pobierz w PDF - Malopolska Regional Development Agency


pobierz w PDF - Malopolska Regional Development Agency
From January 2009 to December 2010 MARR was executing the WIDOK – Intellectual Property: Appreciate, Protect, Benefit
project (WIDOK - Własność Intelektualna: Doceniam, Ochraniam, Korzystam). The goal of the project was to raise awareness
of the benefits stemming from intellectual property protection.
The project involved the representatives of micro-, small and medium-size companies from all over Poland operating in the IT,
pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as companies dealing with import and export.
Main measures conducted as part of the project:
Free educational seminars;
Media campaigns;
Publications and articles.
Project finance from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme for Innovative Economy,
Priority V, Measure 5.4 Intellectual property management.
Conference on finances and patents: On the 2nd of December 2010 in Kraków there was a conference of the Małopolska
Regional Development Agency on “Economic aspects of intellectual property protection in the company’s operation.” The
conference was attended by specialists in intellectual property protection, professors, PhD holders and representatives of specific
industries that apply the regulations on patent protection in practice.
Seminars: As part of the WIDOK project a dozen or so free seminars took place in 2010. They were attended by representatives
of the IT, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as companies dealing with import and export.
Patent for patent: Since June 2010 the marr.pl website has published articles about copyrights, licences, patents and trademarks.
The articles were written by experts: Prof. Ewa Nowińska, Prof. Elżbieta Trapla, Justyna Ożegalska-Trybalska, PhD, and patent
spokespeople: Mariusz Kondrat, PhD, Anna Górska and Anna Sowa-Jadczyk.
Internet campaign: In the first half of 2010 the project’s Internet campaign was conducted. Advertisements encouraging for
participation in seminars were placed at business, training and medical portals.
Video chat about intellectual property: On the 18th of December a video chat with Professor Ewa Nowińska, expert
in intellectual property protection, took place. The chat was attended by over 400 Internet users.
Hotline: At the free phone number 0 800 181 005, available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM to 3 PM, entrepreneurs could
obtain information about non-material and legal property protection.
Tekst pochodzi ze strony internetowej
Małopolskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego: www.marr.pl
Wykorzystanie m ateriałów zam ieszczonych na stronie www.m arr.pl jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie na zasadach określonych w Ustawie o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, w zakresie
odpowiadającym własnem u użytkowi osobistem u oraz dozwolonem u użytkowi publicznem u. W celu uzyskania zgody na korzystanie z m ateriałów udostępnionych na stronie www.m arr.pl, prosim y o
kontakt e-m ailowy: m arketing@m arr.pl.