CURRICULUM VITAE Michał Jerzy Zasada Prof., PhD, DSc, Eng


CURRICULUM VITAE Michał Jerzy Zasada Prof., PhD, DSc, Eng
Michał Jerzy Zasada
Prof., PhD, DSc, Eng.
Foreign languages
Professional interests
General interests
Starzyńskiego 18, 05-075 Warszawa-Wesoła, Poland
Work: (+48) 22 59-38080; Cell: (+48) 691-178-156
[email protected]
English, Russian
growth and yield models, biometrics
amateur radio, computers, Internet
October 2010Associate professor in Department of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw, research and teaching position
August 2004Adjunct Assistant Professor in D.B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University
of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
January 2001-June 2004
Postdoc in D.B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA,
research position
November 1998-September 2010
Assistant professor in Department of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw, research and teaching position
October 1993- October 1998
Research Assistant in Department of Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of
Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw, research and teaching position
February 2014
Professor of forest sciences; scientific title granted by the President of the Republic of Poland
March 2008
„Doktor habilitowany” (habilitation, post-graduate degree, доктор наук) in forest sciences (forest
management), Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw.
Specialization: forest management (The use of growth models for long-term forest resource
projection based on the large-scale inventory data)
October 1998
PhD, forest sciences. Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw.
Specialization: forest mensuration and forest productivity (Growth model for fir /Abies alba Mill./)
June 1993
MSc&Eng in forestry. Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW in Warsaw
(Pine Stand Structure Formation on Permanent Experimental Plots in the Maskulińskie Forest
January 2013Head of the Laboratory of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw
University of Life Sciences-SGGW
September 2012–
Faculty of Forestry vice-dean for research and international cooperation, Warsaw University of Life
Sciences-SGGW, Poland (2012-2016 term)
October 2010Associate professor at Department of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Poland. Research on growth and yield models, new
technologies in forest management planning and forest inventory; teaching of statistics,
experimental design, forest mensuration, forest productivity, forest inventory (including instructions
in English).
September 2008-August 2012
Faculty of Forestry Dean, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Poland (2008-2012 term)
September 2005-August 2008
Vice-Dean for Student’s Affairs, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW,
January 2001-June 2004
Postdoc at D.B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Research project: “Long-term sustainability analysis of forest resources in Georgia and
assessment of potential impacts of riparian zones and other regulatory and business constraints”,
financed by TIP3
November 1998-September 2010
Assistant professor at Department of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Poland. Research on growth and yield models, new
technologies in forest management planning and forest inventory; teaching of statictics,
experimental design, forest mensuration, forest productivity, forest inventory (including instructions
in English).
October 1993-October 1998
Research assistant in Department of Forest Productivity, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of
Life Sciences-SGGW, Poland.
September 1995-September 1997
Programmer at Institute of Opinion and Market Research “Pentor” in Warsaw, Poland.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (last 5 yrs; full list at
Magnuszewski M., Bijak Sz., Orozumbekow A., Howe B., Musuraliev K., Zasada M., Bronisz K.,
Bronisz A. 2015. Different growth patterns of Picea schrenkiana subsp. tianshanica (Rupr.) Bykov
and Juglans regia L. coexisting under the same ecological conditions in the Sary-Chelek Biosphere
Reserve in Kyrgyzstan. Dendrobiology 73: 11-20.
Brach M., Zasada M. 2014.The Effect of Mounting Hight on GNSS Receiver Positioning Accuracy
in Forest Conditions. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 35(1): 245-253.
Gawęda T., Małek S., Zasada M. 2014. Allocation of elements in a chronosequence of silver birch
afforested on former agricultural lands. Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty. Vol.
57, nr 192.
Gruchała A., Zasada M., Małek S., Skorupski M. 2014. Ocena założeń sposobu wykorzystania
wiedzy leśnej przez absolwentów uniwersyteckich studiów leśnych w Polsce w świetle wymagań
pracodawcy. [W:] Paschalis-Jakubowicz P., Bijak Sz., Stereńczak K. (red.) 2014. Wiedza i
umiejętności zawodowe w prowadzeniu gospodarki leśnej. Wydawnictwo SGGW: 89-99.
