formal requirements regarding sending the scientific papers


formal requirements regarding sending the scientific papers
Czasopismo naukowe Przegląd Organizacji ‐założone w 1926 r. Scientific Journal of Organization Review ‐since 1926 ISSN‐ 0137‐7221 FORMAL REQUIREMENTS REGARDING SENDING
- text must be written in Microsoft Word format or equivalent, up to 12 pages A4 format, margins of 2.5 cm (in
relevant cases a longer article will be accepted);
-the title of the text in Times New Roman 14 size, in bold (not longer than 7 words), subheadings 12 size, in
-the spaces between the title and the subheading and between the subheading and the text - 10 points;
-subheadings are not numbered;
-the main body of the text - Times New Roman font, spaces between lines of 1,5 points, indentations – 10 points,
text adjusted on both sides;
-the main body of the text includes the introduction (the description of the publication aim, the thesis/research
hypothesis, specific research methods that were applied), research method (description of research
method), research results (concise presentation of the research findings and discussion), conclusions
(description of most important findings, recommendations);
-references to other publications in the text must be presented in parenthesis (according to the Harvard style)
with number of page/pages, following the presented examples:
(Głodziński, 2010, pp. 337-338) – one author
(Nogalski, Ronkowski, 2007, p. 25) – two authors
(Szymański i in., 2010, p. 3) – three or more authors
(Skalik, 2009, p. 18) – collective books with scientific editor
(GUS, 2015) – data from statistical offices
-drawings and tables must be editable or as image files of high resolution; the caption must be under the figure:
under the figure marking Fig., above the figure marking Table; under the image must be Source: and the
text must be formatted like references in the article, or when writing own study / own study adopted
-footnotes must be placed after the main text, as endnotes and must not contain references to other publications;
-bullet points following the below presented examples (without paragraph indentation):
1. First point.
• first point,
2. Second point.
• second point.
-bibliography must contain references only to the publications used in the text (recommended max. 25 items);
particular positions must be arranged in alphabetical order and must be numbered in square brackets;
bibliography must be prepared with due diligence, according to the following examples (Harvard style):
 with page numbers (papers in journals and chapters in books should include page numbers):
[1] Czakon W. (2012), Strukturalne uwarunkowania zarządzania wiedzą w sieciach, „Przegląd Organizacji”,
Nr 5, s. 7-10.
[2] Davis P.S., Pett T.L. (2002), Measuring Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness, “Journal of
Management Research”, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 87-97.
[3] Głodziński E. (2010), Pozyskiwanie informacji w fazie realizacji projektów budowlanych, [w:]
R. Borowiecki, J. Czekaj (red.), Zarządzanie zasobami informacyjnymi w warunkach nowej gospodarki,
Difin, Warszawa, s. 337-350.
[4] Sӧderlund J. (2012), Theoretical Foundations of Project Management: Suggestions for a Pluralistic
Understanding, [in:] P. Morris, J. Pinto, J. Sӧderlund (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Project
Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 37-64.
[5] Głodziński E. (2013), Design of Controlling Supported Sustainability of Manufacturing Enterprises, [in:]
C. Emmanouilidis, M. Taisch, D. Kiritsis (eds.), Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products
and Services, Proceedings of the APMS 2012 Conference, Advances in Production Management
Systems, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 240-249.
 without page numbers (books, Internet pages)
[6] Nogalski B., Ronkowski R. (2007), Współczesne przedsiębiorstwo – problemy funkcjonowania
i zatrudniania, Wyd. DOM Organizatora, Toruń.
[7] Turner J.R. (2009), The Handbook of Project-Based Management. Leading Strategic Change in
Organizations, McGrawHill, London.
[8] Skalik J. (ed.), (2009), Zarządzanie projektami, Wyd. UE we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.
Czasopismo naukowe Przegląd Organizacji ‐założone w 1926 r. Scientific Journal of Organization Review ‐since 1926 ISSN‐ 0137‐7221 [9] GUS (2015), Koniunktura w przemyśle, budownictwie, handlu i usługach w czerwcu 2015 r.,,3,31.html, access date: 22.06.2015.
[10] Eurostat (2015), Smarter, Greener, More Inclusive - Indicators to Support the Europe 2020 Strategy,,_greener,_more_inclusive__indicators_to_support_the_Europe_2020_strategy, access date: 22.06.2015.
[11] Blanchard O. (2015), Greece: A Credible Deal Will Require Difficult Decisions By All Sides,,
access date: 22.06.2015.
or if necessary:
[12], access date: 23.06.2015.
-summary (max. 200 words), including the aim of the publication and the short description of main findings;
-keywords (max. 4);
-the author’s name, surname, academic degrees;
-author’s e-mail address
-the affiliation (Faculty and University);
The submitted reviews, conference and seminar reports must comply with the same editing requirements as the
scientific articles. They will not exceed 4 pages and must be written by a prominent academic.