
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
8:50 - 9:00
J. Szczytko - Opening address
9:00 - 9:45
J. Majewski - The Present and the Future of Information Technologies
9:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
J. Majewski - The Present and the Future of Information Technologies
10:45 - 11:15
coffee break
11:15 - 12:00
C. Kocot - Novel Optoelectronic Devices
12:00 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:00
C. Kocot - Novel Optoelectronic Devices
16:30 - 17:15
tutorial of J. Majewski
17:15 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:15
tutorial of C. Kocot
18:15 - 18:30
summary of the day - students
Get together at the bonfire
SUNDAY, June 18
9:00 - 9:45
D. Williams - Semiconductor Nanodevices for Future Quantum Computers
9:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
D. Williams - Semiconductor Nanodevices for Future Quantum Computers
10:45 - 11:15
coffee break
11:15 - 12:00
S. Birner - Modeling of Semiconductor Nanostructures with nextnano 3
12:00 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:00
S. Birner - Modeling of Semiconductor Nanostructures with nextnano 3
16:30 - 17:15
tutorial of D. Williams
17:15 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:15
tutorial of S. Birner
18:15 - 18:30
summary of the day - students
Welcoming glass of wine
Tutorial Session co-organized by Foundation “Pro Physica”
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
MONDAY, June 19
8:50 - 9:00
W. Bardyszewski - Opening address
9:00 - 10:00
A. Greilich, R. Oulton, E.A. Zhukov, I.A. Yugova, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer,
A. Shabaev, Al.L. Efros, I.A. Merkulov, D. Reuter, A. Wieck - Electron Spin
Dynamics in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
10:00 - 10:10
10:10 - 11:10
J. Kasprzak, M. Richard, S. Kundermann, A. Baas, P. Jeambrun, J. Keeling,
F.M. Marchetti, M.H. Szymańska, R. André, J.L. Staehli, P.B. Littlewood,
B. Deveaud, Le Si Dang - Towards Bose-Einstein Condensation in Solid State
11:10 - 11:40
coffee break
11:40 - 12:40
R.M. Stevenson, R.J. Young, P. Atkinson, K. Cooper, D.A. Ritchie, A.J. Shields
- Control of Exciton Fine Structure Splitting in Quantum Dots
12:40 - 13:30
19:00 - 19:20
J. Suffczyński, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, B. Piechal, A. Trajnerowicz,
K. Kowalik, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, K. Korona, G. Karczewski, M. Nawrocki,
J.A. Gaj
Single Carrier Capture in Optical Excitation of Individual CdTe/ZnTe QDs
19:20 - 19:40
B. Chwalisz-Piętka, A. Wysmołek, R.Stępniewski, J. Suffczyński, M. Goryca,
T. Kazimierczuk, W. Pacuski, B. Piechal, A. Trajnerowicz, W. Maślana,
P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, J.A. Gaj, M. Potemski, V. Thierry-Mieg
Excitonic Cascades in Extra - Low Density GaAs/AlAs Quantum Dots
19:40 - 20:00
P. Machnikowski, K. Roszak, L. Jacak
Phonon-Induced Dephasing in Quantum Dots - Interpretation in Terms of
Information Leakage
20:00 - 20:15
20:15 - 20:35
H. Teisseyre, S. Grünsteidl, J.A. Majewski, C. Skierbiszewski, B. Łucznik,
G. Kamler, A. Feduniewicz, M. Siekacz, T. Suski, P. Perlin, I. Grzegory,
S. Porowski
Nonpolar GaN QWs for Optoelectronic Devices
Co-organized by Committee on Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
20:35 - 20:55
C. Skierbiszewski, M. Siekacz, P. Wiśniewski, P. Perlin, A. FeduniewiczŻmuda, G. Cywiński, J. Smalc, S. Grzanka, I. Grzegory, M. Leszczyński,
S. Porowski
High Power Continuous Wave Blue InAlGaN Laser Diodes Made by Plasma
Assisted MBE
20:55 - 21:15
P. Jakubas, P. Bogusławski
Formation and Properties of Interstitial Zn in (Cd,Zn)Te
21:15 - 22:30
TUESDAY, June 20
9:00 - 10:00
A. Babiński - Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots in High Magnetic Field
10:00 - 10:10
10:10 - 11:10
D. Gershoni - Correlated and Entangled Pairs of Single Photons from
Semiconductor Quantum Dots
11:10 - 11:40
coffee break
11:40 - 12:40
J. Martinek, Y. Utsumi, J. Barnas, J. König, L. Borda, J. von Delft, R. Bulla,
D.C. Ralph, S. Maekawa, G. Schon - Kondo Effect in Single-Molecule
Spintronic Devices
12:40 - 13:30
16:30 - 17:30
