abstract - Instytut Fizyki PAN


abstract - Instytut Fizyki PAN
On spectroscopic properties of the LaAlO3 perovskite crystal doped with
rare earth ions
P.J. Derena, R. Mahioub,
Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badan Strukturalnych PAN, ul. Okolna 2, Skr. Poczt. 1410,
50950 Wroclaw 2, Polska
Université Blaise Pascal, LMI , 24, Av. des Landais 63177, Aubiere Cedex, France
Perovskite structure is described in general manner ABO3, where A and B are two cations and
O is an anion; usually oxygen. Cation A is larger than B and is placed in the corners of a cube,
cation B is in the center of the cube. Oxygen ions are placed in the middle of the walls. This
interesting structure is widely used in many domains i.e. as phosphors, as acustomechanic
transformers and also as sensors. Perovskite crystals such as SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 are well
known as substrates for high temperature superconductors. The natural perovskite is often
enriched in rare earth (RE) ions, grown in the laboratories and doped with RE ions are often
used as optical materials. For example Weber et al.[1] and Malinowski et al.[2] investigated
YAlO3 perovskite doped with holmium ions.
Optical properties of LaAlO3 perovskites were not so widely examined. So far only LaAlO3
doped with neodymium was investigated by Bagdasarov et al.[3]. In this work we present
results of spectroscopic investigations of Er3+, Eu3+, Ho3+ doped LaAlO3 single crystals. The
crystal lattice parameters were determined. Energy levels of doped ions in LaAlO3 were
assigned. The absorption, excitation, time resolved emission and excitation spectra were
measured at low (10 K) and at room temperature. Decay profiles are one exponential,
showing that doped ions are placed in one side. The Judd-Ofelt model was used to analyse the
experimental data. The Ωt parameters, branching ratio and electric dipole transition
probabilities were determined.
1. M.J. Weber, B.H. Matsinger, V.L. Donlan, T. Surratt, J. Chem. Phys. 57 (1972) 562.
2. M. Malinowski, R. Piramidowicz, Z. Frukacz, G. Chadeyron, R. Mahiou, M.F. Joubert,
Opt. Mater. 12 (1999) 409.
3. Kh. Bagdasarov, G.A. Bogomolova, M.M. Gritsenko, A.A. Kamiskii, A. Kevorkov,
Kristallografiya 17 (1972) 415.