Publikacje w czasopismach z listy filadelfijskiej


Publikacje w czasopismach z listy filadelfijskiej
ROK 2008
CiŜman Agnieszka, Poprawski Ryszard, Włosewicz D, Nizhankovskii V I:
Physical properties of (TEA)2 MnCl4 crystals. Ferroelectrics. 2008 vol. 369, nr 1, s.
10-17, 9 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Sieradzki Adam, CiŜman Agnieszka, Komar Jarosław: Pressure dependence of
dielectric properties of the LiNaGe4O9 ferroelectric. Phase Transitions. 2008 vol. 81,
nr 11/12, s. 999-1004, 2 rys., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Ostrowski A, CiŜman Agnieszka: EPR studies of linewidth anomalies at phase
transitions in [N(C2H5)4]2MnCl4. Physica. B, Condensed Matter. 2008 vol. 403, nr
18, s. 3110-3113, 5 rys., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Pisarski Paweł, Harań Grzegorz: Resonant states of a momentum-dependent
impurity potential in a d-wave superconductor. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol.
114, nr 1, s. 153-157, 1 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Referat z XIII National School of Superconductivity. Lądek Zdrój, November 6-10,
Rudzińska Dorota, Pisarski Paweł, Harań Grzegorz: S-wave order parameter in
the presence of a momentum-dependent impurity scattering potential. Acta Physica
Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 1, s. 149-152, 2 rys., bibliogr. 10 poz.
Referat z XIII National School of Superconductivity. Lądek Zdrój, November 6-10,
Chądzyński Grzegorz, Staszczuk P, Sternik D, Błachnio M: Studies of physicochemical properties and fractal dimensions of selected high-temperature
superconductor surfaces. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2008 vol. 94,
nr 3, s. 623-626, 2 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 42 poz.
Nowak Wioletta, Hachoł Andrzej, Kasprzak Henryk: Time-frequency analysis of
spontaneous fluctuation of the pupil size of the human eye. Optica Applicata. 2008 vol.
38, nr 2, s. 469-480, 6 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Pluta Mieczysław, Buttlar M von, Habib A, Twerdowski E, Wannemacher R,
Grill W: Modeling of Coulomb coupling and acoustic wave propagation in LiNbO3.
Ultrasonics. 2008 vol. 48, nr 6/7, s. 583-586, 4 rys., bibliogr. 14 poz.
Woźniak Władysław, Banach Marcelina: Measurements of elliptically birefringent
media parameters in optical vortex birefringence compensator. Applied Optics. 2008
vol. 47, nr 18, s. 3390-3396, 8 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 18 poz.
10. Machnikowski Paweł: Theory of two-photon processes in quantum dots: coherent
evolution and phonon-induced dephasing. Physical Review, B Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 19, s. 195320-1, - 195320-10, 13 rys., bibliogr. 41
ROK 2008
11. Kibler B, Finot C, Gadret G, Millot G, Wojcik J, Szpulak Marcin, Urbańczyk
Wacław: Second zero dispersion wavelength measurement through soliton selffrequency shift compensation in suspended core fibre. Electronics Letters. 2008 vol.
44, nr 23, s. 1370-1371, 3 rys., bibliogr. 7 poz.
12. Martynkien Tadeusz, Szpulak Marcin, Statkiewicz-Barabach Gabriela,
Olszewski Jacek, Anuszkiewicz Alicja, Urbańczyk Wacław, Schuster Kay,
Kobelke Jens, Schwuchow Anka, Kirchhof Johannes, Bartelt Hartmut:
Birefringence in microstructure fiber with elliptical GeO2 highly doped inclusion in
the core. Optics Letters. 2008 vol. 33, nr 23, s. 2764-2766, 4 rys., bibliogr. 12 poz.
