family and social life (ii) - TECH.EDU.GORZOW.PL :: Strona Główna


family and social life (ii) - TECH.EDU.GORZOW.PL :: Strona Główna
1. Listen to the conversation of two people Play RealMedia or Play Window Media and
complete the text below with one word in each space.
(Posłuchaj rozmowy dwóch osób Play RealMedia lub Play Window Media i uzupełnij
poniższy tekst wstawiając jedno słowo w każdą lukę.)
Doug and Diane met at a ……….. last Friday……….. He was standing alone when he
started talking to Diane about ………… He knew where she lived because he ………….
round the ………. and he also asked ……….. who told him where she lived. He wanted to
………… her to the theatre this Thursday ………. They can’t use his ………. because, as
he says, a mad BMW driver run into his car and caused an ………… Anyway, she can’t go
out that day because she has to go to ………… She also can’t go out on Friday as she has
to cook ………. for her ……….. He loves ………. but she thinks it’s not a good idea to
cook together as it is a family …………… So, Doug has another idea, this time for
…………… night. He’s got two ………. for a …………. match. But Diane wants to go
there with her ………… He resigns of the date with Diane when her ………… comes back
home and it occurs that he is the man from the BMW car.
The listening is adapted from:
2. Listen to the conversation of two people who met again after some time Play RealMedia
or Play Window Media and answer the questions below.
(Posłuchaj rozmowy dwóch osób, które po pewnym czasie spotkały się ponownie Play
RealMedia lub Play Window Media i odpowiedz na pytania poniżej.)
1. The man thinks that the woman
a). remembers him very well.
b). is similar to somebody he knows.
c). is somebody he has met before.
2. The man
a). can remember the first letter of her name.
b). doesn’t know her name at all.
c). remembers her name very clearly.
3. The woman
a). doesn’t know his name at all.
b). remembers his name very clearly.
c). can remember the first letter of his name.
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Bartosz Kuczyński
4. What does the woman do?
a). She travels overseas.
b). She is an English teacher.
c). She studies English to be an English teacher.
5. To teach English abroad she needs
a). at least to be a native speaker of English.
b). two years of experience.
c). a bachelor’s degree and three years of experience.
6. What does the man do?
a). He studies marketing in a boarding school.
b). He leads a family business in California.
c). He works at the campus.
7. In the evening
a). she is eager to meet the man at the party.
b). there is a dancing party at the campus.
c). they are going to meet at the campus.
The listening is adapted from:
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Bartosz Kuczyński