Gruchała A., Zasada M., Małek S., Skorupski M. 2014. Modelowy system kształcenia
ustawicznego dla kadr Lasów Państwowych oraz innych instytucji zatrudniających leśników. [W:]
Paschalis-Jakubowicz P., Bijak Sz., Stereńczak K. (red.) 2014. Wiedza i umiejętności zawodowe w
prowadzeniu gospodarki leśnej. Wydawnictwo SGGW: 131-145.
Kittel P., Petera-Zganiacz J., Dzieduszyńska D., Twardy J., Krąpiec M., Bijak Sz., Bronisz K.,
Zasada M., Płaza D. 2014. Badania „kopalnego lasu” ze schyłku vistulianu w dolinie Warty
(Kotlina Kolska, środkowa Polska) (Research of subfossil forest from the Weichselian decline in
the Warta River valley (Kolo Basin, central Poland). [W:] Bijak Sz., Zasada M. (red.) 2014. Stan i
perspektywy badań dendrochronologicznych w Polsce. Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji
Przyrodniczo-Leśnej R.14, Zeszyt 1 (30): 238-245.
Magnuszewski M., Nowakowska J., Zasada M., Orozumbekov A. 2014. Charakterystyka
genetyczna świerka Schrenka (Picea schrenkiana Fisch Mey) w gradiencie wysokościowym i
geograficznym gór Tien-Shan w Kirgistanie. Sylwan 158(5): 361-369
Sarsekova D.N., Zasada M. 2014. Produkcyjność plantacji wybranych klonów topoli w
południowo-wschodnim Kazachstanie (Productivity of the selected poplar cultivars in the plantation
conditions in south-eastern Kazakhstan). Sylwan 158(6): 453-462.
Socha J., Zasada M. 2014. Zagęszczenie i tempo naturalnego wydzielania w młodocianych
drzewostanach brzozowych na gruntach porolnych (Stand density and self-thinning dynamics in
young birch stands on post-agricultural lands). Sylwan 158(5): 340-351.
Tomusiak R., Ludwisiak Ł., Bronisz K., Baran E., Bronisz A., Wojtan R., Bijak Sz., Czajkowski
M., Zasada M. 2014. Tabele wiekowe dla drzew z wczesnosukcesyjnych drzewostanów brzozy
brodawkowatej (Betula pendula Roth) na gruntach porolnych (Age tables for silver birch (Betula
pendula Roth) trees for early succession stands on abandoned agricultural lands). Sylwan 158(8):
Woziwoda B., Potocki M., Sagan J., Zasada M., Tomusiak R., Wilczynski S. 2014. Commercial
Forestry as a Vector of Alien Tree Species ? the Case of Quercus rubra L. Introduction in Poland.
Baltic Forestry 20(1): 131-141.
Zasada M., Bijak Sz., Bronisz K., Bronisz A., Gawęda T. 2014. Biomass dynamics in young silver
birch stands on post-agricultural lands in central Poland. Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia.
Komunikaty. Vol. 57, nr 192: 29-39.
Bijak Sz., Zasada M., Bronisz A., Bronisz K., Czajkowski M., Ludwisiak Ł., Tomusiak R., Wojtan
R. 2013. Estimating coarse roots biomass in young silver birch (Betula pendula) stands on postagricultural lands in central Poland. Silva Fennica 47(2) article id 963
Zasada M. 2013. Evaluation of the double normal distribution for tree diameter distribution
modeling. Silva Fennica 47(2) article id 956.
Zasada M. 2013. Modelowanie rozkładów pierśnic młodocianych drzewostanów brzozy
brodawkowatej na gruntach porolnych za pomocą dwuparametrowego rozkładu Weibulla
(Modeling dbh distribution of young silver birch stands on former agricultural lands with the 2parameter Weibull distribution). Sylwan 157(4): 268-277. (IF=0,263; 15)
Zasada M., Stereńczak K., Dudek W.M., Rybski A. 2013. Horizon visibility and accuracy of
stocking determination on circular sample plots using automated measurement techniques. Forest
Ecology and Management 302: 171-177. (IF=2,766;
Pretzsch H., Bielak K., Block J., Bruchwald A., Dieler J., Ehrhart H., Kohnle U., Nagel J.,
Spellmann H., Zasada M., Zingg A. 2013. Productivity of mixed versus pure stands of oak (Quercus
petraea (MATT.) LIEBL. and Quercus robur L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) along an
ecological gradient. European Journal of Forest Research. DOI 10.1007/s10342-012-0673-y
Bronisz A., Bijak Sz., Bronisz K. Zasada M. 2012. Climate influence on radial increment of oak
(Quercus sp.) in Central Poland. Geochronometria. DOI 10.2478/s13386-012-0011-7
Liu S., Bitterlich W., Cieszewski C.J., Zasada M. 2011. Comparing the Use of Three Dendrometers
for Measuring Diameters at Breast Height. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 35 (3): 136-141.