13. Masajada Jan, Leniec Monika, Jankowska ElŜbieta, Thienpont Hugo, Ottevaere
Heidi, Gomes Virginia: Deep microstructure topography characterization with
optical vortex interferometer. Optics Express. 2008 vol. 16, nr 23, s. 19179-19191, 10
rys., bibliogr. 27 poz.
14. Kudrawiec Robert, Paszkiewicz Bogdan, Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan, Derluyn
J, Lorenz A: Contactless electroreflectance evidence for reduction in the surface
potential barrier in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures passivated by SiN layer. Journal of
Applied Physics. 2008 vol. 104, nr 9, s. 096108-1, - 096108-3, 4 rys., bibliogr. 27 poz.
15. Woźniak Władysław, Kurzynowski Piotr: Compact spatial polariscope for light
polarization state analysis. Optics Express. 2008 vol. 16, nr 14, s. 10471-10479, 6 rys.,
bibliogr. 28 poz.
16. Stanislavsky Aleksander, Weron Karina, Weron Aleksander: Diffusion and
relaxation controlled by tempered alfa-stable processes. Physical Review, E Statistical
Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 5, s. 051106-1, - 051106-6, 4 rys.,
bibliogr. 29 poz.
17. Jacak Witold, Krasnyj J, Jacak Lucjan: Reducing of magnon-induced spin pure
dephasing in quantum dots at low temperatures. Physical Review, B Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 7, s. 073303-1, - 073303-4, 4 rys.,
bibliogr. 18 poz.
18. Podemski Paweł, Sęk Grzegorz, Ryczko Krzysztof, Misiewicz Jan, Hein S,
Hofling S, Forchel A, Patriarche G: Columnar quantum dashes for an active region
in polarization independent semiconductor optical amplifiers at 1.55 micrometer.
Applied Physics Letters. 2008 vol. 93, nr 17, s. 171910-1, - 171910-3, 3 rys., bibliogr.
24 poz.
19. Sitek Anna, Machnikowski Paweł: Superradiance effects in the linear and nonlinear
optical response of quantum dot molecules. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114,
nr 5, s. 1355-1360, 2 rys., bibliogr. 6 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
ROK 2008
20. Roszak Katarzyna, Machnikowski Paweł, Axt V M, Kuhn T: One and two phonon
assisted transitions between exciton spin states in a quantum dot. Acta Physica
Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1329-1335, 2 rys., bibliogr. 11 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
21. Pochwała Michał, Machnikowski Paweł: Phonon-assisted tunneling of an electron
in a strained self-assembled quantum dot molecule. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008
vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1285-1291, 1 rys., bibliogr. 20 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
22. Kowalski Piotr, Machnikowski Paweł: Multiple exciton generation in InAs
nanocrystals. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1187-1192, 2 rys.,
bibliogr. 6 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
23. Kolad BłaŜej, Musiał Anna, Machnikowski Paweł: Calculation of anharmonic
coupling constants between phonon modes in GaAs. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008
vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1167-1172, 2 rys., bibliogr. 13 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
24. Kaczmarkiewicz Piotr, Machnikowski Paweł: Second-order resonant polaron in a
self-assembled quantum dot. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 11391144, 1 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 7 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
25. Trzmiel Justyna, Popko Ewa, Weron Karina, Szatkowski Jan, Wojtyna Eunika:
Non-exponential photoionization of the DX centers in gallium doped CdTe and
Cd0.99Mn0.01Te. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1417-1420, 2 rys.,
bibliogr. 14 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
26. Popko Ewa, Trzmiel Justyna, Gumienny Zbigniew, Wojtyna Eunika, Szatkowski
Jan: Impedance spectroscopy of Au-CdTe:Ga Schottky contacts. Acta Physica
Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1279-1283, 4 rys., bibliogr. 4 poz.
