
Beata Brożek-Płuska
Beata Brożek-Płuska
November 13 1974 in Łódź, Poland. Married, one child
Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz,
93-590 Łódź, Wróblewskiego 15, Poland
E-mail: [email protected] page:
Fax: +(48 42) 684 00 43.Telephone: +(48 42) 631 31 62.
Ph.D. in Chemistry (First Class Honours). Thesis: „Structural order and vibrational relaxation
of phenylacetylene in liquid solutions and frozen matrices.”
Graduate (Ph.D.) Study in Chemistry, Technical University of Łódź
M.Sc. in Chemistry (First Class Honours)
Undergraduate Study in Chemistry, Technical University of Łódź
Appointments (Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Łódź): since 2002 Assistant Professor
Foreign experience:
1. Laboratoire d`Optique Apliquee, CNRS, INSERM, Ecole Politechnique - Ecole Nationale Superieure
De Techniques Avancees, Palaiseau, France, post doctoral fellowship, 01.10.2002-30.09.2003
2. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, M. Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, USA, 01-31.07.1999
Research projects:
1. grant KBN -3T09A 08719 –finished 31.07.2002
2. grant KBN –1236/T09/2001/20 – finished 31.12.2003
3. grant KBN – 3T09A 139 26 -since 2005 main coordinator– 2004-2007
4. grant KBN -3T11E 047 29 –2005-2008
KBN- Committee for Scientific Research is the main government agency in Poland to finance research
Teaching Experience:
All at Technical University of Łódź: Chemical physics, Molecular spectroscopy, Physical chemistry,
Instrumental analysis
Research interests
Major field: molecular spectroscopy, photochemistry and laser spectroscopy with special emphasis
on mechanisms of chemical and physical processes occurring in picosecond and femtosecond time
scale such as vibrational and electronic relaxation principally in liquids. Mechanisms of phase
transitions in liquids, glasses and crystals by Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational dynamics in Hbonded systems by laser spectroscopy.
Presently femtosecond laser spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin and phthalocyanines derivatives.
List of publications:
1. H.Abramczyk, B.Brożek-Płuska, K.Kurczewski, M.Kurczewska, I.Szymczyk, P.Krzyczmonik,
T.Błaszczyk, H.Scholl, W.Czajkowski “Femtosecond transient absorption, Raman and electrochemistry
studies of tetrasulphonated copper phthalocyanine in water solutions” J.Phys.Chem. A, 2006, 110 (28),
2. G.Waliszewska, B.Brożek-Płuska, H. Abramczyk „Primary events in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle
and its retinal modified analogues”Annals of Polish Chemicl Society, 2005, vol.1, p. 693-696
3. B. Brożek-Płuska, K. Kurczewski, W. Czajkowski, H. Abramczyk
“Raman spectroscopy of cobalt and zinc phthalocyanines and their sulphonated derivatives.”
Annals of Polish Chemicl Society, 2005, vol.1, p. .532-536
4. B. Brożek-Płuska, G. Waliszewska, M. Jackowicz, S. Kuberski, R. Zarzycki, G. Janowska,
H. Abramczyk “Low temperature Raman study of stable and metastable structures of phenylacetylene
in benzene. Vibrational dynamics in undercooled liquid solutions, crystals and glassy crystals”
J. Mol. Liquid. 2005, vol. 121, Issues 2-3, 80-87
5. B. Brożek-Płuska, I. Szymczyk, H. Abramczyk „Raman spectroscopy of phthalocyanines and their
sulphonated derivatives.” J.Mol.Struc. 2005, 744, 481-485
6. B. Brożek-Płuska, D. Gliger, A. Hallou, V. Malka,Y. A. Gauduel “Direct observation of elementary
radical events: low- and high-energy radiation femtochemistry in solutions” Radiation Physics and
Chemistry 2005, vol. 72, Issues 2-3, 149-157
7. B. Brożek-Płuska, I. Szymczyk, H. Abramczyk „Raman spectroscopy of phthalocyanines and their
derivatives.”Annals of the Polish Chemicl Society Society, 2004, vol.3, part 1, section 5, p.419 .
8. B. Brożek-Płuska, A. Hallou, D. Glijer, B. Charles, Y. Gauduel “Short-time water caging and transient
electron-OH couplings in liquid phase” in "Ultrafast Molecular Events in Chemistry and Biology" ed.
