pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish


pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish
Pauline Fathers:
Fr. Tadeusz Olzacki OSPPE
Fr. Bogdan Olzacki OSPPE
Fr. Leslie Hoppe OFM
Piotr Wojtasik
Mary Louise Marcin
Stanley Anuszkiewicz
Pauline Wehr
Marcin Wojtulewicz
Lester Szlendak
Director of Rel. Ed.
Weekend Associate
Business Manager
Music Director
Music Director
Parish Council Chair
Finance Committee Chair
6750 W Montrose Ave.
Harwood Heights, IL 60706
Phone: (708) 867-8817
Fax: (708) 867-0774
Office e-mail: [email protected]
Bulletin issue: [email protected]
Office Hours:
9 am - 4 pm
8 am - 4 pm
11 am - 7 pm
Volunteers in the parish office
Monday 10 am - 2 pm
Wednesday 10 am - 2 pm
(Spanish /English speaking)
Emergency Only phone (708) 941 -3888
Mission Statement
We are a faith Community called by
our Baptism to be children in the Family of
God. We are on a pilgrimage striving to be
Jesus to all and to find Jesus in others.
With humility and respect we commit
ourselves to share the gifts and talents received from the Holy Spirit.
We live to proclaim the Mission and
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our
September 14, 2014
Our fundraising for the renovation of our parish parking lot.
St. Rosalie
As we all know, our parking requires a thorough overhaul. The current asphalt is
nearly 15 years old, and the last maintenance work was done over 5 years ago.
Following a detailed and comprehensive
consultation we found that the best and
most practical solution is to completely replace the existing surface and pour two
new layers of asphalt. The cost of this renovation is approximately $250,000. Such
high costs are related to the size of our
parking lot, the need to replace the entire
surface, and the need to comply with the
procedures provided by our Archdiocese.
This amount is very high, but we can no longer put off the repair of our parking lot, as
the status of its current condition would prevent us from its further use. At the moment
there is no possibility of a loan to finance the renovation. Therefore, we would like to ask
all parishioners to support this project through donations by specific monthly collections.
We estimate that in our parish there are about 1,000 families attending Sunday Mass.
The total amount needed for the renovation of the parking lot after the split of the number
of families in the parish amounts to the sum of $250 per each family. We realize that this
amount is a big expense for many families, and we do not expect it all at once. The realistic date to start the repair work would be the summer of 2015. This gives us time to complete at least 10 collections for the parking lot fund in which we are asking you to sacrifice
$25 per month over the next 10 months.
Collection dates are listed below. We ask that all donations for the renovation of our
parking lot be placed in the specially printed envelopes which are located on the tables at
the entrances to the church. It is important for us that you fill out the necessary information
on the envelopes (such as your name and address). We realize that for some of you as
much as $25 a month can be a big burden. Therefore we ask everyone to please consider
the extent of which you can support the realization of this essential renovation for all of us
in this parish and donate the amount you feel comfortable with. We encourage especially
those whom God has blessed with more wealth to make higher contributions to the best of
their ability.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and God Bless.
10 collections for the parking lot:
July 13, 2014
August 17, 2014
September 14, 2014
October 12, 2014
November 9, 2014
December 21, 2014
January 11, 2015
February 22, 2015
March 8, 2015
April 12, 2015
Zbiórka funduszy na remont parkingu parafialnego.
St. Rosalie
Jak wszyscy wiedzą, nasz parking wymaga gruntownego remontu. Obecny asfalt
został położony na tym parkingu prawie 15 lat temu, a ostatnie jakiekolwiek prace
konserwacyjne były wykonane ponad 5 lat
temu. Po przeprowadzeniu szczegółowych i
wszechstronnych konsultacji stwierdziliśmy,
że najlepszym oraz praktycznie jedynym
rozwiązaniem jest zerwanie istniejącej
nawierzchni i położenie dwóch nowych
warstw asfaltu. Koszt takiego remontu wynosi
ok. $250,000. Tak wysokie koszty remontu
zwiazane są z rozmiarami parkingu,
koniecznością wymiany całej nawierzchni
oraz wykonania robót według procedur
przewidzianych przez naszą Archidiecezję.
Jest to kwota bardzo wysoka, jednak nie
możemy dłużej odkładać remontu naszego parkingu, ponieważ groziłoby to jego
całkowitym wyłączeniem z użytkowania. Na dzień dzisiejszy nie ma możliwości
