Curriculum 2012/2013


Curriculum 2012/2013
Curriculum 2012/2013
World History 1914-1949,
Prof. Dariusz Stola, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Adam Lipszyc, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Piotr Goldstein, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Introduction to International Relations,
Radosław Stanczewski, MA, seminar, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Political and Economic Geography,
Prof. Bogumiła Lisocka - Jaegermann lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Joanna Siwińska, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Introduction to Sociology,
Aneta Gawkowska, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
World History since 1949,
Prof. Dariusz Stola, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Adam Lipszyc, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Analysis of Current International Affairs,
Agnieszka Nitza, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Theory of International Relations,
Rafał Trzaskowski, PhD, Richard Washington, MA, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Introduction to Law,
Aneta Jurska-Gawrysiak, MA, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Joanna Siwińska, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Introduction to Political Science,
Prof. Bohdan Szklarski, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
World Economic History,
Dominik Smyrgala. PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Strategic Studies part I,
Michał Fiszer, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
International Organizations,
Dominik Smyrgała, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
History of Diplomacy
Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
Contemporary Economics Policy,
Dominik Smyrgala. PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Strategic Studies part II,
Michał Fiszer, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
European Civilization,
Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
International Negotiations (BA)
Ryszard Żółtaniecki, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Media and Elections (BA),
Tomasz Płudowski, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
Electives Courses
Electives Courses
World Economic History,
Dominik Smyrgala. PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Strategic Studies,
Michał Fiszer, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
International Organizations,
Dominik Smyrgała, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;3 ECTS
History of Diplomacy
Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
Contemporary Economics Policy,
Dominik Smyrgala. PhD, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
Strategic Studies,
Michał Fiszer, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
European Civilization,
Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, lecture, 30 h.;3 ECTS
BA seminar, 5 ECTS
BA seminar, 5 ECTS
Electives Courses
Electives Courses
Foreign Language, 60 h.;6 ECTS
China in Contemporary World
Zuzanna Burska, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Media and Public Diplomacy,
Amb. Grzegorz Dziemidowicz, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Institutions and Decision Making in the EU,
Agnieszka Cianciara, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Energy Security,
Dominik Smyrgała, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Strategies for Effective Intercultural Communication
Dominika Staniewicz, MA, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Regional Policy of the EU,
Joanna Ziółkowska, lecture r, 30 h.;4 ECTS
EU Foreign Policy,
Agnieszka Cianciara, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
International Relations in the Middle East
Prof. Maciej Kozłowski, lecture, 30 h
Foreign and Security Policy of the US,
Prof. Henryk Szlajfer, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Media and Elections (MA),
Tomasz Płudowski, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Introduction to International Business
Konrad Pawlik, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Corporate Social Responsibility
Maja Biernacka, PhD,, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Foreign Language, 60 h.;4 ECTS
Electives Courses
International Negotiations (MA)
Ryszard Żółtaniecki, PhD, lecture , 30 h.;4 ECTS
International Business Strategies
Konrad Pawlik, PhD, lecture, 30h, 4 ECTS
Public Relations
Biernacka-Szpunar Agnieszka, MA, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
MA seminar
Foreign Language, 60 h.;4 ECTS
Electives Courses
China in Contemporary World
Zuzanna Burska, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Media and Public Diplomacy,
Amb. Grzegorz Dziemidowicz, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Institutions and Decision Making in the EU,
Agnieszka Cianciara, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Energy Security,
Dominik Smyrgała, PhD, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Strategies for Effective Intercultural Communication
Dominika Staniewicz, MA, seminar, 30 h.;4 ECTS
MA seminar
Regional Policy of the EU,
Joanna Ziółkowska, lecture , 30 h.;4 ECTS
EU Foreign Policy,
Agnieszka Cianciara, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
International Relations in the Middle East
Prof. Maciej Kozłowski, lecture, 30 h
Foreign and Security Policy of the US,
Prof. Henryk Szlajfer ,lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
International Negotiations (MA)
Ryszard Żółtaniecki, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
Media and Elections (MA),
Tomasz Płudowski, PhD, lecture, 30 h.;4 ECTS
International Business Strategies
Konrad Pawlik, PhD, seminar, 30h, 4 ECTS
MA seminar
Electives Courses
Electives Courses
For both BA and MA students
Contemporary Global Economic Issues
Negotiating Across Cultures
Constance Phlipot, seminar, 30 h, 4 ECTS
David Koshel, PhD, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Israel in Contemporary World
International Order in Making
Nili Amit, lecture, seminar 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Prof. Antoni Kamiński, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Politics and Security Issues in Central Asia
Issues of Contemporary Art. From Andy Warhol to DJ Culture
Przemysław Ozierski, seminar, 30 h, 4 ECTS
Przemysław Strożek, semninar, 30 h, 4 ECTS
Ecology versus Economy and Politics in the Contemporary Word
Law of Armed Conflicts and International Humanitarian Law
Aleksander Gubrynowicz, PhD, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Aleksander Gubrynowicz, PhD, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Indonesian language
Stereotypes in Media
Nani Darmayanti, PhD, 60 h.; 6 ECTS;
Katarzyna Szczepanik, MA, seminar, 30 h.; 4 CTS
Social Issues in Contemporary Art and Music,
African Countries in Contemporary World
Katarzyna Szeczepaniak, MA, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Emmy Irobi, PhD, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS; 4 ECTS
Topics and Issues in EU and European Affairs
Geopolitics of the Islamic World
Kerry Longhurst, seminar, 30h; 4 ECTS
Bogusław Zagórski, MA, seminar, 30 h.; 4 ECTS
Holocaust and Genocide,
Maciej Kozlowski, PhD, Ambassador, seminar, 30 h, 4 ECTS
Polish Foreign Policy
Tadeusz Diem, PhD, Ambassador, seminar, 30 h, 4 ECTS
Be yourself and Express emotions, in international context,
Krzysztof Błażejewski, workshop, 30h, 2 ECTS
Indonesian language (2nd level)
Indonesian Embassy, PhD, 60 h.; 6 ECTS;
Indonesian language (1st level)
Indonesian Embassy, PhD, 60 h.; 6 ECTS;
Advanced Topics and Issues in EU and European Affairs
Kerry Longhurst, seminar, 30h; 4 ECTS