M.Martin, J.T. Hynes, 2004, France
9. H. Abramczyk, B. Brożek, S. Kuberski “Vibrational dynamics in glassy crystals. Raman and DSC
studies of equilibrium and nonequilibrium structures of phenylacetylene in methylcyclohexane”
Chem. Phys. 2002, 280, 153-161
10.H. Abramczyk, B. Brożek, G. Waliszewska, J.P. Suwalski
Raman study of stable and metastable structures of phenylacetylene in acetonitrile
J. Phys. Chem. 2002, 106, 1486-1490
11.H. Abramczyk, B. Brożek, K. Paradowska-Moszkowska, G. Waliszewska “Phase transition and
vibrational dynamics by Raman spectroscopy” Recent Res. Devel. Chem. Physics 2000, 1, 101,
ISBN:81- 86846- 92- 1
12.H. Abramczyk, B. Brożek “Vibrational dynamics in liquids and frozen matrices. Concentration and
solvent effects in phenylacetylene by low temperature Raman spectroscopy” Chem Phys 1999, 250, 35
13.H. Abramczyk, B. Brożek „Is there a correlation between phase transition of phenylacetylene in liquids
and frozen matrices and vibrational dynamics?” Chem. Phys. 1999, 37, 52
14.H. Abramczyk, G. Waliszewska, B. Brożek “Sructural order and vibrational relaxation of
phenylacetylene in benzene in liquid solutions and frozen matrices at low temperatures. Raman spectra
of phenylacetylene in benzene at 77K” J.Phys.Chem. A 1999, 103, 7580
1. H.Abramczyk, B.Brożek, “Structural Order and Vibrational Relaxartion of Phenylacetylene in liquid
solutions and Frozen Matrices”, FASTKIN, 2000, Poznań, Polska
2. B.Brożek, H.Abramczyk, “Structural Order and Vibrational Relaxartion of Phenylacetylene in liquid
solutions and Frozen Matrices”, XXV European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 2000,
Coimbra, Portugal
3. B.Brożek, H.Abramczyk, “Structural Order and Vibrational Relaxartion of Phenylacetylene in liquid
solutions and Frozen Matrices”, European Molecular Liquid Group, 2000, Regensburg, Germany
4. B.Brożek-Płuska, H.Abramczyk, „Raman Study of Stable and Metastable Structures of
Phenylacetylene”, Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Radiacyjnych, 2001, Kraków, Poland
5. B.Brożek-Płuska, H.Abramczyk, „Structural Order and Vibrational Relaxartion of Phenylacetylene
in liquid solutions and Frozen Matrices” University of Wrocław, Department of Chemistry, 2002,
6. Y.Gauduel, A.Hallou, B.Brożek-Płuska, D.Glijer, “Towards the real time probing of chemical
events during the prethermal phase of a track development”, 2nd Workshop on „Particle sources with
high intensity lasers”, 2002, Paris, France
7. A.Hallou, B.Brożek-Płuska, D.Glijer, Y.Gauduel, „Short time water caging and trasient electron-OH
couplings in liquid phase”, Femtochemistry VI, 2003 Paris, France
8. A.Hallou, B.Brożek-Płuska, D.Glijer, Y.Gauduel, “Transient couplings between delocalized
electrons and nascent OH radicals in aqueous environment”, 23rd Miller Conference on Radiation
Chemistry, 2003, Białowieża, Poland
9. B.Brożek-Płuska, H.Abramczyk, „Raman spectroscopy and femtosecond laser spectroscopy of
phthalocyanines and their sulfonated derivatives” XXVII European Congress on Molecular
Spectroscopy, 2004, Kraków, Poland
10. B.Brożek-Płuska, I. Szymczyk, H.Abramczyk, „Raman spectroscopy of phthalocyanines and their
derivatives” XLVII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego, 2004, Wrocław, Polska
11. G.Waliszewska, B.BrożekPłuska, H.Abramczyk, „Vibrational dephasingin the ground state and the
first excited electronic state of bacteriorhodopsin and its retinal modified analogues”, XLVIII Zjazd
Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego 2005, Poznań, Poland
12. B.BrożekPłuska, K.Kurczewski, H.Abramczyk, „Photochemisrty of zinc, copper and cobalt
phthalocyanines and their sulphonated derivatives by Raman spectroscopy and femtosecond laser
spectroscopy”, XLVIII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego 2005, Poznań, Poland