M.Nicol - Stella Wilusz
8:15 AM + Monika Niemczyk
– Stanisław i Marcela Opalinski
7:30 AM + Souls in Purgatory – Ana Vargas
8:15 AM + Helena i Edmund Nabożni – Dzieci
5:30 PM + John Marczak – Ted Marczak
8:00 AM + Jan, Emilia i Aleksander Piwko – Syn
10:30 AM + Mary Kusniesz Goley
(1st. Anniversary)– Robert Goley
10:30 AM + Emil Kiczek – John Broda
12:00 PM + Victor Dmiczak (20th Anniversary)
– Barbara & Chuck
July17,2016 SixteenthSundayinOrdinaryTime