Pobierz załącznik 1.


Pobierz załącznik 1.
Ivan Belov
Personal Data
Date of birth:
Cell phone:
2012 2002 – 2005
Work Experience
Aug 2013 Feb 2012 –
Aug 2013
Nov 2011 –
Feb 2012
30-667 Kraków, ul. Podlesie 5/5
[email protected]
+48 504 898 408
Jagiellonian University, faculty of: management of the company,
the 2st year
Studies at the College of Pavlodar University in Kazakhstan,
the direction of: English Studies
The company “HCL Poland Sp. z o.o.”
work as: IT Analyst
The company "Cracow Bussines Promotion Center”- Orange
(“Krakowski Ośrodek Promocji Biznesu”)
work as: financial advisor Business Customer
Shop "esmoking.pl", work as: e-cigarette seller
The company "mConnect" (Orange and TP SA),
work as: financial advisor business clients
Knowledge of foreign languages
Polish – advanced
Russian - advanced
English - intermediate
German - beginner
Computer skills: MS Excel, MS Access, Windows 7, Active Directory,
Account Management, Lotus Notes
Driving license: category “B”
Course: computer accounting for small and medium-sized
companies with human resources and payroll components of the
program Optima, Symphony and Payer
Interests, hobbies
Computers, finance, sales, customer service, advertising,
foreign languages, music, sport, literature, theatre.
* I agree to my personal data contained in the offer of work for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance
with the Act of 29/08/1997, the Data Protection Acts. U. Nr 133 poz. 883).