Town Hall Meeting in Warsaw Town Hall Meeting in Warsaw The


Town Hall Meeting in Warsaw Town Hall Meeting in Warsaw The
Town Hall Meeting in Warsaw
PolishPolish-German Dialogue on
The Future of Europe
7 December 2016
Centrum Konferencyjne Zielna, ul. Zielna 37, Warsaw
Welcome & Introduction
Cornelius Ochmann, Director, Foundation for Polish-German Co-operation
Dr. Tobias Dürr, Chairman, Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin
11. 50
1. Keynote: How to Bring Europe Together Again?
Prof. Jochen Roose, Willy-Brandt-Zentrum, Wrocław
2. Keynote: Culture Without Borders
Katarzyna Kozyra, sculptor, photographer, performance artist, Warsaw
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Michał Sutowski, Krytyka Polityczna, Warsaw
A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? Conference Report
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Maecenata Stiftung, Berlin
Light Lunch
3 Parallel Discussion Sessions
Conference Room “Berlin” - Discussion 1: Culture in Dialogue with Politics and Society
Dr. Christoph Bartmann, Goethe Institut Warsaw
Katarzyna Kozyra, sculptor, photographer, performance artist, Warsaw
Dr. Katarzyna Młyńczak-Sachs, Wrocław 2016 European Capital of Culture
Moderator: Dr. Roland Löffler, Herbert-Quandt-Stiftung, Berlin
In Partnership with:
Plenary R oom - Discussion 2: Future Organisation of Europe:
Europe: Do We Need Game Changers?
Dr. Marcin Kędzierski, Cracow University of Economics/Centre of Analyses of the
Jagiellonian Club, Cracow
Barbara Nowacka, Inicjatywa Polska, Warsaw
Prof. Gavin Rae, Koźmiński University, Warsaw
Moderator: Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, Think Tank Centre For Dialogue and Analysis, Warsaw
Conference Room “Warszawa” - Discussion 3: The Future of PolishPolish-German Relations
Piotr Buras, European Council for Foreign Relations, Warsaw
Irene Hahn-Fuhr, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Warsaw
Dr. Kai-Olaf Lang, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin
Dr. hab. Sebastian Płóciennik, Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw
Moderator: Dr. Maria Skóra, Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin
Coffee Break
Public Debate with:
• Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe, German Federal Foreign Office
• Konrad Szymański, Secretary of State for European, Legal and Treaty Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Moderator: Kaja Puto, Journalist/Writer, Korporacja Ha!Art, Cracow
onclusions: The Way Forward
Janusz Reiter, Founder, Centre for International Relationships, Warsaw
Dr. Ansgar Klein, Managing Director, Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement, Berlin
Dr. Tobias Dürr, Chairman, Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin
In Partnership with:
R eception