Referat z XXXVII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting
Compounds. Jaszowiec, Poland, June 7-13, 2008
27. Cywiński G, Skierbiszewski C, Siekacz M, Feduniewicz-śmuda A, Kryśko M,
Gładysiewicz-Kudrawiec Marta, Kudrawiec Robert, Nevou L, Kheirodin N,
Julien F H, Misiewicz Jan: Enhancement of intersubband absorption in GaInN/AlInN
quantum wells. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 5, s. 1093-1099, 6 rys.,
bibliogr. 17 poz.
ROK 2008
28. Kudrawiec Robert, Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan, Paszkiewicz Bogdan,
Paszkiewicz Regina, Tłaczała Marek: Contactless electroreflectance study of band
gap renormalization for Mg-doped GaN. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics. 2008
vol. 41, nr 16, [4] s., 4 rys., bibliogr. 19 poz.
29. Statkiewicz-Barabach Gabriela, Anuszkiewicz Alicja, Urbańczyk Wacław,
Wojcik Jan: Sensing characteristics of rocking filter fabricated in microstructured
birefringent fiber using fusion arc splicer. Optics Express. 2008 vol. 16, nr 22, s.
17258-17268, 9 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 31 poz.
30. Kudrawiec Robert, Suski T, Serafińczuk J, Misiewicz Jan, Muto D, Nanishi Y:
Photoreflectance of InN and InN:Mg layers: An evidence of Fermi level shift toward
the valence band upon Mg doping in InN. Applied Physics Letters. 2008 vol. 93, nr 13,
s. 131917-1, - 131917-3, 3 rys., bibliogr. 21 poz.
31. Masajada Jan, Kurzynowski Piotr: Interferometria na wirach optycznych. Przegląd
Elektrotechniczny. 2008 R. 84, nr 5, s. 165-168, 7 rys., bibliogr. 31 poz.
32. Kowalska Małgorzata, Kasprzak Henryk, Iskander D Robert: Ultrasonic
measurement of binocular longitudinal corneal apex movements and their correlation
to cardiopulmonary system. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. 2008 vol. 28,
nr 3, s. 35-43, 7 rys., bibliogr. 17 poz.
33. Minardo Aldo, Bernini Romeo, Urbańczyk Wacław, Wojcik Jan, Gorbatov
Nahum, Tur Moshe, Zeni Luigi: Stimulated Brillouin scattering in highly
birefringent microstructure fiber: experimental analysis. Optics Letters. 2008 vol. 33,
nr 20, s. 2329-2331, 4 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
34. Zelazowska E, Borczuch-Laczka M, Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa: Organic-inorganic
hybrid materials for solid state electrolytes. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses :
European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B. 2008 vol. 49, nr 4, s. 198201, 3 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 12 poz.
Referat z XXI International Conference on Glass. Strasbourg, France, 1-7 July 2007
35. Zelazowska E, Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa: WO3-based electrochromic system with
hybrid organic-inorganic gel electrolytes. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008 vol.
354, nr 35-39, s. 4500-4505, 8 rys., bibliogr. 29 poz.
Referat z 4th Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials. Gdańsk,
Poland, 01-06 September 2007
36. Radosz Andrzej, Augousti A T, Ostasiewicz Katarzyna: Decoupling of kinematical
time dilation and gravitational time dilation in particular geometries. Acta Physica
Polonica. B. 2008 vol. 39, nr 6, s. 1357-1362, bibliogr. 6 poz.
37. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Weron Karina: Continuous-time random walk approach to
modeling of relaxation: the role of compound counting processes. Acta Physica
Polonica. B. 2008 vol. 39, nr 5, s. 1055-1066, 1 tab., bibliogr. 32 poz.
ROK 2008
38. Szukiel A E, Peisert Jerzy: Spin correlations effect on the electrical resistivity in rare
earth intermetallics. Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2008 vol. 114, nr 1, s. 229-233, 2 rys.,
bibliogr. 9 poz.