Concert - chamber music performed by young artists, recipients of scholarships
of Polish Children’s Fund:
Wojciech Fudala - cello
Jakub Szeja - guitar
19:00 - 19:20
P. Utko, K. Gloos, J. Bindslev Hansen, C.B. Sorensen, P.E. Lindelof
Two Different Quantization Regimes in Single-Electron Pumps Driven by
Surface Acoustic Waves
19:20 - 19:40
G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, K. Fronc, M. Aleszkiewicz, T. Dietl, E. Papis,
E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, G. Springholz, G. Bauer
Quantum Ballistic Phenomena in Hybrid Nanostructures of Paraelectric PbTe
19:40 - 20:00
N. Kleemans,
I.M.A. Bominaar-Silkens,
V.M. Fomin,
V.N. Gladilin,
D. Granados,
A.G. Taboada,
J.M. García,
P. Offermans,
U. Zeitler,
P.C.M. Christianen, J.C. Maan, J.T. Devreese, J.H. Wolter, P.M. Koenraad
Persistent Currents in Nano-Volcanoes
20:00 - 20:15
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
20:15 - 20:35
P. Hawrylak, F. Qu
Controlling Mn-Mn Interactions with Free Carriers in Quantum Dots
20:35 - 20:55
Ł. Kłopotowski, A. Gruszczyńska, M. Wiater, P. Kossacki, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz
Spatial Mapping of the Probability Densities of Carriers Confined in
Rectangular Quantum Wells
20:55 - 21:15
K. Výborný, O. Čertík, D. Pfannkuche, D. Wodziński, A. Wójs, J. J. Quinn
Ising Ferromagnetism of Composite Fermions
21:15 - 22:30
9:00 - 10:00
W. Pacuski, P. Kossacki, D. Ferrand, J. Cibert, J.A. Gaj, A. Golnik, S. Marcet,
C. Deparis, C. Morhain, E. Sarigiannidou, H. Mariette - Giant Zeeman Effect in
(Zn,Co)O and (Ga,Mn)N
10:00 - 10:10
10:10 - 11:10
C. Gould, C. Rüster, K. Pappert, G. Schmidt, L.W. Molenkamp - TAMR:
Tunnelling Anisotropic Magneto-Resistance
11:10 - 11:40
coffee break
11:40 - 12:40
P. Sankowski, P. Kacman Heterostructures
13:30 - 18:30
Conference Dinner
Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductor
9:30 - 10:30
E. Monroy, F. Guillot, S. Leconte, E. Bellet-Amalric, L. Neveu, L. Doyennete,
M. Tchernycheva, F.H. Julien, E. Baumann, F. Giorgetta, D. Hofstetter, Le Si
Dang - III-Nitride Nanostructures for Infrared Optoelectronics
10:30 - 10:40
10:40 - 11:40
F. Bertram - Luminescence Micro-Characterization of Epitaxial ZnO and ZnOBased Heterostructures
11:40 - 12:10
coffee break
12:10 - 13:10
E. Kamińska, E. Przeździecka, A. Piotrowska, J. Kossut, E. Dynowska,
A. Barcz, R. Jakieła, W. Dobrowolski, I. Pasternak, P. Bogusławski - p-Type
Doping in ZnO
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
13:10 - 14:20
19:00 - 19:20
A. Bonanni, M. Kiecana, C. Simbrunner, H. Przybylinska, M. Sawicki,
A. Wolos, A. Navarro-Quezada, M. Wegscheider, W. Jantsch, T. Dietl
GaN:Fe and (Ga,Fe)N:Mg: Growth, Characterization and Magnetic
19:20 - 19:40
E.A. Michaluk, J. Błoniarz, Z. Wilamowski, A. Mycielski
Electric Dipole and Current Induced Spin Resonances of Shallow Donor in
19:40 - 20:00
T. Slobodskyy, D. Supp, D. Sanchez, P. Grabs, C. Gould, G. Schmidt,
L.W. Molenkamp
Magnetic Resonant Tunneling Diodes, Growth, Optimization and Spin
20:00 - 20:15
20:15 - 20:35
M. Goryca, D. Ferrand, P. Kossacki, M. Nawrocki, W. Pacuski, W. Maślana,
S. Tatarenko, J. Cibert
Transmission Study of Magnetization Dynamics in (Cd,Mn)Te Quantum Wells
20:35 - 20:55
R. Oszwałdowski, J. A. Majewski, T. Dietl
Spin-Dependent Transport Through Domain-Walls in (Ga,Mn)As
20:55 - 21:15
K. Kowalik, A. Golnik, J. Suffczyński, P. Wojnar, J. Kossut, J.A. Gaj
Manipulation of Excitonic Fine Structure in Single CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
with an In-Plane Magnetic Field
21:15 - 22:30
FRIDAY, June 23
9:00 - 10:00
F. Gloux, P. Ruterana, K. Lorenz, T. Wojtowicz, E. Alves - Ion Implantation of
Re Ions in GaN: Damage Formation and Recovery
10:00 - 10:10
10:10 - 11:10
S. Kuroda - Novel Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (Zn,Cr)Te: Doping of Charge
Impurities and Magnetic Properties
11:10 - 11:40
coffee break
11:40 - 12:40
S. Erwin, L. Zu, M.I. Haftel, A.L. Efros, T.A. Kennedy, D.J. Norris - New
Perspectives on Doping Semiconductor Nanostructures
12:40 - 12:50
W. Bardyszewski - Closing address
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