Stereńczak K., Zasada M. 2011. Accuracy of tree height estimation based on LIDAR data analysis.
Folia Forestalia Polonica, ser. A, 53 (2): 123-129.
Wojtan R., Tomusiak R., Zasada M., Dudek A., Michalak K., Wróblewski L., Bijak Sz., Bronisz K.
2011. Współczynniki przeliczeniowe suchej biomasy drzew i ich części dla sosny pospolitej (Pinus
sylvestris L.) w zachodniej Polsce (Trees and their components biomass expansion factors for Scots
pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of western Poland). Sylwan, 155 (4): 236-243.
Zasada M., Stereńczak K. Brach M. 2011. Zależność między pierśnicą a cechami koron uzyskanymi
z lotniczego skanowania laserowego (Relationship between dbh and crown characteristics derived
by airborne laser scanner). Sylwan, 155(11): 725-735.
Bronisz A., Bronisz K., Bijak Sz., Tomusiak R., Wojtan R., Zasada M. 2010. Dendroclimatological
investigation on radial growth of silver fir from inside and outside distribution range in Poland. In
Levanic T. et al. (eds.) TRACE – Tree Rings in Archeology, Climatology and Ecology vol 8.
Bruchwald A., Zasada M. 2010. Model wzrostu modrzewia europejskiego (Larix decidua MILL.)
(Growth model for European larch (Larix decidua MILL.)). Sylwan, 154 (9): 615-624.
Chmielewski L.J., Bator M., Zasada M., Stereńczak K., Strzeliński P. 2010. Fuzzy Hough
transform-based methods for extraction and measurements of single trees in large-volume 3D
terrestrial LIDAR data. In Bolc L., Tadeusiewicz R., Chmielewski L.J., Wojciechowski K. (eds.)
Computer Vision and Graphics: Proc. Int. Conf. ICCVG 2010, volume 6374 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science: 264-273, Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 Sep 2010. Springer Verlag.
Cieszewski C.J., Liu S., Lowe R.C., Zasada M. 2010. Spatially Explicit Biomass Supply
Sustainability Analysis for Bioenergy Mill Siting in Georgia, USA. The Open Forest Science
Journal, 3: 46-58.
Bronisz K., Bronisz A., Zasada M., Bijak S., Wojtan R., Tomusiak R., Dudek A., Michalak K.,
Wróblewski L. 2009. Biomasa aparatu asymilacyjnego w drzewostanach sosnowych zachodniej
Polski (Biomass of foliage in Scots pine stands of western Poland). Sylwan, 153(11): 758-767.
Liu S., Cieszewski C.J., Lowe R.C., Zasada M. 2009. Sensitivity analysis on long-term fiber supply
simulations in Georgia. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 33(2): 81-90.
Lowe R.C., Cieszewski C.J., Liu S., Meng Q., Siry J., Zasada M., Zawadzki J. 2009. Assessment of
Stream Management Zones and Road Beautyfying Buffers in Georgia Based on Remote Sensing
and Various Ground Inventory Data. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 33(2): 91-100.
Zasada M., Bronisz K., Bijak Sz., Dudek A., Bruchwald A., Wojtan R., Tomusiak R., Bronisz A.,
Wróblewski L., Michalak K. 2009. Effect of the cutting age and thinning intensity on biomass and
carbon sequestration - the Gubin Forest District case study. Folia Forestalia Polonica, ser. A, 51 (2):
Bruchwald A., Zasada M. 2008. System prognozowania rozwoju Lasów Państwowych w Polsce na
przykładzie Regionalnej Dyrekcji Lasów Państwowych w Radomiu (Prognosis system for State
Forests - Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom case). In: Grzywacz A. (red.) Zasoby
przyrodnicze polskich lasów. Proceedings of 108 conference of Polish Forestry Society, Cedzyna 46 September 2008: 107-120.
