
KOD UCZNIA - …………………………………..
LICZBA PUNKTÓW - …………………………..
I. Usłyszysz trzy dialogi. Przyporządkuj każdemu
dialogowi odpowiednie miejsce, wpisując litery A-D
w kratki 1-3. Jedno miejsce nie pasuje do żadnego
dialogu. (3 pkt)
I. Umieść słowa i wyrażenia z tabelki w
odpowiednich grupach tematycznych. (20 pkt)
Winter - factory - changeable - volleyball summer - degrees - spring - photography post office - rain - autumn - bakery - cloudy box - sightseeing - football shirt - backpackingbar of soap - church - doll
Weather: …………………………………………..
Places: ……………………………………………..
Souvenirs: …………………………………………
Hobbies: …………………………………………...
Seasons: ……………………………………………
II. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. (8 pkt)
II. Posłuchaj i zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. (4 pkt)
1. Michael / Monica speaks Polish.
2. Barbara / Angela isn’t a new student.
3. Bob / Mark doesn’t like the burgers.
4. Greg / Fred doesn’t want to be a farmer.
II. Posłuchaj rozmowy i zadecyduj, które zdania są
zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F). (5 pkt)
1. Roland doesn’t work in a sports shop. ____
2. Jenny has got a new mobile phone. ____
3. Jenny asks about Glenn. ____
4. Kieran doesn’t know where Glenn works. ___
5. Kieran drinks a lot of cola at work. ___
I. Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w
języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi A, B
i C wybierz właściwą reakcję. (5 pkt)
1. W czasie lekcji nie zrozumiałeś objaśnień
nauczyciela. Jak poprosisz go o powtórzenie?
a) How do you spell it?.
b) Could you repeat that, please?
c) Do you understand?
2. Ktoś zatrzymuje cię na ulicy i pyta, czy w pobliżu
jest bank. Jak odpowiesz?
a) I’m sorry, I don’t know.
b) Yes, here you are.
c) I haven’t got any money.
3. Chcesz zapłacić za posiłek w restauracji. Co powiesz
do kelnera?
a) Can I have something else, please?
b) Can I have the bill, please?
c) Can I look at the menu, please?
4. Chcesz zaproponować koleżance wspólne wyjście na
kręgle. Jak to zrobisz?
a) Where’s the bowling centre?
b) I went to the bowling centre last week.
c) Let’s go to the bowling centre.
5. Chcesz zapytać o cenę spodni w sklepie. Jak to
a) How many trousers are there?
b) How much are these trousers?
c) Have you got any trousers?
II. Dopasuj reakcje A-G do wypowiedzi 1-7.. (7 pkt)
1 Could you do me a favour? ___
2 Could you lend me your Maths book? ___
3 Thanks a lot. ___
4 Shall I help you with the washing up? ___
5 I’m afraid Julie’s not at home. ___
6 I passed my driving test! ___
7 I’m sorry to take so much of your time. ___
A Congratulations! Well done!
B Could you ask her to phone me?
C It’s a bit difficult at the moment. I have to revise for a
D Sure. What would you like me to do?
E Thank you, that’s very kind.
F That’s all right. I’m not in a hurry.
G You’re welcome.
I. Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów w odpowiedniej
formie. (10 pkt)
A: What (do) ..does.. your brother do?
B: He (1 be) ….… a musician. He (2 play) …... the
violin. At the moment, he (3 work) .….. in the USA
and he (4 travel) ….... a lot. Today, he is in New
York and he (5 make) …… a CD.
He (6 like) …… America. His girlfriend is
American. She (7 live) …… in Washington. She
(8 want) …… to be a doctor and at the moment
she (9 study) …… hard. My brother (10 phone)
…… her every day.
II. Zakreśl odpowiedni przyimek. (10 pkt)
The festival starts at/in/on the fifth of July.
We don’t have school in/on/at weekends.
My grandparents live in/at/on a small flat.
I usually sleep late in/on/at Saturday
5. Mary is very good in/at/from music.
6. We often go skiing on/in/at February.
7. After school I go to/ - /in home.
8. The film starts on/at/in seven o’clock.
9. My friends live next to/from/at the bus
10. They come in/ - /from Paris.
III. Uzupełnij pocztówkę czasownikami
nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. (8 pkt)
Dear Karina,
I’m in Italy. It’s great. I ‘m staying (stay) with my
friend Alessandro. At the moment, I _________ (sit)
in a cafe in Verona. The sun ___________ (shine),
and we ____________(drink) great Italian coffee.
Alessandro ____________(text). His girlfriend is
on holiday, and he ______________(write) to her. I
have a great time, but I ____________ (not speak)
a lot of Italian – Alessandro and his parents speak
very good English. They ____________ (not sit)
with us at the moment. They _____________
(shop). Hope you’re well. Have a great holiday.
See you soon.
Love, Kate
Gaelic football
The Irish play football, and they are good at
rugby, but they also play Gaelic football. This kind of
football comes from a traditional Irish game.
Gaelic football is an exciting game. It has
elements of football and rugby. You play it with a round
ball, like a football, but the players can use their hands.
There are strict rules. The players can touch the
ball, but they are not allowed to throw it. They have to
pass the ball from hand to hand to other players. They
also have to bounce or kick it when they run with it. They
have to score goals to get points for their team.
In Gaelic football the players do not wear special
clothes. They put on shorts and T-shirts and trainers, but
they don’t need any special equipment like helmets or
gloves. To play the game they don’t use sticks, bats or
rackets. They just need a ball.
The first international tournament took place in
1886 in Ireland. However, today Gaelic football is quite
popular in the USA and Australia.
I. Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz które zdania są prawdziwe a
które fałszywe. (5 pkt)
1 The Irish are good rugby players.
A True
B False
2 Gaelic football is a combination of football and
A True
B False
3 The players can’t touch the ball with their hands. .
A True
B False
4 The players wear helmets.
A True
B False
5 Gaelic football is not popular in America.
A True
B False
II. Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i wybierz poprawną
odpowiedź a, b lub c. (5 pkt)
1 Gaelic football is an ………. game.
a) Australian
b) American
c) Irish
2 The players can use ………. .
a) their feet.
b) bats and rackets.
c) sticks and flippers.
3 When the players run with the ball, they ………. .
a) cannot give it to other players.
b) cannot kick it.
c) have to bounce it
4 The players ………. .
a) wear shorts and T-shirts.
b) can’t use special equipment.
c) don’t have to score points for the team.
5 In 1886, there were the first ……….
a) English football
b) Gaelic football
c) American rugby.
I. Napisz pięć zdań o miejscu, w którym mieszka
Tony, używając informacji podanych w tabeli.
(5 pkt)
○ = no
Open space
● = some
●● = a lot
Record shops
●● Car parks
Swimming pools ●
There aren’t any supermarkets but there are a lot
of newsagents.