Thin Layer Chromatography and Solid Phase Extraction Analysis of


Thin Layer Chromatography and Solid Phase Extraction Analysis of
Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 48, 689 (2003)
Thin Layer Chromatography and Solid Phase Extraction
Analysis of Urine Porphyrins
by Jan B³¹dek* and Artur Zdrojewski1
Institute of Chemistry, Military University of Technology,
00–908, ul. Kaliskiego 2, Warszawa 49, Poland
Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology,
01–163, ul. Kozielska 4, Warszawa, Poland
Key words:
porphyrins, HPTLC, AMD, densitometry, SPE
Modern thin layer chromatography equipment was used for the determination of porphyrins
in urine. Porphyrins have been extracted from the urine samples using solid phase extraction technique (SPE) and separated in the normal phase system with automated multiple
gradient elution. Quantitative assessment was performed with UV detection scanning the
chromatograms in the „zig-zag” mode. The recovery (94–98%) and the limits of detection
(10-10–10-9 g/band) have been calculated. The method has been applied to establish the
intoxication level in workers occupationally exposed to mercury and lead.
Wspó³czesn¹, instrumentaln¹ TLC zastosowano do oznaczania porfiryn moczowych.
Porfiryny wyekstrachowano z matrycy do fazy sta³ej i rozdzielano (TLC) w normalnym
uk³adzie faz technik¹ wielokrokowej elucji gradientowej (AMD). Analizy iloœciowe
wykonano bezpoœrednio na adsorbencie mierz¹c absorpcjê w zakresie UV. Chromatogramy
skanowano technik¹ zig-zag. Odzyski kszta³towa³y siê na poziomie 94–98%, a granica
wykrywalnoœci wynios³a 10-10–10-9 g w paœmie chromatograficznym. Oszacowano równie¿
b³êdy poszczególnych oznaczeñ. Metodê wykorzystano do pomiaru profilu porfirynowego
u osób zatrutych rtêci¹ i o³owiem.
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]