Programowanie w Języku C 2


Programowanie w Języku C 2
Programowanie w Języku C 2
Laboratorium 10
Edycja zawartości okna – odczyt, zapis i kolory.
Opracował: mgr inż. Leszek Ciopiński
Wstęp teoretyczny
Operacje na znakach
Kasowanie znaków
delch, wdelch, mvdelch, mvwdelch - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
(wszystkie znaki na prawo od usuwanego do końca linii przesuwane są o jedną pozycję
w lewo włączając w to ramkę okna).
#include <curses.h>
int delch(void);
int wdelch(WINDOW *win);
int mvdelch(int y, int x);
int mvwdelch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
These routines delete the character under the cursor; all characters to the right of the cursor
on the same line are moved to the left one position and the last character on the line is filled
with a blank. The cursor position does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified). (This
does not imply use of the hardware delete character feature.)
All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer
value other than ERR") upon successful completion.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Dodawanie znaków
insch, winsch, mvinsch, mvwinsch - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
(Wstawiają znak przesuwając wszystkie znaki na prawo o jedną pozycję w prawo i kasując
Programowanie w Języku C2
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ostatni znak linii.)
#include <curses.h>
int insch(chtype ch);
int winsch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch);
int mvinsch(int y, int x, chtype ch);
int mvwinsch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch);
These routines insert the character ch before the character under the cursor. All characters
to the right of the cursor are moved one space to the right, with the possibility of the
rightmost character on the line being lost. The insertion operation does not change the cursor position.
All routines that return an integer return ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an
integer value other than ERR") upon successful completion, unless otherwise noted in the preceding routine descriptions.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Kasowanie linii
int deleteln(void);
int wdeleteln(WINDOW *win);
The deleteln and wdeleteln routines delete the line under the cursor in the window; all lines
below the current line are moved up one line. The bottom line of the window is cleared. The
cursor position does not change.
All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer
value other than ERR") upon successful completion.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Wstawianie linii
int insertln(void);
int winsertln(WINDOW *win);
The insertln and winsertln routines insert a blank line above the current line and the bottom
line is lost.
All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer
value other than ERR") upon successful completion.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Programowanie w Języku C2
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Odczytywanie wartości
inch, winch, mvinch, mvwinch - get a character and attributes from a curses window
#include <curses.h>
chtype inch(void);
chtype winch(WINDOW *win);
chtype mvinch(int y, int x);
chtype mvwinch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
These routines return the character, of type chtype, at the current position in the named
window. If any attributes are set for that position, their values are OR'ed into the value
returned. Constants defined in <curses.h> can be used with the & (logical AND) operator to
extract the character or attributes alone.
The following bit-masks may be AND-ed with characters returned by winch.
A_CHARTEXT Bit-mask to extract character
A_ATTRIBUTES Bit-mask to extract attributes
Bit-mask to extract color-pair field information
Źródło: Manual BSD
Przed rozpoczęciem korzystania z trybu kolorów konieczne jest sprawdzenie, czy są one
obsługiwane przez terminal. W tym celu należy skorzystać z poniższej funkcji has_colors().
bool has_colors(void);
bool can_change_color(void);
The routines has_colors and can_change_color return TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether
the terminal has color capabilities and whether the programmer can change the colors.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Obsługa trybu kolorów rozpoczyna się od chwili wywołania funkcji start_color().
int start_color(void);
curses support color attributes on terminals with that capability. To use these routines
start_color must be called, usually right after initscr. Colors are always used in pairs
(referred to as color-pairs). A color-pair consists of a foreground color (for characters)
and a background color (for the blank field on which the characters are displayed). A programmer initializes a color-pair with the routine init_pair. After it has been initialized,
COLOR_PAIR(n), a macro defined in <curses.h>, can be used as a new video attribute.
