podawanie kierunków, miejsca w mieście (sklepy, poczta, kościół, etc


podawanie kierunków, miejsca w mieście (sklepy, poczta, kościół, etc
Where is it? (Przyimki miejsca.)
The ball is in the box
The ball is on the box.
The ball is under the box.
Bill's house
John's house
Jane's house
John's house is next to Jane's
Jane's house is between Bill's
Bill's house is next to Jane's
and John's houses.
The climbers
The man stood
The enemies
The gardeners
stood on top of
between the two
stood opposite
stood behind the
the mountain.
each other.
The man looked
through the
telescope in his
The man stood
next to the gopher
and held the
umbrella over it.
The man wrote the The man looked at The man looked at The manager sat
address on the
the mail in the
the clock on the
at his desk on his
post box.
Taken from: www.learnenglish.de
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Wojciech Lisowski
Where is it? (Kierunki.)
Some useful expressions:
• go straight on / ahead – idź prosto
• go along the street – idź wzdłuż ulicy
• go across the street / cross the street – przejdź przez ulicę
• go past the church / pass the church – przejdź obok kościoła
• turn left / right – skręć w lewo / w prawo
• take the second turning on the left / right - skręć w drugą w lewo / w prawo
• at the traffic lights – na światłach
• a zebra crossing – przejście dla pieszych
• underground passage – przejście podziemne
• a round abound – rondo
1. Look at the map and complete the sentences below.
(Spójrz na mapę i uzupełnij zdania poniżej.)
The hotel is …………. the bank.
The bank is …………. the bar and the bookstore.
The library is …………. the city hall and the post office.
The supermarket is …………. the hospital.
The supermarket is …………. the bowling alley.
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Wojciech Lisowski
2. Look at the map and describe the way from the airport to the car park in Capital
road. Use at least six of the useful expressions above (Where is it? Kierunki.).
(Spójrz na mapę i opisz drogę z lotniska na parking przy ulicy Capital Road. Użyj
przynajmniej sześciu wyrażeń z części Where is it? Kierunki.)
If you want to get to the car park in Capital Road you must …………………………………….
Autor: Agnieszka Szefer
Konsultant: Wojciech Lisowski