EA - Zadania SP klasa 5


EA - Zadania SP klasa 5
WILCZYN ul. Dębowa 2
tel./fax 71-310-48-17; tel. 501-101-866
www.mat.edu.pl [email protected]
JERZYK – klasa 5 szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 minut
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 96 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze 1 punkt,
za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być
fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp.
Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Powodzenia!
1. What can you eat for dessert?
A) a biscuit
B) a muffin
C) a cookie
D) a slice of cake
2. Betty, could you … me some sugar? My tea is not sweet enough.
A) pass
B) add
C) make
D) give
Kathy: How much do you … ?
Sophie: About 45 kg.
A) tall
B) heavy
C) weigh
D) high
4. Jessie, … you ... with your kitten now?
A) do/ play
B) do/ playing
C) are/ play
D) are/ playing
5. … do you want to borrow my book, Sam?
A) Why
B) When
C) Which
D) Who
Mr Brown: How … are these postcards?
Shop assistant: They're 60 pence each.
A) much
B) cost
C) money
D) rich
7. You can turn off the radio. I … to it.
A) listen
B) am listening
C) don't listen
D) 'm not listening
8. What can you eat on a slice of bread?
A) marmalade
B) jam
C) honey
D) a piece of cheese
9. When you're on a diet, … is important.
A) eating vegetables
B) counting calories
C) driving a car
D) doing excercise
10. Mathilda is a pilot … she enjoys flying helicopters.
A) but
B) and
C) because
D) that
11. A box of chocolates is … than a bunch of grapes.
A) the best
B) better
C) the worst
D) worse
12. … came to my birthday party. I felt very lonely.
A) Anybody
B) Somebody
C) Somewhere
D) Nobody
13. What can you see in a gallery?
A) drawings
B) shops
C) paintings
D) supermarkets
14. Which of these can be black?
A) a board
B) a sheep
C) a swan
D) a blink
15. Five plus three … eight.
A) does
B) are
C) equals
D) make
16. Cats are … pets.
A) the most intelligent
C) smaller
D) the cleanest
B) intelligent
17. Sorry Jess, I can't go shopping with you. Mum told me to stay … .
A) in house
B) in home
C) at house
D) at home
18. Jeremy has got two sisters. They're … married.
A) all
B) already
C) both
D) also
19. Most Londoners are … speakers of English.
A) primitive
B) fluent
C) native
D) foreign
20. The dress isn't big enough for Mrs Thompson = Mrs Thompson's dress … .
A) is too small
B) is too big
C) should be larger
D) should be smaller
21. What can you get in a museum?
A) a postcard
B) a souvenir
C) a book about art
D) a brochure
22. … rhymes with boat.
A) Wrote
C) Store
D) Note
B) Coat
23. Which cartoon characters can't you meet in Disneyland?
A) Mickey Mouse
B) Bugs Bunny
C) Donald Duck
24. New Orleans … .
A) is a city in Louisiana
C) is close to the Mississippi River
B) is the birthplace of jazz
D) has a festival called Mardi Gras
© Copyright by Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ, Wrocław 2010
D) Tom and Jerry