M. Baj, M. Gryglas, B. Jouault, D. Maude, G. Faini, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna
Spectroscopy of a Single Si Donor by the Resonant Tunneling Experiment
A. Witowski, M.L. Sadowski, D. Wasik, M. Kaminska, A. Rutkowska, G. Strzelecka,
A. Hruban
FIR Magnetospectroscopy of Mn Acceptor in InP
A. Witowski, M.L. Sadowski, A. Mycielski, K. Grasza
Magnetooptical Studies of Shallow Donors in ZnO
T.W. Wojciechowski, E. Janik, J. Bąk- Misiuk, E. Dynowska, K. Fronc, I. Demchenko,
A. Mycielski, G. Karczewski
External Electric Field Effect on Interplanar Distances in Cd1-xZnxTe and CdTe
M. Sznajder, D.M. Bercha, K.E. Glukhov, I.V. Slipukhina
Universality of the Empty-Lattice Approximation to Predict the Topology of Energy
Spectra of High-Symmetry Crystals and Superlattices Based upon Them
T. Tsarova, T. Wosiński, A. Mąkosa, Z. Tkaczyk
Anisotropic Electric-Field-Enhanced Electron Emission from Deep-Level Defects in
M. Witkowska-Baran, J. Żuk, H. Krzyżanowska, M. Kulik
Optical Properties of Ge and Si Nanoclusters Formed in SiO2 Matrices by Ion
E. Tymicki, K. Grasza, A. Malinowska, M. Gała, M. Pawłoska, M. Świrkowicz,
J. Kisielewski
New Concept for Micropipes Reduction in Silicon Carbide SiC Crystals
W. Zaleszczyk, E. Przeździecka, M. Wiater, G. Cywiński, R. Butkute, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz
Nitrogen Doping of ZnTe-Based Alloys during MBE Growth
10. V. Rakovics, Zs. J. Horvath, K. T. Eppich, B. Pődör
Electrical and Photelectrical Behaviour of Nanocrystalline CdS/InP Heterojunction pn Diodes
11. A. Wysmołek, K. Wardak, R. Stępniewski, J. Baranowski, M. Potemski, E. Tymicki,
K. Grasza
Magneto-Luminescence Study of Silicon-Vacancy in 6H-SiC
12. M. Szot, K. Karpierz, A.A. Avetisyan, A.P. Djotyan, J. Kossut, M. Grynberg
The Nature of Potential Fluctuations in the MBE CdTe/CdMgTe Quantum Well in
a Magnetic Field: Theory and Experiment
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
13. G. Jóźwiak, M. Dąbrowska-Szata, Ł. Gelczuk
High Resolution Capacitance Transient Analysis for Localized States at the Extended
Defects in Semiconductors
14. E. Guziewicz, Z. Gołacki, B.J. Kowalski, J. Kanski, L. Ilver
Valence of Sm Ions in IV-VI Materials
15. S. Trushkin, Le Van Khoi, S. Biernacki, A. Kamińska, A. Suchocki
Nephelauxetic Effect in Zn(Se,S):Cr2+ Crystals
16. S. Kret, P.Dłużewski, A. Szczepańska, J. Dąbrowski, R. Czernecki, M. Zak, J-Y. Laval,
M. Krysko, M. Leszczyński
Electron Beam Induced Asymmetric Indium Segregation in LP-MOCVD InGaN QWs
Studied by Quantitative Electron Microscopy
17. S. Kret, P. Dłużewski, A. Szczepańska, J. Dąbrowski, A. Wolska, K. ŁawniczakJabłońska, Y. Lefrais, M.J. Hytch, A. Misiuk
Transmission Electron Microscopy Structural Analysis of the Silicon Surface
Implanted with Manganese
18. J. Grym, O. Procházková, K. Žd'ánský, J. Zavadil, J. Lörinčík
Impact of Rare-Earth Elements and their Oxides on Growth and Properties of InP
LPE Layers
19. R. Stoklas, P. Kordoš, D. Gregušová, J. Novák
Impact of Passivation on Electrical Properties of GaN-Based Schottky Diodes
20. G.V. Lashkarev, M.V. Radchenko, V.I. Sichkovskyi, S.P. Gubin, D.A. Baranov,
T.Yu. Yurkov, V.A. Yukhimchuk, V. Domuchowski, T. Story
Optical Properties of CdS Nanocrystals Incorporated in Polyethylene
21. G.V. Lashkarev, V.I. Lazorenko, V.A. Karpyna, V.D. Khranovskyy, A.A. Evtukh,
M.O. Semenenko, L.I. Petrosyan
Electronic Field Emission from ZnO Microcrystals and Nanostructured Thin Films
Grown on Silicon Wafers
22. J. Plesiewicz, L. Dmowski, T. Suski, W. Walukiewicz, Hai Lu, W. Schaff
Towards Identification of Resonant Donor States in InN Epitaxial Layers
23. L. Dmowski, R. Piotrzkowski, J. Plesiewicz, T. Suski, Hai Lu, W. Schaff, M. Kurouchi,
Y. Nanishi
Electrical Properties of Magnesium Doped InN
24. T. Suski, G. Franssen, H. Teisseyre, L.H. Dmowski, J.A. Plesiewicz, P. Perlin,
A. Kamińska, M. Kurouchi, Y. Nanishi
Mechanism of Radiative Recombination in InN and In-Rich InGaN
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
25. G. Franssen, J.A. Plesiewicz, L.H. Dmowski, P. Prystawko, W. Krupczyński,
R. Jachymek, P. Perlin, M. Leszczyński, T. Suski
Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of Polarization-Induced interface charge in
AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
26. S.P. Łepkowski, J.A. Majewski
Effects of Nonlinear Elasticity and Electromechanical Coupling on Optical Properties
of Nitride Quantum Wells
27. S. Grzanka, G. Franssen, G. Targowski, K. Krowicki, R. Czernecki, W. Krupczyński,
R. Jachymek, R. Wiśniewska, E. Litwin-Staszewska, R. Piotrzkowski, P. Perlin,
M. Leszczyński, T. Suski
Low-Temperature Collapse of Electroluminescence in Nitride Light Emitting Diodes
28. M. Siekacz, A. Feduniewicz-Żmuda, G. Cywiński, P. Perlin, S. Grzanka, W. Jantsch,
M. Leszczyński, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, C. Skierbiszewski
Green InGaN Light Emitting Diodes by Plasma Assisted MBE
29. T. Świetlik, P. Prystawko, I. Grzegory, R. Czernecki, T. Suski, P. Prelin, C. Lauterbach,
U.T. Schwarz
Waveguide Mode Dynamics of InGaN/GaN/AlGaN Based Laser Diodes Studied by
Scanning near Field Optical Microscopy
30. G. Cywiński, C. Skierbiszewski, A. Feduniewicz-Żmuda, M. Siekacz, L. Nevou,
L. Doyennette, F.H. Julien, P. Prystawko, M. Kryśko, S. Grzanka, I. Grzegory,
S. Porowski
Crack Free GaInN/AllnN MQWs Grown on GaN with Strong Intersubband Absorption
at 1.55 μm
31. M. Motyka, R. Kudrawiec, G. Cywiński, M. Siekacz, C. Skierbiszewski, J. Misiewicz
Contacless Electroreflectance Spectroscopy of Inter- and Intra-Band Transitions in
AlInN/GaInN Quantum Wells
32. M. Syperek, M. Motyka, R. Kudrawiec, J. Misiewicz, M. Rudziński, P.R. Hageman,
P.K. Larsen
Photoreflectance and Contactless Electroreflectance Investigation of AlGaN/GaN
Field Effect Transistor Structures with Two Dimensional Electron Gas
33. L. Marona, P. Wiśniewski, M. Leszczyński, P. Prystawko, I. Grzegory, T. Suski, P. Perlin
Why does Blue Laser Undergone the Degradation? Looking for a Source of Damage in
InGaN Based Laser Diodes on Bulk GaN Substrate
34. E. Przeździecka,
E. Kamińska,
K.P. Korona,
E. Dynowska,
W. Dobrowolski,
I. Pasternak, R. Jakieła, W. Pacuski, Ł. Kłopotowski, M. Sawicki, M. Kiecana, J. Kossut
Optical Properties of p-Type ZnO and ZnMnO Doped by N and/or As and Sb Acceptors
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
35. E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, A. Szczęsny, M. Guziewicz, K. Gołaszewska, R. Kruszka,
M. Sakowicz, J. Łusakowski, K. Karpierz, W. Knap, Z. Bougrioua, M. Azize,
P. Lorenzini, R. Jakieła
AlGaN/GaN HEMT Targeting High Temperature Applications
36. A. Zakrzewski
Hyperfine Interactions in ZnO:Li Nanocrystals
37. S. Yatsunenko, M. Godlewski, T. Böttcher, D. Hommel, T. Strachowski, W. Łojkowski,
R.R. Piticescu, A. Motoc, M.R. Phillips
Influence of n-Type Doping on Efficiency of Light Emission from Nitrides and ZnO
38. K. Surowiecka, M. Schirra, A. Wysmołek, R. Bożek, K. Pakula, J.M. Baranowski,
K. Thonke, R. Sauer, R. Stępniewski
Cathodoluminescence Studies of GaN/AlGaN Quantum Dots
39. K.P. Korona, A. Drabińska, K. Pakuła, J.M. Baranowski
Multiband GaN/AlGaN UV Photodetector
40. I. Wysocka, D. Wasik, A.M. Witowski, M. Kamińska, M. Kurouchi, Y. Nanishi
Optical Studies of InN Crystals
41. O. Galochkina, P. Gorley, P. Horley, Y. Vorobiev, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez
The Influence of Non-Parabolicity of Carrier Energy Dispersion Law on
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characteristics of Wurtzite Semiconductors
42. V.D. Khranovskyy, G.V. Lashkarev, V.I. Lazorenko, V.O. Karpina
Application of Plasma Enhanced Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
Technology for High-Quality ZnO Films Growth
43. K. Jarasiunas, T. Malinauskas, K. Neimontas, V. Gudelis, R. Aleksiejunas
Time-Resolved Dynamic Grating Spectroscopy for Studies of Nonequilibrium Carrier
Processes in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors
44. S. Miasojedovas, M. Butkus, S. Juršenas, A. Žukauskas, C.E.C. Dam, P.R. Hageman
Time-Resolved Luminescence of Highly-Excited HVPE GaN Epilayers Grown at
Various Carrier Gas Mixtures
45. G. Molis, G. Aleksejenko, V. Pačebutas, R. Adomavičius, K. Bertulis, A. Krotkus
Optical and Recombination Properties of GaBiAs Layers