Referat z XIII National School of Superconductivity. Lądek Zdrój, November 6-10,
39. Wójcik Agata, Szarska Stanisława: Relaxation processes on intersurface of bioglass
composite materials. Optica Applicata. 2008 vol. 38, nr 1, s. 267-276, 6 rys., 1 tab.,
bibliogr. 18 poz.
40. Szarska Stanisława, Staniewicz-Brudnik Barbara, Lekka Małgorzata: The effect
of the size of the substrate grain made of submicrocrystalline sintered corundum on
the bioglass composite structure and certain physico-mechanical properties of the
bioglass. Optica Applicata. 2008 vol. 38, nr 1, s. 251-258, 6 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 7
41. śelazowska ElŜbieta, Borczuch-Łączka Maria, Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa:
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials doped with lithium ions. Optica Applicata. 2008
vol. 38, nr 1, s. 137-146, 4 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 25 poz.
42. Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa, Jaguś Paweł: The influence of preparation technology on
phase transitions in NaNO2 embedded into porous glass. Optica Applicata. 2008 vol.
38, nr 1, s. 101-107, 8 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 9 poz.
43. Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa, Polańska Jolanta, Gevelyuk S A, Doycho I K, Mak V T,
Zhukov S A: The photoluminescent properties of CdS clusters of different size in
porous glasses. Optica Applicata. 2008 vol. 38, nr 1, s. 93-100, 5 rys., bibliogr. 14 poz.
44. Widlicka Magdalena, Schachar Ronald A, Pierscionek Barbara K: Optical
coherence tomography measurements of the fresh porcine eye and response of the
outer coats of the eye to volume increase. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2008 vol. 13,
nr 2, s. 024002-1, - 024002-6, 5 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 22 poz.
45. Kudrawiec Robert, Yuen H B, Bank S R, Bae H P, Wistey M A, Harris James S,
Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan: On the Fermi level pinning in as-grown
GaInNAs(Sb)/GaAs quantum wells with indium content of 8%-32%. Journal of
Applied Physics. 2008 vol. 104, nr 3, s. 033526-1, - 033526-6, 6 rys., bibliogr. 39 poz.
46. Kudrawiec Robert, Misiewicz Jan, Rudziński M, Zając M: Contactless
electroreflectance of GaN bulk crystals grown by ammonothermal method and GaN
epilayers grown on these crystals. Applied Physics Letters. 2008 vol. 93, nr 6, s.
061910-1, - 061910-3, 4 rys., bibliogr. 22 poz.
47. Wróbel Anna: Effects of charged amphiphiles in depolarising solutions on potassium
efflux and the osmotic fragility of human erythrocytes. Bioelectrochemistry. 2008 vol.
73, nr 2, , s.117-122, 7 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 24 poz.
ROK 2008
48. Janutka Andrzej: Quantum-like information processing using vector solitons. Journal
of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2008 vol. 41, nr 37, 17, s., 3 rys.,
bibliogr. 31 poz.
49. Wróbel Anna, Kamińska Dorota, Sierańska Marta, Dryjańska Agata, Kędzierska
Jadwiga, Klinger Marian: Calcineurin inhibitors alter the osmotic properties of
erythrocytes in patients after renal transplantation. Advances in Clinical and
Experimental Medicine. 2008 vol. 17, nr 2, s. 213-216, 2 tab., bibliogr. 13 poz.
50. Trzmiel Justyna, Weron Karina, Popko Ewa: Stretched-exponential
photoionization of the metastable defects in gallium doped Cd0.99Mn0.01Te:
statistical origins of the short-time power-law in response data. Journal of Applied
Physics. 2008 vol. 103, nr 11, s. 114902-1, - 114902-7, 5 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 37 poz.
51. Jurlewicz Agnieszka, Weron Karina, Teuerle Marek: Generalized Mittag-Leffler
relaxation: clustering-jump continuous-time random walk approach. Physical Review,
E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 1, s. 011103-1, 011103-8, 4 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 39 poz.