zaciągnięcia pożyczki na sfinansowanie tego remontu. Dlatego chcielibysmy prosić
wszystkich parafian o wsparcie tego projektu poprzez donacje na drodze specjalnych
comiesięcznych kolekt.
Szacujemy, że w naszej Parafii w niedzielnych Mszach Św. uczestniczy ok. 1000
rodzin. Całkowita kwota potrzebna na remont parkingu po podzieleniu na ilość rodzin w
Parafii daje sumę $250 na każdą rodzinę. Zdajemy sobie sprawę że kwota ta dla wielu
osób jest dużym wydatkiem. Dlatego nie oczekujemy jej jednorazowo. Wydaje się, że
realny termin rozpoczęcia prac remontowych to wakacje 2015 roku. Daje nam to czas na
przeprowadzenie co najmniej 10 kolekt na fundusz parkingowy. Oznacza to również, że
prosimy Was o comiesięczną ofiarę na remont parkingu w wysokości $25 przez kolejne 10
Daty kolekt umieszczone są poniżej. Do ofiar na remont parkingu prosimy o
używanie specjalnie wydrukowanych na ten cel kopert, które znajdują się na stolikach przy
wejściach do koscioła. est dla nas ważne aby podawać niezbędne informacje na kopertach
(imię, nazwisko, adres). Wiemy rownież, że dla części z Was nawet $25 miesięcznie może
stanowić spore obciążenie dlatego prosimy aby każdy rozważył na ile może wesprzeć
realizację tego niezbędnego dla nas wszystkich remontu i dokonywał ofiar w miarę swoich
możliwości. Zachęcamy szczególnie tych, którym Bóg błogosławi w kwestiach materialnych
do składania wyższych ofiar na miarę możliwości. Wszystkim ofiarodawca chcielibysmy
złozyć serdeczne Bóg zapłać!
13 lipca 2014
17 sierpnia 2014
14 wrzesnia 2014
12 pazdziernika 2014
9 listopada 2014
21 grudnia 2014
11 stycznia 2015
22 lutego 2015
8 marca 2015
12 kwietnia 2015
As a community, let us pray for all those
who serve our Country
St. Rosalie
Kurt Beyer
Darryl Guzman
Ryan James Bigoness SGT USMC
Michael Rivera
John Velez
Brian Talarico
Aurora Talarico……...LCPL USMC
Matt Skiba
Airborne Infantryman
Benjamin Juhasz
May God protect them
and return them safely to their families.
Come and Journey With Me ……
Are you thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Would you like to know more about the Catholic
Are you marrying a Catholic person and would like to know
more about the Catholic faith?
Do you know a family member or friend who is thinking about
becoming a Catholic and has questions about our faith?
Inquiry sessions (Rite of Christian Initiation) will be
forming in the fall for people who are thinking about
becoming Catholics. Please contact Father Tadeusz
Father Bogdan at 708.867.8817 or Pauline Wehr at
708.363.3068 for more information.
The Stewardship Report for
September 7, 2014
Weekly Offertory:
Weekly Offertory Budgeted:
Weekly Difference:
Building and Maintenance
Special Collection for the
Middle East
Thank you
for your generosity & all you do for Saint Rosalie
Parish in your bequests.
Baptisms are celebrated on
the first Sunday of the
month. Parents are required
to participate in the preparation meeting before the date
is scheduled. Please call the
office for an appointment.
Required Documents:
Birth certificate of the child,
proof of catholic parish
membership (for at least 6
months) for both parents as
well as sponsors.
The Archdiocese of
Chicago requires arrangements for weddings be
made 6 months in
advance. Please call the office for an appointment.
Required Documents:
Baptismal certificates for
the engaged, proof of membership to a catholic parish
(for at least 6 months) for
both bride and groom, proof
of completion of Pre-Cana
Please call the office to
make arrangements. Our
priest visits the sick on the
first Friday of the month or
as needed.
St. Rosalie
Today on September 14th The Parish Council is sponsoring
our Annual St. Rosalie Feast Day and Picnic. "Zawisza" band will
be playing during our picnic between 1:30 and 4 pm. All are
Religious Education registration is now in progress. Registration forms are
available in the vestibule and in the Parish Office
Market Day will enter your name in a raffle for a chance to win a "Back to
School Lunch Snack Basket" full of Market Day goodies. Pick- Up is Thursday, September 18, at 5pm in Conrad Hall.
St. Rosalie Cooks, "Our Families Favorite Dishes" is the title of our Parish
Cookbook. Please submit your family's favorite recipes in English and in the
origin of your heritage. Two recipes per family please.
This Sunday our second collection is designated for our Parking Lot.
We would like to thank everyone who has been helping our Parish especially
those who have been working unselfishly.
We are looking for your help. The Parish property contains beautiful lawns,
bushes, and trees. All of it looks gorgeous however, unfortunately year after