46. J. Stupakova, S. Ašmontas, J. Gradauskas, V. Zagadskij, E. Shatkovskis
Studies of Response of Metal-Porous Silicon Structures to Microwave Radiation
47. Yu.V. Ryabchikov,
I.A. Belogorokhov,
A.S. Vorontsov,
L.A. Osminkina,
V.Yu. Timoshenko, P.K. Kashkarov
Singlet Oxygen Generation in Porous Silicon with Different Surface Morphology
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
48. T. Komissarova, N. Matrosov, L. Ryabova, D. Khokhlov, J. Mangum, T.W. Kim,
O. Kryliouk, T. Anderson, T. Burbaev
Optical and Electrical Properties of InN
49. L. Arkhilyuk, V.P. Makhniy, M.M. Sletov, V.V. Gorley, I.V. Tkachenko, O.M. Myslyuk
Defect Formation Mechanisms for ZnSe with Isovalent Oxygen Impurity
50. O.A. Yeshchenko, I.M. Dmitruk, S.V. Koryakov, M.P. Galak, I.P. Pundyk, L.M. Hohlova
Optical Properties and Structure of Most Stable Subnanometer (ZnAs2)n Clusters
R. Gareev, J. Sadowski, M. Döppe, M. Sperl, G. Bayreuther, W. Wegscheider, D. Weiss
Magnetic and Transport Properties of Ultrathin GaMnAs Layers
D. Pierścińska, K. Pierściński, T. Ochalski, M. Bugajski
Thermal Management in High Power Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Bars
K. Pierściński, T.J. Ochalski, K. Kosiel, K. Kalinowski, M. Bugajski
Electroreflectance Study of Quantum Cascade Laser Structures
E. Machowska-Posiadło, M. Mączka, M. Bugajski
Efficient Method for 3-D Self-Consistent Solution of Poisson and Schrodinger
Equations for Electrostatically Formed Quantum Dot
G. Hałdaś, M. Bugajski
Description of Electronic States in Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) by the Use of Green
Functions Method
A. Kozič, A. Sužiedelis, Č. Paškevič, J. Gradauskas, S. Ašmontas, A. Szerling,
H. Wrzesińska, R. Urbonavičius
Asymmetrically Shaped Pseudomorphic Modulation Doped Structure for Microwave
J. Siwiec-Matuszyk, M. Baj
Influence of Intersubband Scattering on the Magnetic Field Dependence of the
Conductivity Tensor
G. Pełka, P.G. Silvestrov, J. Tworzydło
Branching Processes of Electron Flow in a Weak Correlated Random Potential
J. Przybytek, J. Kowalewski, M. Baj
How to Measure Extremely Low Current Noise in Single Barrier Tunneling Devices
10. K.P. Korona, A. Babiński, S. Raymond, Z. Wasilewski
Dynamics of Excitation Transfer inside InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot System
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
11. M. Sakowicz, J. Łusakowski, K. Karpierz, M. Grynberg, B. Majkusiak
Alternating Current Magnetoresistance Studies of Si MOSFETs
12. A. Kulczyk, P. Wojnar, M. Aleszkiewicz, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski
Quantum Dots CdTe/ZnTe Grown on Differently Disoriented (001)-GaAs Substrates
13. P. Zagrajek, G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, M. Aleszkiewicz, T. Dietl, G. Springholz, G. Bauer
14. A. Staszewska, K. Dybko, M. Siekacz, C. Skierbiszewski
Classical and Quantum Relaxation Time of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in
GaN/AlGaN Heterostructures
15. E. Janik, J. Sadowski, P. Dłużewski, S. Kret, A. Presz, L.T. Baczewski, E. Łusakowska,
J.Wróbel, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz
Catalitic Growth and Characterization of ZnTe Nanowires
16. D. Sztenkiel, R. Świrkowicz
Electron Transport through Double Quantum Dots with Interdot Coulomb Repulsion
17. M. Utko, A. Jensen, P. E. Lindelof, Y. Hirayama
Lateral p-n Diode Based on a GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Containing 2DEG and
18. A. Nowak, E. Płaczek-Popko, T. Wojtowicz, M. Wiater, M. Guziewicz, Z. Gumienny,
G. Karczewski
Electrical Properties of CdTe Quantum Dots
19. L. Bryja, A. Wójs, M. Potemski
Skyrmions in a Hole Gas with Large Spin Gap and Strong Disorder
20. L. Bryja, A. Wójs, J. Misiewicz, M. Potemski, D. Reuter
Shake-up Processes in Photoluminescence of Two-Dimensional Holes in a High
Magnetic Field
21. A. Gładysiewicz, A. Wójs
Calculation of Exciton and Trion Absorption Spectra in High Magnetic Fields
22. K. Wójcik, A. Grodecka, A. Wójs
Quantized Absorption Strength of Multi-Exciton Quantum Dots
23. P. Podemski, G. Sek, R. Kudrawiec, A. Wójs, J. Misiewicz, B. Alloing, L.H. Li, A. Fiore,