52. Grodecka A, Machnikowski Paweł, Forstner J: Phonon-assisted tunneling between
singlet states in two-electron quantum dot molecules. Physical Review, B Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics. 2008 vol. 78, nr 8, s. 085302-1, - 085302-8, 9 rys., 1
tab., bibliogr. 21 poz.
53. Trzmiel Justyna, Popko Ewa, Wrobel J M, Weron Karina, Becla P: Stretchedexponential photoionization of the DX-related centers in indium- and gallium-doped
Cd1-xMnxTe alloys. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. 2008 vol. 20, 4, s., 2 rys.,
bibliogr. 29 poz.
54. Ostasiewicz Katarzyna, Tyc Michał, Radosz Andrzej, Magnuszewski Piotr,
Goliczewski Piotr, Hetman Paulina, Sendzimir J: Multistability of impact, utility
and threshold concepts of binary choice models. Physica. A, Statistical Mechanics and
its Applications. 2008 vol. 387, nr 25, s. 6337-6352, 5 rys., bibliogr. 80 poz.
55. Mulak J, Mulak Maciej: Multipole characteristics of the open-shell electron
eigenstates. Physica Status Solidi. B Basic Solid State Physics. 2008 vol. 245, nr 6, s.
1156-1164, 2 tab., bibliogr. 30 poz.
56. Frazao O, Silva S O, Baptista J M, Santos J L, Statkiewicz-Barabach Gabriela,
Urbańczyk Wacław, Wojcik J: Simultaneous measurement of multiparameters using
a Sagnac interferometer with polarization maintaining side-hole fiber. Applied Optics.
2008 vol. 47, nr 27, s. 4841-4848, 15 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 22 poz.
57. Franssen G, Suski T, Kryśko M, Khachapuridze R, Kudrawiec Robert, Misiewicz
Jan, Kamińska A, Feltin E, Grandjean N: Built-in electric field and large Stokes
shift in near-lattice-matched GaN/AlInN quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters. 2008
vol. 92, nr 20, 201901-1, - 201901-3, 3, rys., bibliogr. 20 poz.
ROK 2008
58. Motyka Marcin, Kudrawiec Robert, Misiewicz Jan, Hummer M, Rossner K,
Lehnhardt T, Muller M, Forchel A: Photoreflectance and photoluminescence study
of Ga0.76In0.24Sb/GaSb single quantum wells: band structure and thermal quenching
of photoluminescence. Journal of Applied Physics. 2008 vol. 103, nr 11, s. 113514-1, 113514-7, 12 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 43 poz.
59. Hsu Hung-Pin, Huang Yen-Neng, Huang Ying-Sheng, Lin Yang-Ting, Ma TaChun, Lin Hao-Hsiung, Tiong Kwong-Kau, Sitarek Piotr, Misiewicz Jan:
Photoluminescence and photoreflectance study of annealing effects on
GaAs0.909Sb0.07N0.021 layer grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy. Journal
of Applied Physics. 2008 vol. 103, nr 11, s. 113508-1, - 113508-5, 4 rys., 1 tab.,
bibliogr. 23 poz.
60. PraŜmowska Joanna, Korbutowicz Ryszard, Paszkiewicz Regina, Szyszka Adam,
Podhorodecki Artur, Misiewicz Jan, Tłaczała Marek: Influence of the deposition
parameters of nucleation layer on the properties of thick gallium nitride layers.
Materials Science - Poland. 2008 vol. 26, nr 1, s. 79-85, 4 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 18 poz.
61. Wośko Mateusz, Paszkiewicz Bogdan, Szyszka Adam, Macherzyński Wojciech,
Radziewicz Damian, Ściana Beata, Paszkiewicz Regina, Tłaczała Marek, Sęk
Grzegorz, Poloczek Przemysław, Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan: A(III)B(V)
detectors with graded active region. Materials Science - Poland. 2008 vol. 26, nr 1, s.
