Abstract 7 Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Jamy Ustnej i


Abstract 7 Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Jamy Ustnej i
7 Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Jamy Ustnej i Chirurgii
Warsaw, Sobota 15 Maja
Benefits, Limits and Pitfalls of 3D Virtual Planning of Orthognathic
A precise diagnosis and treatment plan are very important for improving
esthetic and functional problems in dentofacial deformities. The surgicalorthodontic planning up until now has relied mostly on two-dimensional
(2D) analysis of radiographic images.
Model surgery can provide quantitative and visible 3-dimensional (3D)
information on the movement of the dentition, but the information is
limited to the dental region.
Currently available cephalometric software planning uses standard
osteotomies (the LeFort I, bilateral sagittal split osteotomy [BSSO], and
genioplasty) and soft tissue prediction based on 2D analysis to develop a
virtual treatment plan. However prediction of the 3D movement of bony
segments, especially when there is skeletal asymmetry is often difficult.
Recent development of 3-dimensional (3D) surgical planning technology,
makes it is now possible to perform the entire surgical planning in a
computerized virtual environment.
For the busy everyday clinician things are not always that easy. Benefits,
limits and pitfalls in using 3D virtual planning will be discussed
Herman K.T. de Jonge
Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon
Atrium Medical Centre
Heerlen – The Netherlands

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