Zarb 4.1 - Teacher`s Toolbox


Zarb 4.1 - Teacher`s Toolbox
Ponieważ uczniowie kontynuujący naukę języka obcego przychodzą do gimnazjum z różnorodnym
poziomem wiedzy, szkoła zapewnia możliwość podziału na grupy pod względem poziomu językowego.
Zależy nam, aby w jednej grupie były jak najmniejsze różnice w znajomości języka i poziomie uzdolnień
uczniów. W ten sposób każdy uczeń może się uczyć języka angielskiego we właściwym dla siebie tempie i
z uwzględnieniem indywidualnych potrzeb, dzięki czemu ma większe szanse na osiągnięcie lepszych
Poziom uczniów oceniany jest za pomocą testu kwalifikacyjnego (wstępnego) oraz na początku każdego
semestru. Na podstawie wyników poszczególnych testów, opinii nauczyciela prowadzącego oraz
tygodniowego “okresu próbnego” uczniowie zostają co semestr przyporządkowani do określonych ścieżek.
W szczególnych przypadkach (na wniosek nauczyciela prowadzącego) istnieje możliwość zmiany grupy na
mniej lub bardziej zaawansowaną.
Test kwalifikacyjny sprawdza zarówno znajomość gramatyki i słownictwa jak i umiejętność czytania ze
zrozumieniem i pisania.
Poniżej znajdą Państwo listę treści podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z zakresu gramatyki, jakie
opanować powinni uczniowie szkoły podstawowej.
treści podstawowe:
- present simple
- present continuous
- past simple
- past continuous
- future simple
- konstrukcja to be going to
- present continuous dla wyrażania przyszłości
- present perfect simple
- przedimki: nieokreślone - a/an, określone - the, przedimek zerowy
- there is / there are
- liczebniki główne i porządkowe
- zaimki osobowe (w funkcji podmiotu i dopełnienia)
- zaimki dzierżawcze
- this / that / these / those
- zaimki some / any / no- / every- rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
- stopniowanie przymiotników
- porównania „as ... as ...”
- przysłówki częstotliwości
- przysłówki
- too / enough
- czasowniki modalne
- used to
- zdania przydawkowe ograniczające (defining relative clauses)
- zdania warunkowe typu 1
treści ponadpodstawowe:
- past perfect simple
- zdania przydawkowe nieograniczające (non-defining relative clauses)
- strona bierna
- zaimki zwrotne
- zdania warunkowe typu 2, 3
- mowa zależna
- konstrukcja question tags
- pytania stanowiące echo wypowiedzi (echo questions)
- pytania w formie przeczącej (negative questions)
- czasowniki wieloczłonowe (phrasal verbs)
Wybierz i zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź.
1 I like ___ friends very much.
a) theirs
b) their
c) there
d) they're
2 Jane ______ swim very well. She has won some competitions.
a) can
b) could
c) --d) is able
3 She ______ to the swimming pool every week.
a) are going
b) go
c) is going
d) goes
4 Would you like ____ tea?
a) the
b) any
c) some
d) ---
5 A: What does he do? B: He is ____ journalist.
a) --b) a
c) one
d) the
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6 I have ______ friends. You have many more!
a) a little
b) few
c) less
d) little
7 I have lived here _____ 2 months.
a) --b) since
c) from
d) for
8 I saw Anna ______.
a) last week
b) already
c) yet
d) tomorrow
9 A: Where is Robert?
B: Look out of the window. He _______ in the garden.
a) worked
b) works
c) has worked
d) is working
1 0 This is my dictionary and that one is _____.
a) Marys
b) Mary's
c) Marys'
d) Mary
1 1 You ____ do it. The class teacher will be very angry and will call your parents.
a) can
b) may
c) mustn't
d) should
1 2 A: Who is he? B: He is a friend of ____.
a) us
b) ours
c) our's
d) our
1 3 A: What are you doing tonight?
B: I don't know. Perhaps I _____ to the cinema.
a) will go
b) go
c) am going
d) am going to go
1 4 Juliet is _____ in my family.
a) very pretty
b) the prettiest
c) prettier
d) pretty
1 5 What a mess! I will be very happy when my parents _____ painting the living room.
a) will finish
b) finished
c) finish
d) are finishing
1 6 If I ______ more time this afternoon, I would watch that film with you.
a) have
b) will have
c) would have
d) had
1 7 Who _____ to Tom's birthday party last night? I was too busy.
a) went
b) did go
c) has gone
d) was going
1 8 When I ______ my exam results, I will relax at last.
a) must
b) got
c) get
d) will get
1 9 My family cannot afford _____ on holiday this year. What a pity!
a) going
b) to go
c) go
d) have gone
2 0 While I _____ a shower, the phone rang three times.
a) took
b) taking
c) was taking
d) have been taking
Wybierz i zaznacz słowo lub zwrot poprawny w danym kontekście.