87-94, 7 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 15 poz.
62. CiŜman Agnieszka, Poprawski Ryszard, Sieradzki Adam: Dilatometric
investigations of phase transitions in TEA2MnCl4 crystals. Ferroelectrics. 2008 vol.
363, s. 209-214, 3 rys., bibliogr. 14 poz.
63. Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas Ewa: Świat dźwięków - wspomnienie o Ernście
Chladnim. W: Ku interdyscyplinarności... RóŜne oblicza rzeczywistości. Pod red. Ewy
Dobierzewskiej-Mozrzymas, Janiny Gajdy-Krynickiej, Adama Jezierskiego. Wrocław
: Wydaw. Uniw. Wroc., cop. 2008. s. 301-308, 12 rys.
64. Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas Ewa, Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa, Biegański Piotr,
Polańska Jolanta, Pieciul Emilia: Application of the optical method for determining
of the RMS roughness of porous glass surfaces. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.
2008 vol. 354, nr 28, s. 3241-3245, 5 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 15 poz.
65. PraŜmowska Joanna, Korbutowicz Ryszard, Paszkiewicz Regina, Szyszka Adam,
Serafińczuk Jarosław, Podhorodecki Artur, Misiewicz Jan, Tłaczała Marek:
Optimization of GaN nucleation layer deposition conditions on sapphire substrates in
HVPE system. Vacuum. 2008 vol. 82, nr 10, s. 988-993, 4 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 15 poz.
66. Wośko Mateusz, Szyszka Adam, Paszkiewicz Bogdan, Paszkiewicz Regina,
Serafińczuk Jarosław, Tłaczała Marek, Podhorodecki Artur, Sęk Grzegorz,
Misiewicz Jan, Olszyna Andrzej, Biesiada Krzysztof, Kościewicz Kinga: New
nanocrystalline powder substrates for nitrides layer epitaxy. Vacuum. 2008 vol. 82, nr
10, s. 971-976, 9 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 11 poz.
ROK 2008
67. Sieradzki Adam: Temperature evolution of the feroelastic order parameter of
Li2TiGeO5. Phase Transitions. 2008 vol. 81, nr 5, s. 413-419, 4 rys., bibliogr. 22 poz.
68. Grygier Dominika, Dudziński Włodzimierz, Wiktorczyk Tadeusz, Haimann
Krystyna: Effect of silica precursors-type on mechanical properties of sol-gel
coatings. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2008 vol. 10, nr 1, s. 27-35, 11
rys., 3 tab., bibliogr. 21 poz.
69. Ściana Beata, Radziewicz Damian, Pucicki Damian, Tłaczała Marek, Sęk
Grzegorz, Poloczek Przemysław, Misiewicz Jan, Kovac Jaroslav, Srnanek Rudolf,
Christofi A: Technology and properties of GaAs doping superlattices. Materials
Science - Poland. 2008 vol. 26, nr 1, s. 71-78, 10 rys., bibliogr. 8 poz.
70. Janutka Andrzej: Collisions of optical ultra-short vector pulses. Journal of Physics
A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2008 vol. 41, nr 28, 7, s., bibliogr. 24 poz.
71. Wrobel J M, Gubański Adam, Popko Ewa, Rezmer Jacek, Becla P: Thermally
stimulated current in high resisitivity Cd0.85Mn0.15Te doped with indium. Journal of
Applied Physics. 2008 vol. 103, nr 6, s. 063720-1, - 063720-4, 4 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr.
18 poz.
72. Podhorodecki Artur, Nyk Marcin, Kudrawiec Robert, Misiewicz Jan,
Paszkiewicz Regina, Korbutowicz Ryszard, Serafińczuk Jarosław, Strek W: GaN
ceramics obtained by fusing of nanocrystalline GaN powder at high pressures and
temperatures as substrate for growth of GaN epilayers. Journal of Crystal Growth.
