23.02.2011 II ETAP


23.02.2011 II ETAP
Kraków 23.02.2011r.
UCZEŃ : _______________________________________________________
SZKOŁA : _______________________________________________________
SUMA PUNKTÓW: ________/100
1. Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów we właściwej formie czasu Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Continuous
lub wyrażenia to be going to.
1. Mr Thomas …………………………………………….. (wait) for us at the platform when we arrived.
2. - Where ……………………………………………………….. (you/go) on your last winter holidays ?
- We …………………………………………. (not/have) much free time so we only …………………….
(choose) to go skiing in Zakopane.
3. - ……………………………………………………….. (your mother/ always/drink) coffee in the morning ?
- Yes, she …………………………… and she usually has a cheese sandwich. What about your mum ?
- Well, she ……………………………. (never / have) a sandwich for breakfast. She is always on a diet.
4. Yesterday Emma ………………………..………………………….…….. (hear) a loud noise while she
…………………………………………………..(write) her secret diary.
5. My friend …………………………………………………………………… (not/be) to London since 2008.
6. – What will you do when you grow up ?
- Maybe I ……………………………………………. (be) a scientist.
7. Harry ………………………………………(watch) films every day but today the weather is fantastic so
he …………………........................................... (take) his dog for a walk.
8. - ………………………………………………… (you/ever/ do) something artistic?
- Yes, I ………………………………………………….(draw) a picture. It’s here. Do you like it ?
9. – What ……………………..…………………………………. (Charles and Ben/do) in the afternoon ?
- They are going to do some shopping.
2. Wstaw a lot of, (how) many, (how) much, few, a few, little, a little. Jedno słowo
nigdzie nie pasuje.
1. She doesn’t drink (dużo) ………………………………………… water.
2. There were (mało) ……………………………………………..… children at school.
3. (Jak dużo) ……………………………………………………….... milk is there in the bottle ?
4. We have to hurry ! There are only (kilka) ……………………………… CDs left in the music shop.
5. (Jak dużo) ………………………………………………………… coins do you have in your pocket ?
6. When it’s sunny at weekends people spend (niewiele) ………………………………….. time at home.
7. The cinema was full because (dużo) ………………….………………. people came to watch this film.
8. He sometimes feels very lonely because he doesn’t have (wielu) ……………………………… friends.
3. Użyj odpowiedniej konstrukcji question tags.
1. She’s never been to France, ………………………………………………… ?
2. Peter won’t tell her the truth, ………………………………………………… ?
3. Julia sells products on Allegro, ………………………………………………. ?
4. Children were skiing on Sunday, …………………………………………….. ?
5. My parents work in a big company, ………………………………………….. ?
6. I am not very good at singing, ………………………………………………… ?
7. There’s a new supermarket round the corner, ……………………………….. ?
8. Paul and Ann went to London last year, ………………………………………. ?
9. I am polite, ……………………………………………………………………….. ?
10. You have to study a lot, ………………………………………………………… ?
4. Przetłumacz polskie fragmenty zdań na język angielski.
1. He ……………………………………………. (biegł) to the bus stop when I …………………………….
(zobaczyłam) him.
2. (Czy jest) ………………………………………………………………. any snow outside ?
3. You ……………………………………………………. (nie wolno) do that ! It isn’t polite !
4. These are ……………………………………………………………… (buty mojego brata).
5. (Czy ona powinna) …………………………………………………… read all these books ?
6. We (nie mogliśmy) ……………………………………………. do the homework. We didn’t have time.
7. (Tam było) ………………………………………………….….. a lot of people at the concert.
8. We borrowed ………………………………………………………….. (książki dzieci).
9. (Co oni muszą) ……………………………………………………….. do when they finish this exercise ?
10. They woke up early …………………………………………………… (rano).
11. My friend ………………………………………………………… (ma) a little cat for two weeks.
12. (W zeszłym tygodniu) ………………………………………………. he phoned me a few times.
13. (Włosy dziewczyn) …………………………………………………. is red and very long.
14. I usually have lunch ………………………………………………… (w południe).
15. (Czy mógłbyś) …………………………………………………. stop talking and listen to me for a while ?
5. Wpisz brakujące wyrazy w odpowiednim czasie.
be /3x
Hi Kate,
I am on holiday in Greece. I (1) ..................……………………….. here for about a week now.
I (2) ……………………………………. at a nice hotel. The weather (3) ………………………. great.
It (4) ……………………..…….. sunny and hot. Two days ago we (5) ……………………………… on a
short trip. We (6) ………………………………… beautiful places and (7) ……………………………….
some souvenirs, but I (8) ……………………………………….…………….(not) any photos. Yesterday
we (9) ………………………………… Antonio, the owner of the hotel, and we (10) …………………….
a wonderful Greek evening together.
Best wishes,
6. Ułóż pytania do podkreślonej części zdania.
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
They have never been to Mexico.
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
William and Kate are going to get married in April.
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
This schoolbag is Tom’s.
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
I threw it away because I did not need it anymore.
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
We are going to sell the house next month.
6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
She’s got a lot of money.
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Barbara and Mark met at a party a few days ago.
I’m looking for a new camera.
9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
There was little water in the river.
10. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
She has to clean her house before going to the cinema.
7. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami złożonymi w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa
czasowniki nigdzie nie pasują
show off
turn up
throw away
look forward to
take off
drive off
fill in
move in
wake up
clear up
1. They sold their flat and had to ……………………………………. to a new one as quickly as possible.
2. I hope the weather will ……………………………………………………… later because now it is awful.
3. Two thieves got into the car and …………………………………………..……………………….. quickly.
4. When are you coming to Poland ? I’m ………………………………….…………………… seeing you !
5. The plane ………………………………………………………. and I saw only white clouds up in the sky.
6. – He thinks he’s the cleverest person in the class !
- Oh yes, he often …………………………………………… .
7. My little baby brother is sleeping. Don’t ……………………. him ………………… .
8. Katy wanted to see Martin at the party but he never …………………………………………………….. .
8. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami, dwa z nich nigdzie nie pasują.
block of flats
remote control
1. What does John look ……………………………………….. ?
2. All my …………………………………………. came to see me at my birthday party.
3. She doesn’t live in a house, she lives in a ……………………………………………… .
4. These trousers were really cheap ! They were a ………………………………………. .
5. Can you ………………………………………something nice ? My mum is cooking dinner.
6. Nowadays a lot of people eat ………………………… food and they don’t go to fast food restaurants.
7. Where do you have the ……………………………….. ? I want to boil some water for tea.
8. Pamela had to wear a ……………………………………. in her old school.
9. Does Peter like going ……………………………………… when he is on holiday ?
10. Where did you put the ………………………………………… for the TV ?
11. Can you ……………………………………. me where the nearest park is ?
12. How do you …………………………..’good morning’ in French ?
9. Odpowiedz na pytania po polsku lub po angielsku.
1. Jaki tytuł ma hymn Wielkiej Brytanii ?
2. Jaką funkcję pełniła w przeszłości The Tower of London ?
3. Kto był pierwszym prezydentem Stanów Zjednoczonych ?
4. Co to jest Big Apple ?
5. Kto jest patronem Anglii ?
6. Co jest stolicą Szkocji ?
7. Który z wnuków królowej ostatnio się zaręczył ?
8. Jaka rzeka przepływa przez Londyn ?
9. Kto był autorem słów „I have a dream” ?
10. W którym mieście znajduje się Tower Bridge ?

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