Szkolenie Cloudera Cloudera Training for Apache HBase


Szkolenie Cloudera Cloudera Training for Apache HBase
Szkolenie Cloudera
Cloudera Training for Apache HBase
Cel szkolenia
This four-day course is designed for developers and administrators already familiar with
Apache Hadoop. With a mix of instructional sessions and hands-on exercises, participants
will learn how to design Hbase schemas, write their own applications and perform proper
cluster configuration and maintenance of an HBase cluster.Format:
This course alternates between instructional sessions and hands-on exercises.Applicability:
The course is appropriate for developers and administrators who will be using Apache
Cena szkolenia
1740 EUR netto
+VAT zgodnie z obowiązującą
stawką w dniu wystawienia
Najbliższe terminy
4 dni
2014-05-12, Kraków
2014-11-03, Prague
2014-12-08, Warszawa
Zarezerwuj online
Zapytaj o szczegóły:
Czas trwania
1. Intro to HBase
2. Data Model
- Understanding tables, row keys and column families
- Choosing column attributes
- Versions and HBase operations
3. HBase Shell
- Creating and manipulating data using the command-line shell
- Hands-on-Exercise: Using the HBase Shell
4. Cluster Architecture
- HMaster, RegionServers and Zookeeper
- Compactions
- Crash Recovery
- Hands-on-Exercise: Flushes and Compactions
5. Storage Architecture
- Client caching
- Data storage and Bloom Filters
- How rows are modified
- Hands-on-Exercise: Viewing and Reading HFiles
6. Schema Design
- What should be considered when creating column families
- Designing for locality and access patterns
- How to detect and prevent hot spots
- Hands-on-Exercise: Detecting Hot Spots
7. HBase API
- Connecting to HBase using the Java API
- Administrative actions using the Java API
- Accessing data using the Java API
- Hands-on-Exercise: Writing an HBase Program
8. MapReduce and Bulk Loads
- MapReduce Integration
- How to bulk load into HBase
- Hands-on-Exercise: HBase input MapReduce
- Hands-on-Exercise: Bulk importing into HBase
9. HBase Configuration
- Standalone and Distributed run modes
- Required Zookeeper configurations
- Required configuration settings
- Hands-on-Exercise: Distributed HBase install
10. HBase Administration
- Monitoring HBase processes
- Performing HBase back-ups
Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. | ul. Tatarska 5 | 30-103 Kraków | tel. (+48 12) 29 28 500
Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS 0000039600, Kapitał zakładowy 450 000,00 zł, NIP: 676-21-71-482, Regon: 357260753 | [email protected] | (c) Copyright Compendium
tel. 12 29 84 777
[email protected]
Strona 1 z 2
Szkolenie Cloudera
Cloudera Training for Apache HBase
- Planning for HBase capacity
- Hands-on-Exercise: Pre-Splitting Regions
11. Performance Tuning
- Preventing network bandwidth bottlenecks
- Java garbage collection and HBase operations
- Tuning for Client operations
- Log locations and troubleshooting tools
Participants should have programming experience, preferably in Java. Prior experience with
databases and data modeling is helpful, but is not required. Cloudera's Developer training
provides an excellent foundation for this class but is not a required prerequisite.
The participants will obtain certificates signed by Cloudera (course completion) and 6 month
access to the practice exam which can verifies knowledge and bring out the nature of
certification exam available through the Pearson VUE test centers Cloudera Certified
Specialist in Apache HBase (CCSHB).
Kraków - ul. Tatarska 5, II piętro, godz. 9:00 - 16:00
Warszawa - ul. Bielska 17, godz. 9:00 - 16:00
Certified Cloudera Instructor.
Cena szkolenia
1740 EUR netto
Do ceny należy doliczyć 23% VAT
Compendium - Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o. | ul. Tatarska 5 | 30-103 Kraków | tel. (+48 12) 29 28 500
Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie XI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS 0000039600, Kapitał zakładowy 450 000,00 zł, NIP: 676-21-71-482, Regon: 357260753 | [email protected] | (c) Copyright Compendium
Strona 2 z 2

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