Podlaski R., Zasada M. 2008. Comparison of selected statistical distributions for modelling the
diameter distributions in near-natural Abies-Fagus forests in the Świętokrzyski National Park.
European Journal of Forest Research, 127: 455-463.
Zasada M., Bronisz K., Bijak Sz., Wojtan R., Tomusiak R., Dudek A., Michalak K., Wróblewski L.
2008. Wzory empiryczne do określania suchej biomasy nadziemnej części drzew i ich
komponentów (Empirical equations for determination of the dry biomass of aboveground parts of
the tree). Sylwan, 3: 27-39.
Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T., Zasada M. 2008. Techniki geomatyczne w inwentaryzacji lasu – potrzeby i
możliwości (Geomatic techniques in forest inventory - needs and oportunities). WULS-SGGW
Press, Warsaw (red.). 135pp.
Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T., Stereńczak K., Bałazy R., Wencel A., Strzeliński P., Zasada M. 2008. The
use of terrestrial and airborne lidar technology in forest inventory. Ambiencia, 4: 57-68.
Bijak, Sz, Zasada, M. 2007. Oszacowanie biomasy korzeni w drzewostanach sosnowych Borów
Lubuskich (Assessment of the belowground biomass in Scots pine stands of Bory Lubuskie).
Sylwan, 12: 21-29.
Chirrek M., Strzeliński P., Wencel A., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T., Zasada M., Jagodziński M. 2007.
Wybrane zdalne metody szacowania biomasy roślinnej w ekosystemach leśnych jako podstawa
systemu raportowania bilansu węgla (Selected remote methods of woody biomass assessment in
forest ecosystems as a base of the carbon balance reporting system). Roczniki Geomatyki, V (4): 716.
Cieszewski C.J., Zasada M., Strub M. 2007. New dynamic site equation that fits best the
Schwappach data for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Central Europe. Forest Ecology and
Management, 243: 83–93.
2013-2017 Ecological and economic consequences of the presence of selected alien tree species in
Poland. Financed by Polish General Directorate of State Forests.
2012-2016 FORest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests
(FORMIT). Financed by EU 7FP
2010-2012 Application of the terrestrial laser scanning for measuring of selected characteristics of
forest ecosystems. Financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
2010-2012 Ecological consequences of birch secondary succession on former agricultural lands.
Financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
2007-2010 Carbon balance in biomass of main tree species in Poland. Financed by Polish General
Directorate of State Forests.
2012 – Member of the Polish Forestry Research Institute Scientific Board
2011- Member of the Committee of Forest Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences (2011-2014 term)
2010-2013 Participation (as an expert) in the project “Curriculum Invoking Bologna-aligned
Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies CIBELES”. Tempus.
2008-2011 Participation (as an expert) in the project “Polish Education Dynamical Development
Assistance” (together with Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland and University of Iceland,
financed by FSS)
2009-2011 Participation (as an expert) in the project “Central Asian Network for Quality Assurance
and Accreditation CANQA”. Tempus.
2009-2011 Member of the Scientific Committee in General Directorate of Polish State Forests
Reviewer for: Forest Science, Journal of Forestry, Forest Ecology and Management, Annals of
Forest Science, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Sylwan, Biometrical Letters, Folia Forestalia
Polonica, Annals of Geomatics, Remote Sensing of Environment, Mathematical Biosciences
Member of Advisory Editorial Board for Folia Forestalia Polonica, Open Forest Science Journal
and Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej in Rogów, Poland (2008-2012)
Member of Polish Forest Society and Polish Amateur Radio Union
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for organizational achievements - 2014
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for organizational achievements - 2012
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for organizational achievements - 2011
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for organizational achievements - 2010
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for organizational achievements - 2009
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for achievements in teaching - 2008
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for research achievements – 2006
WULS-SGGW Rector’s Award for research achievements (PhD thesis) – 1993
Information valid as of 5 February 2015

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