W. Nogala, M. Siek, K. Matuła, M. Podrażka, J. Paczesny, J


W. Nogala, M. Siek, K. Matuła, M. Podrażka, J. Paczesny, J
Nanopipettes in Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy.
Surface Charge Mapping
W. Nogala, M. Siek, K. Matuła, M. Podrażka, J. Paczesny, J. Niedziółka-Jönsson
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
Electrical double layer at charged interfaces
Glass pipettes have been used as scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)[1] tips under various condition. If the filling solution inside a
pipet is immiscible with the external solvent, a liquid/liquid interface is formed at its tip. The charge-transfer processes can occur across such
an interface, allowing feedback mode SECM experiments.[2] SECM with pipette tip was used for ion transfer kinetic measurements,[3] high
resolution topography imaging,[4] and reactivity imaging.[5]
Debye length
More recently, glass nanopipettes were utilized in scanning electrochemical cell microscopy,[6] and scanning ion conductance microscopy
(SICM). The last technique can be used for imaging the topography of biological samples[7] or surface charge mapping of solid substrates
immersed in diluted electrolytes.[8]
Glass nanopipettes obtained by capillary pulling
Surface charge mapping of living E. coli in PBS
Scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) - hopping mode
Yeast cells on polylysine film in saline
[1] M. V. Mirkin, W. Nogala, J. Velmurugan, Y. X. Wang, Phys Chem Chem Phys 2011, 13, 21196.
[2] Y. X. Wang, K. Kececi, J. Velmurugan, M. V. Mirkin, Chem Sci 2013, 4, 3606.
[3] P. Sun, Z. Q. Zhang, Z. Gao, Y. H. Shao, Angew Chem Int Edit 2002, 41, 3445.
[4] F. O. Laforge, J. Velmurugan, Y. X. Wang, M. V. Mirkin, Anal Chem 2009, 81, 3143.
[5] C. L. Lin, J. Rodriguez-Lopez, A. J. Bard, Anal Chem 2009, 81, 8868.
[6] N. Ebejer, A. G. Guell, S. C. S. Lai, K. McKelvey, M. E. Snowden, P. R. Unwin, Annu Rev Anal
Chem 2013, 6, 329.
[7] T. Ushiki, M. Nakajima, M. Choi, S. J. Cho, F. Iwata, Micron 2012, 43, 1390.
[8] K. McKelvey, S. L. Kinnear, D. Perry, D. Momotenko, P. R. Unwin, J Am Chem Soc 2014, 136,
Simultaneous nanoscale imaging of topography and
surface charge of living bacteria in their natural
enviroment can be done with SICM
IP2012 048872
E. coli bacteria in phosphate buffer saline are negatively
NanOtechnology, Biomaterials and aLternative
Energy Source for ERA integration