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The start_color routine requires no arguments. It must be called if the programmer wants to
use colors, and before any other color manipulation routine is called. It is good practice
to call this routine right after initscr. start_color initializes eight basic colors (black,
red, reen, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and two global variables, COLORS and
COLOR_PAIRS (respectively defining the maximum number of colors and color-pairs the
terminal can support). It also restores the colors on the terminal to the values they had when
the terminal was just turned on.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Biblioteka curses do zarządzania kolorami wykorzystuje tzw. pary kolorów, czyli kolor znaku i tła.
Nie można używać tylko jednego z nich – obydwa muszą być zdefiniowane. Do definiowania pary
kolorów służy funkcja init_pair().
int init_pair(short pair, short f, short b);
Colors are always used in pairs referred to as color-pairs). A color-pair consists of a foreground
color (for characters) and a background color (for the blank field on which the characters are
displayed). A programmer initializes a color-pair with the routine init_pair. After it has been
initialized, COLOR_PAIR(n), a macro defined in <curses.h>, can be used as a new video attribute.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Jak już zostało to wspomniane w manualu powyżej, do przekazywania informacji o parze kolorów
do funkcji ustawiających odpowiednie parametry używa się makra COLOR_PAIR(). Wartość
zwracana przez to makro powinna być przekazana jednej z następujących funkcji:
int attrset(int attrs);
int wattrset(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
int attron(int attrs);
int wattron(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch,
waddstr and wprintw. Attributes are a property of the character, and move with the character through any scrolling and insert/delete line/character operations. To the extent possible, they are displayed as appropriate modifications to the graphic rendition of characters
put on the screen.
The routine attrset sets the current attributes of the given window to attrs. The routine
attroff turns off the named attributes without turning any other attributes on or off. The
routine attron turns on the named attributes without affecting any others. The routine
standout is the same as attron(A_STANDOUT). The routine standend is the same as attrset(A_NORMAL) or attrset(0), that is, it turns off all attributes.
The attrset and related routines do not affect the attributes used when erasing portions of
the window. See curs_bkgd(3X) for functions which modify the attributes used for erasing
and clearing.
The following video attributes, defined in <curses.h>, can be passed to the routines attron,
attroff, and attrset, or OR'd with the characters passed to addch.
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Normal display (no highlight)
Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
Reverse video
Half bright
Extra bright or bold
Protected mode
Invisible or blank mode
Alternate character set
Bit-mask to extract a character
Color-pair number n
The following macro is the reverse of COLOR_PAIR(n):
PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) Returns the pair number associated with the COLOR_PAIR(n)
The return values of many of these routines are not meaningful (they are implemented as
macro-expanded assignments and simply return their argument). The SVr4 manual page
claims (falsely) that these routines always return 1.
Źródło: Manual BSD
Przykłady użycia:
init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
printw("Dowolny tekst");
wattrset(okno,COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
Autor: mgr inż. Maciej Lasota
Przydatne funkcje
move, wmove - move curses window cursor
#include <curses.h>
int move(int y, int x);
int wmove(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
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These routines move the cursor associated with the window to line y and column x. This
routine does not move the physical cursor of the terminal until refresh is called. The
position specified is relative to the upper left-hand corner of the window, which is
These routines return ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer value other
than ERR") upon successful completion.
Specifically, they return an error if the window pointer is null, or if the position is
outside the window.
Note that move may be a macro.
These functions are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.
curses(3X), curs_refresh(3X)
Źródło: Manual BSD
Napisz grę typu Tetris posiadającą następujące elementy:
• Klocki, to jedynie linie poziome o różnej długości, które można obrócić w linie pionowe
(1 punkt)
• Klockiem możemy poruszać w prawo, w lewo lub w dół. Przy braku decyzji klocek ma sam
opadać (1 punkt)
• Klocek ma poruszać się do czasu, aż spotka się z innym klockiem lub końcem ekranu.
(0,5 punkt)
• W przypadku wykrycia zapełnienia całej linii, ma ona zostać wyczyszczona (usunięta), a
wszystkie powyższe linie mają być obniżone o jeden (0,5 punkt)
• Użytkownik ma zostać poinformowany o zakończeniu gry poprzez kolorową informację.
(1 punkt)
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