year we have collected branches which now we no longer can collect. We've
decided to chip them in a chipper shredder. If you know of someone that has
a shredder that we can use (free) or other machinery that could do this it
would greatly be appreciated. Thank you
Dzis 14 wrzesnia, Rada Parafialna zaprasza parafian oraz
gosci na piknik z okazji święta naszej Patronki Św. Rozalii."
Podczas pikniku od godz. 13:30 do 16-tej.bedzie grał zespół
Pracujemy nad redakcją książki kucharskiej z ulubionymi przepisami
naszych parafian. Prosimy o przepisy dwóch potraw w języku polskim i
angielskim. Więcej informacji można uzyskać w biurze parafialnym.
W dzisiejszą niedziele druga taca przeznaczona jest na Remont naszego
Dziękujemy za wszelką pomoc i
bezinteresownie pomagają przy parafii.
Welcome our new parishioners Witamy nowych parafian :
Fr. Tadeusz with Parish Council members
St. Rosalie
Monday, September 15
7:30 am
Tuesday, September 16
Wednesday, September 17
7:30 am
+ Marek Kawczynski- 2-nd Year Death
Anniversary (P. Kolesnik Family)
Thursday, September 18
+ Michal Forys
Friday, September 19
+ Jozef Fiedor (od Zachemskich)
Saturday, September 20
+ Franciszek Rypel
+ William & Josephine Nowak
(Daughter Nicole)
+ Edward Dudek ( Friend)
Sunday, September 21
For All Parishioners
+ Henry Janicki — birthday (Wife &
+ Andrzej, Janek Sawicki
+ Stanislaw & Aleksandra Slęzak
- Dziekczynna Panu Bogu za otrzymane
łaski z prośbą o dalsza opiekę za
wstawiennictwem Jana Pawła II dla
Doroty, jej dzieci i męża
+ Alfreda Krzywosz 21-rocznica
1:30 pm
+ Franciszek Rypel
September 21, 2014
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sue Santucci/Karen Pabich
7:30 am
Jim Mapes/Pauline Wehr
9:00 am
Maria Sowa/Maggie Ejsmont
10:30 am
Mitch Drozd/Dorothy
12:00 pm
Al Mitter/Mary Zukowski
1:30 pm
Cecylia Marszalik/Lucja Szeliga
Eucharist Ministers
September 21, 2014
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sue Santucci/Ted Ropski
Karen Pabich
7:30 am
Jan Stratton
10:30 am
Mitch Drozd/Sophie Drozd
Paul Szczurek
12:00 pm
Al Mitter
Ministers of Care
September 21, 2014
Joy Abarintos
Sharon Scesniak
Karen Geller/Teresa Gunia
If you have any respect for [a church],
dress appropriately. (shorts, bare shoulders and tight clothing are not appropriate for church).
Please pray
for your Parish of
Saint Rosalie
Eleonor Wehr; Rose Woodworth;
Delta Bertolini; Linda Boyko; Jozef
Grochowski; Maria Lesny; Walter
Niemaszyk; Dennis Laspesa; Chris
Farrel; Michael Ehas; Ken Moritz;
Steven Landquist; Donald Dickens;
Timothy Lichak; Marie Scalet;
Czechowski; Donald Joerger;
Debbie Juszynski; Fran Pyka;
Grace Muto; Frank & Alice
Miszkiewicz; Garrett FitzGerald;
Jean Lane; Adrian Rzewuski; Ann
Gutowski; Laverne Torissi;
Elizabeth DiBerardino; Elaine
DiCiaula; Vincenza Palimieri; Joan
Craig; Mila Todorova; Sue
McGarry; Stanley Nejman; David
Schnittker; Leo Kawczinski;
Richard Lorenz; Mar c ie
Kawczinski; Thomas Calvit;
Rozalia Giairdo; Bernadine
Czechowski; Kathryn Minnice;
Patricia Garcarz; Berto Santiago;
Bobbi Wheeler
As part of our parochial
activities, our parish will
be offering catechesis for
youth and adults.
These catechesis presented by the Neocatechumenal Way will take place at 7:00 pm on
Mondays and Thursdays in the Conrad Hall beginning
on September 22, 2014
If you want to grow in faith, or to find out
how to share your faith with others around you, or if
you feel that the difficulties you are facing at school,
work, or at home seem to wear down your faith we
urge you to come and listen.
All persons, parishioners or not, between
the ages of 13 and 113 are cordially invited, so come
and bring your family and friends.
Free babysitting will be provided.
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
on Friday
St. Rosalie
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
on first Thursday of the Month
Stamp or priest’s signature
Church attended______________________
The Gospel was about:
September 14, 2014 _____________________________________

Podobne dokumenty

September 21, 2014 Bulletin

September 21, 2014 Bulletin for your generosity & all you do Communion and avoid “chitfor Saint Rosalie Parish in your chat which distracts others bequests. who are connecting with God Parking Lot $7,525.00 through prayer bef...

Bardziej szczegółowo

pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish

pastoral staff - Saint Rosalie Parish Pauline Fathers: Fr. Tadeusz Olzacki OSPPE Fr. Bogdan Olzacki OSPPE Fr. Leslie Hoppe OFM Piotr Wojtasik Mary Louise Marcin Stanley Anuszkiewicz Pauline Wehr Marcin Wojtulewicz Lester Szlendak

Bardziej szczegółowo