2 1 Piotr is a young _______ who writes articles for "Gazeta Wyborcza."
a) politician
b) journalist
c) writer
d) poet
2 2 A: Where are the juice glasses?
B: In that kitchen _______.
a) wardrobe
b) furniture
c) desk
d) cupboard
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2 3 Where are you _____?
a) with
b) in
c) from
d) at
2 4 Put all the dirty clothes in the _______.
a) sink
b) washer
c) dishwasher
d) washing machine
2 5 You can buy washing powder cheaply in ______.
a) magazines
b) food market
c) supermarkets
d) boutiques
2 6 Football, volleyball and basketball are _____ sports.
a) team
b) group
c) class
d) double
2 7 Today John is wearing a suit and a _____. He looks really smart.
a) shirt
b) skirt
c) blouse
d) collar
2 8 I met her at the _____ when I was buying some meat.
a) baker's
b) butcher's
c) grocer's
d) florist's
2 9 Father to daughter: Sorry dear, you cannot come home after _____. You are too young.
a) noon
b) midday
c) midnight
d) morning
3 0 A lot of people _____ photographs on holiday.
a) take
b) do
c) make
d) produce
3 1 In national parks you may find many _____ animals which you cannot see in other places.
a) unique
b) common
c) popular
d) rare
3 2 When she put on that dress she looked really _____.
a) interesting
b) surprisingly
c) nicely
d) interested
3 3 I don't know this word in English. I must _____ in the dictionary.
a) look it up
b) see it
c) look after it
d) look it
3 4 I see the exam as a great ______.
a) rush
b) thriller
c) challenge
d) danger
3 5 Sue is quite boring. She is neither attracive ____ intelligent.
a) not
b) neither
c) or
d) nor
3 6 I have an important _____ for you from Paul.
a) information
b) message
c) news
d) advice
3 7 Trams, buses and the underground are forms of public _____.
a) travel
b) communication
c) vehicles
d) transport
3 8 She doesn't want to go to the market in the city centre because she is afraid of _____.
a) hitchhikers
b) burglars
c) pickpockets
d) hijackers
3 9 Chris is very _____. When he decides to do something he will not change his mind.
a) stubborn
b) powerful
c) shy
d) strong
4 0 This university campus is very good because there are many _____.
a) fun
b) facilities
c) sights
d) tourist attracions
Przeczytaj opisy książek dla młodzieży oznaczone literami a – e. Następnie dopasuj je do
zagadnień, które poruszają 1 – 7. Wpisz swoją odpowiedź obok zagadnienia. Dwa
zagadnienia nie pasują do żadnego opisu.
3 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź – razem 15 punktów
In which of the books can you find…?
fantasy world ___
This short book tells six of the best known nursery tales in a new surprising way.
These are children’s stories you heard when you were little. But if you think you know the
story of Red Riding Hood, a small girl in red clothes who meets a wolf in the forest, don’t
be so sure. In fact in Dahl’s version she becomes a strong self-confident young lady with a
gun, wearing a wolf skin coat. Dahl is a master of comedy, horror and rhyme. Great
pleasure to read. Pure pleasure to listen to.
The book tells the story of three children. The youngest is still a baby, the oldest a
teenager. They are charming and clever, but the Baudlaire siblings lead lives filled with
sadness. It starts from the very first page of the book when the children are at the beach and
receive terrible news about their parents. Disaster follows disaster. Problem after problem.
The three kids meet a terrible man, their uncle Count Olaf. He serves them cold porridge for
breakfast and wants their money.
Will is the bearer of the knife. At present he is the only person who can carry it
and use it. Now, accompanied by angles, he must deliver that powerful, and dangerous
weapon to Lord Asriel. This was the order of his dying father. But how can he go looking
for Lord Asriel, when Lyra is gone? He can find the way only with her help. The great
powers of the many worlds are getting ready for war. Will must find Lyra. Then together
they visit many worlds, including the world of the dead…
Class 4C is the worst class at school. Usually half of them look as if they had
left their brains at home. The other half look as if they didn’t have any. At last this is
what some of the teachers say. It is the beginning of the school year. Mr. Cartright
and his class must choose the topic for the school project. They decide to do the
Flour Babies project. They are shocked when they get the Flour Babies – sweet little
bags of flour that they must look after all the time. They have to keep a diary of what
they do together. They learn more than anyone would have expected…
How stupid do you have to be to fall out of a top floor window? Was it an accident?
Perhaps Stolly was trying to do something else? Stolly is normally very lively and active but
in the story he is lying in a hospital bed. For many days, Ian, his best mate, is with him. He
is watching, waiting, hoping, remembering, thinking and writing. It is a novel about a
person who has a special effect on everyone he meets. Everyone Stoll meets changes under
his influence.
Napisz o filmie, który lubisz. Streść go w kilku zdaniach i napisz, dlaczego jest dla Ciebie
ważny (ok. 80-180 słów).
Oceniana jest: poprawność językowa, bogactwo języka, słownictwo oraz forma i treść.
15 punktów