Analysis of the best practices concerning the educational


Analysis of the best practices concerning the educational
Analysis of the best practices concerning the educational needs of SMEs
The European labour market values high quality of services and competences of the hired people. As part of the Leonardo
da Vinci programme we gain knowledge and experience as to how to shape training policy.
The goal of the project is to improve the competences and work methods with regard to the analysis of educational needs of the
SME sector.
Recipients: The project is targeted at the MARR employees who directly provide services for the SME sector. It is executed
in cooperation with four foreign partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands.
Results: The project will result in the popularisation of issues related to the analysis of training needs for the improvement of the
efficiency of measures for entrepreneurs in Małopolska.
Measures: The project envisages the exchange of information and good practices among the Business Environment Institutions,
and the launch of publications concerning the analysis of training needs.
Execution period: August 2008 – July 2010
Source of financing: Leonardo da Vinci - Lifelong Learning Programme
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Małopolskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego:
Wykorzystanie m ateriałów zam ieszczonych na stronie www.m jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie na zasadach określonych w Ustawie o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, w zakresie
odpowiadającym własnem u użytkowi osobistem u oraz dozwolonem u użytkowi publicznem u. W celu uzyskania zgody na korzystanie z m ateriałów udostępnionych na stronie www.m, prosim y o
kontakt e-m ailowy: m arketing@m