2008 vol. 310, nr 5, s. 940-943, 2 rys., bibliogr. 10 poz.
Referat z E-MRS Conference. Symposium G - Substrates of Wide Bandgap Materials.
Strasbourg, France, 29-30 May 2007
73. Waśkowska A, Gerward L, Olsen J Staun, Sieradzki Adam, Morgenroth W:
Na2TiGeO5: crystal structure stability at low temperature and high pressure. Journal
of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2008 vol. 69, nr 4, s. 815-821, 6 rys., 3 tab.,
bibliogr. 27 poz.
74. Bilyy R, Podhorodecki Artur, Nyk Marcin, Stoika R, Zaichenko A, Zatryb
Grzegorz, Misiewicz Jan, Strek W: Utilization of GaN:Eu3+ nanocrystals for the
detection of programmed cell death. Physica. E, Low-dimensional Systems and
Nanostructures. 2008 vol. 40, [nr 6], s. 2096-2099, 3 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Referat z 13th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures.
Genova, Italy, 15-20 July 2007
75. Kudrawiec Robert, Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan, Hummer M, Rossner K,
Lehnhardt T, Muller M, Forchel A: Room temperature contactless
electroreflectance of the ground and excited state transitions in
Ga0.76In0.24As0.08Sb0.92/GaSb single quantum wells of various widths. Applied
Physics Letters. 2008 vol. 92, nr 4, s. 041910-1, - 041910-3, 4 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
ROK 2008
76. Weron Aleksander, Magdziarz Marcin, Weron Karina: Modeling of subdiffusion
in space-time-dependent force fields beyond the fractional Fokker-Planck equation.
Physical Review, E Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics. 2008 vol. 77, nr 3, s.
036704-1, - 036704-6, 6 rys., bibliogr. 28 poz.
77. Geernaert Thomas, Nasilowski Tomasz, Chah Karima, Szpulak Marcin,
Olszewski Jacek, Statkiewicz-Barabach Gabriela, Wojcik Jan, Poturaj Krzysztof,
Urbańczyk Wacław, Becker Martin, Rothhardt Manfred, Bartelt Hartmut,
Berghmans Francis, Thienpont Hugo: Fiber Bragg gratings in germanium-doped
highly birefringent microstructured optical fibers. IEEE Photonics Technology
Letters. 2008 vol. 20, nr 8, s. 554-556, 6 rys., bibliogr. 17 poz.
78. Simion George E, Yi Kyung-Soo, Quinn John J, Wójs Arkadiusz: On the
microscopic origin of fractional quantum Hall states with partially filled quasiparticle
shells. Physica. E, Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2008 vol. 40, [nr 5],
s. 1111-1114, 5 rys., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Referat z 17th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional
Systems. Genova, Italy, 15-20 July 2007
79. Wójs Arkadiusz, Quinn John J: Incompressible composite fermion liquids. Physica.
E, Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2008 vol. 40, [nr 5], s. 967-972, 6
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Referat z 17th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional
Systems. Genova, Italy, 15-20 July 2007
80. Bryja Leszek, Wójs Arkadiusz, Misiewicz Jan, Płochocka-Polack P, Potemski M:
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magnetic fields. Physica. E, Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2008 vol.
40, [nr 5], s. 1386-1388, 4 rys., bibliogr. 7 poz.
Referat z 17th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional
Systems. Genova, Italy, 15-20 July 2007
81. Gonczarek Ryszard, KrzyŜosiak Mateusz, Gonczarek Adam: Islands of stability of
the d-wave order parameter in s-wave anisotropic superconductors. European
Physical Journal. B, Condensed Matter Physics. 2008 vol. 61, [nr 3], s. 299-308, 3 rys.,
1 tab., bibliogr. 52 poz.
82. Stanislavsky Aleksander, Weron Karina: Two-time scale subordination in physical
processes with long-term memory. Annals of Physics. 2008 vol. 323, [nr 3], s. 643653, bibliogr. 30 poz.
