PR_4_2010.vp:CorelVentura 7.0


PR_4_2010.vp:CorelVentura 7.0
OBITUARY – Professor Zbigniew Stanis³aw Herman
– pharmacologist, physician (1935–2010).
Ewa Obuchowicz
Review – Potential role of the 5-HT$ receptor in depression and anxiety: an overview of preclinical data.
Anna Weso³owska
Review – Role of oxycodone and oxycodone/naloxone
Review – Immunological aspects of epilepsy.
in cancer pain management. Wojciech Leppert
Rados³aw Zarczuk, Dariusz £ukasik, Marian Jêdrych, Kinga
K. Borowicz
608 Neonatal DSP-4 treatment impairs 5-HT* receptor reactivity in adult rats. Behavioral and biochemical studies. Marzena Ferdyn-Drosik, Przemys³aw Nowak, Kamila
Bojanek, Micha³ Ba³asz, Jacek Kasperski, Dariusz Skaba,
Rafa³ Muchacki, Richard M. Kostrzewa
621 Involvement of 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 receptors
in sevoflurane-induced hypnotic and analgesic effects
in mice. Li-Hua Hang, Dong-Hua Shao, Hong Wang,
Jian-Ping Yang
627 Effects of sildenafil treatment on the development of
tolerance to diazepam-induced motor impairment and
sedation in mice. Sylwia Talarek, Jolanta Orzelska,
Joanna Listos, Sylwia Fidecka
635 Hesperidin pre-treatment attenuates NO-mediated cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury and memory dysfunction. Vaibhav Gaur, Anil Kumar
649 Chronic ethanol exposure changes dopamine D2 receptor splicing during retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human SH-SY5Y cells. Catrin Wernicke, Julian
Hellmann, Ulrich Finckh, Hans Rommelspacher
664 Intracerebroventricular administration of riluzole prevents morphine-induced apoptosis in the lumbar region of the rat spinal cord. Kambiz Hassanzadeh,
Bohlool Habibi-asl, Leila Roshangar, Mahboob Nemati,
Masood Ansarin, Safar Farajnia
689 Comparative effects of >-carbolines on platelet aggregation and lipid membranes. Hironori Tsuchiya, Shuichi
696 Functional effects of polyamines via activation of human >- and > -adrenoceptors stably expressed in CHO
cells. Clara Meana, Javier Bordallo, Carmen Bordallo,
Lorena Suárez, Begoña Cantabrana, Manuel Sánchez
707 Fullerenol C$(OH) " prevents doxorubicin-induced
acute cardiotoxicity in rats. Vukosava Milic Torres,
Branislava Srdjenovic, Vesna Jacevic, Viktorija Dragojevic
Simic, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Ana Luísa Simplício
719 Influence of long-term leflunomide treatment on serum
amyloid concentration in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Bo¿ena Targoñska-Stêpniak, Magdalena Dryglewska,
Maria Majdan
726 Activation of the erythrocyte plasma membrane redox
system by resveratrol: a possible mechanism for antioxidant properties. Syed Ibrahim Rizvi, Kanti Bhooshan
733 Effect of carnosine treatment on oxidative stress in serum, apoB-containing lipoproteins fraction and erythrocytes of aged rats. Ahmet F. Aydýn, Zeynep
Küskü-Kiraz, Semra Doðru-Abbasoðlu, Müjdat Uysal
740 Investigation of allele and genotype frequencies of
CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and VKORC1 in Iran. Negar
Azarpira, Soha Namazi, Fatemeh Hendijani, Maryam
Banan, Masumeh Darai
747 Pentazocine pretreatment suppresses fentanylinduced cough. Qing Ai, YiPing Hu, YanJuan Wang,
ShuoXiong Wu, Zhong Qin, Jun Wang, GuiLong Wang,
JianYu Zhang, MingHao An
751 Influence of vitamin C on markers of oxidative stress in
the earliest period of ischemic stroke. Monika Lagowska-
Lenard, Zbigniew Stelmasiak, Halina Bartosik-Psujek
674 Effects of chromium picolinate on vascular reactivity
and cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Worku Abebe, Jun Yao Liu,
757 Effect of simvastatin treatment on rat livers subjected
to ischemia/reperfusion. Ma³gorzata Trocha, Anna
683 Evaluation of terfenadine and ketoconazole-induced QT
prolongation in conscious telemetered guinea pigs.
763 Note to Contributors
Hereward Wimborne, Mahmood S. Mozaffari
Satyendra K. Rajput, Jitendra N. Singh, Shyam S. Sharma
Merwid-L¹d, Ewa Chlebda, Ma³gorzata Pieœniewska,
Tomasz Sozañski, Adam Szel¹g