A. Somers, J.P. Reithmaier, A. Forchel
On the Absorption Intensity of Quasi-Zero-Dimensional Semiconductor Objects in
Large Dimension Regime
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
24. D. Wodziński, A. Wójs, J.J. Quinn
Condensation of Nonabelian Moore-Read Quasiholes in Correlated Composite
Fermion Liquids
25. W. Rudno-Rudziński, K. Ryczko, G. Sęk, J. Misiewicz, T.E. Lamas, A.A. Quivy
2D-3D Growth Transition in Self-Assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Structures
Followed by Photoreflectance Spectroscopy
26. A. Grodecka, P. Machnikowski
Collective Encoding of Quantum Information in a Quantum Dot Register
27. K. Roszak, P. Machnikowski, L. Jacak
Complete and Partial Loss of Entanglement due to a Phonon-Assisted Dephasing
28. R.K. Kudrawiec, P. Podemski, J. Misiewicz, A. Somers, J.P. Reithmaier, A. Forchel
On the Tunnel Injection of Excitons and Free Carriers from Quantum Well to
Quantum Dashes
29. Ł. Gelczuk,
M. Dąbrowska-Szata,
G. Jóźwiak,
J. Serafińczuk,
A. Masalska,
E. Łusakowska, P. Dłużewski, K. Nikliborc
Misfit Dislocations Related Anisotropic Strain Relaxation and Surface Morphology in
InGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures
30. A. Kwaśniowski, B. Szafran, J. Adamowski
Tuning of Exchange Interaction in Coupled Quantum Dots
31. A. Donabidowicz, T. Domański, K.I. Wysokiński
The Charge and Energy Transport through the Quantum Dot Beyond the Linear
Response Theory
32. I.V. Dinu, B.R. Bułka, M. Tolea
Electronic Correlations in Transport through Quantum Point Contacts
33. G. Michałek, B.R. Bułka
Conductance through Two Serially Coupled Quantum Dot with Inter-Dot Coulomb
and Exchange Interactions
34. P. Schillak, G. Czajkowski
Optical Anisotropy and Ellipsometry of Superlattices
35. V. Křápek, K. Kuldová, J. Oswald, A. Hospodková, E. Hulicius, J. Humlíček
Electron States and Magnetophotoluminescence of Elongated InAs/GaAs Quantum
36. J. Vyskočil, A. Hospodková, J. Pangrác, J. Oswald, T. Mates, K. Melichar, T. Šimeček,
E. Hulicius
Properties of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots in Vertically Correlated Structures with 2 QD
Layers Grown by MOVPE
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
37. K. Tavakoli, R. Scheibner, H. Buhmann, L.W. Molenkamp
Fabrication of Single Electron Quantum Dots with Charge Read-out
38. F. Lochner, P. Bach, C. Gould, G. Schmidt, L.W. Molenkamp
Fully Epitaxial TMR Stacks Based on NiMnSb
39. A. Brunetti, M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, R. André, L. Vina, D. Ballarini, A. Amo,
M.D. Martin
CdMnTe Quantum Well Microcavity Operating in the Limit of the Strong Coupling
Regime: Photoluminescence vs Reflectivity Experiments
40. C. Celebi, J.M. Ulloa, P.M. Koenraad, A. Simon, A. Letoublon, N. Bertru
Effect of the Capping Material on the Structural Properties of InAs / InP(311)B
Quantum Dots Studied by Cross-Sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
41. A.P. Djotyan, A.A. Avetisyan, E.M. Kazaryan, K. Moulopoulos
Interband Light Absorption in Semiconductor Quantum Dots in a Magnetic Field
Connected with Exciton - Donor Complexes
42. I.S. Virt, F.F. Sizov, I.O. Rudyj, I.V. Kurilo, N.N. Mikhailov
Structural Properties of Thin Films CdTe/HgCdTe Heterostructures
43. B. Pődör, G. Reményi
Electron-Electron Interaction Induced
Dimensional Electron Gas in InGaAs/InP
44. A. Wójcik-Jedlińska, K. Gradkowski, T.J. Ochalski, K. Kosiel, M. Bugajski
Photoluminescence Excitation Studies of Quantum Cascade Laser Structures
45. G. Molis, R. Adomavičius, A. Krotkus, V. Sirutkaitis
Terahertz Emission Spectroscopy of InAs and InSb
46. V.V. Kulchynsky,
L.A. Kosyachenko,
S.Yu. Paranchych,
S.G. Guminetsky
Efficiency of Solar Cells Based on Cd0.8Hg0.2Te
V.M. Sklyarchuk,
47. I.I. German, L.A. Kosyachenko, V.M. Sklyarchuk, I.M. Rarenko
Application Possibilities of Au-HgInTe and ITO-HgInTe Photodiodes in Fiber-Optic
48. L.P. Avakyants, P.Yu. Bokov, A.V. Chervyakov, I.P. Kazakov, I.S. Vasil'evskii
Study of Heterointerfaces in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Structures by Means of
49. E.V. Ubyivovk, I.V. Ignatiev