83. Drobczyński Sławomir, Kurzynowski Piotr: Imaging polarimeter for linear
birefringence measurements using a liquid crystal modulator. Optical Engineering.
2008 vol. 47, nr 2, s. 023603-1, - 023603-4, 7 rys., bibliogr. 13 poz.
84. Gelczuk Łukasz, Motyka Marcin, Misiewicz Jan, Dąbrowska-Szata Maria: Deep
traps and optical properties of partially strain-relaxed InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures.
Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advances Technology.
2008 vol. 147, nr 2/3, s. 166-170, 5 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 20 poz.
ROK 2008
85. Gołojuch Grzegorz, Hollenbach Uwe, Mappes Timo, Mohr Juergen, Urbańczyk
Adam, Urbańczyk Wacław: Investigation of birefringence in PMMA channel
waveguides inscribed with DUV radiation. Measurement Science and Technology.
2008 vol. 19, nr [2], [6] s., 12 rys., bibliogr. 14 poz.
86. Rozbicki Emil, Machnikowski Paweł: Quantum kinetic theory of phonon-assisted
excitation transfer in quantum dot molecules. Physical Review Letters. 2008 vol. 100,
nr 2, s. 027401-1, - 027401-4, 4 rys., bibliogr. 29 poz.
87. Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa, Zalewska M, Polańska Jolanta: Optical properties of
CdS-doped porous glasses. Optical Materials (Amsterdam). 2008 vol. 30, nr [5], s.
777-779, 3 rys., 1 tab., bibliogr. 11 poz.
Referat z International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials.
Gdańsk 11-14 June 2006.
88. Podhorodecki Artur, Misiewicz Jan, Gourbilleau F, Rizk R: Absorption
machanisms of silicon nanocrystals in cosputtered silicon-rich-silicon oxide films.
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. 2008 vol. 11, nr 3, s. K31-K33, 3 rys.,
bibliogr. 32 poz.
Lokalizacja elektroniczna:
89. Sęk Grzegorz, Podemski Paweł, Misiewicz Jan, Li L H, Fiore A, Patriarche G:
Photoluminescence from a single InGaAs epitaxial quantum rod. Applied Physics
Letters. 2008 vol. 92, nr 2, s. 021901-1, - 021901-3, 4 rys., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Lokalizacja elektroniczna:
90. Ściana Beata, Zborowska-Lindert Iwona, Pucicki Damian, Boratyński Bogusław,
Radziewicz Damian, Tłaczała Marek, Serafińczuk Jarosław, Poloczek
Przemysław, Sęk Grzegorz, Misiewicz Jan: Technology and characterisation of
GaAsN/GaAs heterostructures for photodector applications. Opto-Electronics Review.
2008 vol. 16, nr 1, s. 1-7, 13 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 10 poz.
91. Ściana Beata, Pucicki Damian, Radziewicz Damian, Serafińczuk Jarosław,
Kozłowski Janusz, Paszkiewicz Bogdan, Tłaczała Marek, Poloczek Przemysław,
Sęk Grzegorz, Misiewicz Jan: APMOVPE growth and characterisation of undoped
GaAsN/GaAs heterostructure. Vacuum. 2008 vol. 82, nr 4, s. 377-382, 6 rys., bibliogr.
8 poz.
92. Siedlecki Damian, Kasprzak Henryk, Pierscionek Barbara K: Radial gradient
index intraocular lens: a theoretical model. Journal of Modern Optics. 2008 vol. 55, nr
4/5, s. 639-647, 4 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 24 poz.
93. Siedlecki Damian, Zając Marek, Nowak Jerzy J: Retinal images in a model of
pseudophakic eye with classic and hybrid intraocular lenses. Journal of Modern
Optics. 2008 vol. 55, nr 4/5, s. 653-669, 15 rys., 6 tab., bibliogr. 45 poz.