ST 010 Anchor Trolley AT100 Main features EN 795 Klasa B


ST 010 Anchor Trolley AT100 Main features EN 795 Klasa B
ST 010 Anchor Trolley
Main features
EN 795 Klasa B
Technical data
Wózek zaczepowy może być stosowany z szynami o szerokości
od 65 mm do 120 mm.
Mobile anchor point.
Anchor Trolley ST 010 has been designed as mobile anchor
point. The device must be used together with the protective
equipment against fall from high. Anchor Trolley moves along
horizontal beam (rail) with tee cross-section. Rail/Beam must be
permanently attached to the solid construction. Anchor Trolley is
protection for one person.
ul. Starorudzka 9
93-403 Łódź
Dział Handlowy
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tel: +48 42 680-20-83
fax: +48 42 680-20-93
[email protected]
tel: +48 42 29-29-500, +48 42 680-20-83
fax:+48 42 680-20-93