Polaritonic Effect in Uniaxially Strained Heterostructures GaAs/AlGaAs
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
50. A.A. Chernyuk, V.I. Sugakov
Electron-Hole Distribution and
Semiconductor Quantum Wells
W. Maślana, P. Kossacki, J.A. Gaj, D. Ferrand, J. Cibert, M. Bertolini, S. Tatarenko,
M. Kutrowski, T. Wojtowicz
Carrier Density Control by Illumination in Surface Doped, p-type (Cd,Mn)Te Quantum
K. Dziatkowski, Z. Ge, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, A. Twardowski
Asymmetric Magnetization Reversal in the Exchange-Biased
Heterostructure Studied by Ferromagnetic Resonance
C. Simbrunner,
K.P. Korona,
J. Kowalewski,
A. Bonanni,
H. Przybylińska, W. Jantsch, A. Wołoś
Photoionization Spectra of Defects in GaN:Fe
M. Wegscheider,
A. Kwiatkowski, R. Bożek, J. Borysiuk. D. Wasik, M. Kamińska, J. Sadowski,
A. Twardowski
MnAs Nanocrystals Embedded in GaAs
Z. Lipińska, A. Wysmołek, M. Pawłowski, M. Palczewska, M. Kamińska,
A. Twardowski, M. Boćkowski, I. Grzegory
Photoluminescence and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Bulk GaN
Doped with Gadolinium
M. Gryglas, R. Giraud, L. Thevenard, A. Lemaître, G. Faini
Tunneling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance of GaMnAs-GaAs Zener-Esaki Diode
A. Trajnerowicz, A. Golnik , P. Kossacki , W. Pacuski, T. Wojtowicz
Time-Resolved Studies of Excitonic Dynamics in a Wide II-VI Quantum Well by
a Femtosecond Pump-Probe Reflectivity
A. Skierkowski, J.A. Majewski
Theoretical Study of Spin Lifetimes in [110] GaAs/AlAs Heterostructures
P. Pfeffer, W. Zawadzki
Spin g-Factor and Cyclotron Mass of Electrons in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs Quantum Wells
10. J. Mašek, J. Kudrnovský, F. Máca, T. Jungwirth
Comparison of Exchange Interactions in II-VI and III-V Dilute Magnetic
Semiconductors: Density Functional Approach
11. F. Máca, J. Mašek
Position of Mn d-States, Hybridization, and Exchange Coupling in (Ga,Mn)(As,P)
Mixed Ferromagnetic Semiconductors
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
12. J. Zemen, T. Jungwirth
Controlling Magnetic Anisotropy in (III,Mn)V Semiconductors
13. K. Výborný, J. Zemen, T. Jungwirth
The Role of Spin-Orbit Interaction in the Anisotropic Magnetoresistance of GaMnAs
14. W. Ungier, R. Buczko
Optical Pumping of the Electron Spin Polarization in Quantum Well
15. A. Lipińska, A. Majhofer, T. Dietl
Monte Carlo Study of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Systems
16. C. Śliwa, T. Dietl
Crystalline Anisotropy of Hole Magnetisation in (Ga,Mn)As
17. O. Volnianska, P. Bogusławski
Magnetic Properties of CaN, SrN, and BaN
18. A.M. Werpachowska, O.M. Fedorych, F. Teran,
J. Sadowski
High Order Anisotropy Terms in GaMnAs
Z. Wilamowski,
M. Potemski,
19. Z. Wilamowski, H. Malissa, W. Jantsch
Manipulation of Carrier Spins by Electric Current in Modulation-Doped Si Quantum
20. A. Łusakowski, M. Górska, K. Świątek, T. Story
Influence of Crystal Lattice Deformations on EPR Spectra
21. L. Kowalczyk, S. Wrotek, P. Dziawa, V. Osinniy, M. Szot, T. Story, A.Yu. Sipatov,
V.V. Volobuev
Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Semiconductor EuS-PbS Ferromagnetic Wedge
22. P. Dziawa, W. Knoff, V. Osinniy, B. Taliashvili, W. Domuchowski, R. Diduszko,
E. Łusakowska, R. Jakieła, A. Boratyński, K. Świątek, T. Story
Ferromagnetic Ge1-xMnxTe Epitaxial Layers
23. P. Dziawa, B.A. Orlowski, V. Osinniy, M. Pietrzyk, B. Taliashvili, T. Story,
R.L. Johnson
Gd 4f Electrons Contribution to the Valence Band of (Pb,Gd)Te MBE Layers
24. M.A. Pietrzyk, B.A. Orlowski, B.J. Kowalski, P. Dziawa, V. Osinniy, B. Taliashvili,
R.L. Johnson
Valence Band of PbGdTe Layer under Gd Atoms Deposition
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
25. M.A. Pietrzyk, B.J. Kowalski, B.A. Orlowski, P. Dziawa, V. Osinniy, W. Dobrowolski,
V.E. Slynko, E.I. Slynko, R.L. Johnson
Mn 3d and Eu 4f Electrons at the Valence Band Edge Region of GeMnTe and
GeMnEuTe Crystals
26. I.A. Kowalik, B.J. Kowalski, R.J. Iwanowski, K. Kopalko, M. Sawicki, E. Łusakowska,
J. Sadowski, M. Adell, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski
The Electronic Structure of MnAs Dots on GaN - a Resonant Photoemission Studies
27. A. Mąkosa, S. Wrotek, P. Dziawa, V. Osinniy, B. Taliashvili, Z. Tkaczyk, R. Jakieła,
T. Figielski, T. Wosiński, T. Story
Current Instabilities in n-(Eu,Gd)Te/p-PbTe Semiconductor Heterojunctions as
Possible Basis for Random Bit Stream Generator
28. A.I. Artamkin, A.A. Dobrovolskiy, P. Dziawa, T. Story, E.I. Slynko, V.E. Slynko,
L.I. Ryabova, D.R. Khokhlov
Features of Energy Spectrum of Pb1-xMnxTe Doped with V
29. B. Brodowska, I. Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, M. Arciszewska, K. Dybko, V. Domukhovski,
W. Dobrowolski, V.E. Slynko, E.I. Slynko,V.K. Dugaev
Anomalous Hall Effect in Ge1-x-y(Eu,Yb)xMnyTe Multinary Alloys
30. V. Osinniy, P. Dziawa, B.A. Orlowski, B.J. Kowalski, M. Pietrzyk, B. Taliashvili,
S. Mickievicius, T. Story, R. L. Johnson
Change of Eu2+ and Eu3+ Density in (Eu,Gd)Te Layers Protected by Te Layer
31. V. Osinniy, M. Szot, K. Świątek, A. Misiuk, J. Bąk-Misiuk, A. Barcz, T. Story
Magnetic Characterization of Silicon Crystals Implanted with Manganese
32. M. Kuźma, I. Stefaniuk, V. D. Popovych, I. S. Virt, J. Kuriata, M. Bester
EPR Investigation of CdTe:Cr Crystals
33. V. Kolkovsky, A. Lewicki, W. Zaleszczyk, G. Karczewski
Modulation Doped Spin Superlattices CdMnTe/CdMgTe
34. L. Van Khoi, A. Avdonin, R.R. Gałązka, M. Lentze, C. Kehl, J. Geurts, M. Eyring,
G. Astakhov, W. Ossau
Laser Control of Magnetization of Bulk Zn1-xMnxTe
35. P. Wojnar, J. Suffczyński, K. Kowalik, A. Golnik, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut
Size Dependent Magneto-Optical Effects in CdMnTe Quantum Dots
36. M. Sawicki, K.Y. Wang, K.W. Edmonds, R.P. Campion, A.W. Rushforth, M. Kiecana,
C.T. Foxon, B.L. Gallagher, T. Dietl
Micromagnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As
37. M. Sawicki, K.Y. Wang, K.W. Edmonds, R.P. Campion, A.W. Rushforth, A.A. Freeman,
C.T. Foxon, B.L. Gallagher, T. Dietl
(Ga,Mn)As Coercivity Enhancement by MnAs Nanoclusters
XXXV International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds Jaszowiec 2006
38. J. Adell, M. Adell, L. Ilver, J. Kanski, J. Sadowski
Formation of Epitaxial MnSb and MnBi Layers on GaMnAs
39. T. Figielski, A. Morawski, T. Wosiński, A. Mąkosa, J. Sadowski, J. Wróbel
Investigation of Three-Arm Microstructure Fabricated from Ferromagnetic
Semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As
40. R. Jakieła, A. Barcz, A. Jagoda, P. Caban
Fe Diffusion in Gallium Nitride
41. K. Strzałkowski, F. Firszt, J. Zakrzewski, S. Łegowski, M. Maliński, H. Męczyńska,
A. Marasek
Photoacoustic and Photoluminescence Studies of Zn1-x-yBexMnySe Mixed Crystals
42. J.B. Gosk, G. Strzelecka, G. Kowalski, J. Gronkowski, A. Materna, A. Hruban,
M. Kamińska, A. Twardowski
Observation of Superconductivity in Highly Cr-Doped GaP Single Crystals
43. L. Thevenard, A. Lemaître, L. Largeau, O. Mauguin, R-M. Galéra, J. von Bardeleben,
K. Khazen
Tuning the Hole Density of GaxMn1-xAs by Hydrogenation
44. M. Skrobot, M. Godlewski, E. Guziewicz, M.R. Phillips
Tuning of Color Chromaticity of Light Emission from ZnSe Films Grown on a GaAs
Substrate by Atomic Layer Epitaxy
45. K. Pappert, S. Hümpfner, J. Wenisch, T. Borzenko, K. Brunner, C. Gould, G. Schmidt,
L.W. Molenkamp
Transport Characterization of the Magnetic Anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As
46. G.V. Lashkarev, V.V. Slynko, Z.D. Kovalyuk, V.I. Sichkovskyi, M.V. Radchenko,
P. Aleshkevych, R. Szymczak, W. Dobrowolski, R. Minikayev, P.M. Lytvyn
Ferromagnetism of Layered Semiconductor InSe with High Content of Mn
47. T.P. Surkova, V.R. Galakhov, M. Godlewski, T. Schmitt
Cr, Mn and Co 3d Transition Metal Impurities in Solid Solutions, Based on ZnSe, ZnS,
and ZnO
48. V. Frasunyak, O.M. Myslyuk
Physical and Chemical Properties and Band
Solution Hg1-x-yMgxMnyTe
Structure Parameters
49. O. Myslyuk, P. Gorley, V. Dugaev, J. Barnas, P. Horley
Spin Polarization and Relaxation of the Electrons in Semiconductor under Impurity
Absorption of Polarized Light
50. V. Stephanovich, E.V. Kirichenko, Yu. G. Semenov
Spin Polarization Wave in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors of A1-xIIMnxBVI Type