Range of preformed activities - Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we


Range of preformed activities - Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we
Special Collections’ Conservation Workshop (SCCW) - Range of preformed act
Opublikowane na Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu (http://www.bu.uni.wroc.pl)
Special Collections’ Conservation Workshop (SCCW) Range of preformed activities
General information
About Workshop
Range of preformed activities
Selected literature
Range of preformed activities
WUL’s special collections, due to their harsh past, bear traces of many damages, that cannot be, for
many reasons, repaired in short time. This situation forced SCCW’s team to evaluate conservation
activities schedule, that will allow optimal protection of collections. About priority, character and
extension of conservation works, decide following factors: value of item, its availability, exposition,
including into collections new purchases and high level of damaged suffered by object.
value of item
securing of codices stored in safes and marked
as rare
conservation of originals intensively circulated
securing of object that has contact with persons
from beyond WUL [travels of item]
securing of object due to its structural
weakening [exposition of object in open
position, long and intensive illumination, to high
temperature, low humidity], conservation of
object for esthetic purposes
securing codices included into collections
high level of damages
conservation of objects that storage is difficult
duo to their bad condition
This developed schedule is basis for more specific conservation activities regarding securing of both
individual items and whole collections.
Examples of preformed conservation works Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2002"/>
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2002"/> Conservation preformed by M.Kruk, 2001
call number: 3140-IV.B."> Conservation preformed by J.Krókowska, 2001
call number: 1681-1769-IV.B."/> Conservation preformed by Z. Romaszko, 2003
call number: 967 IV Kart."/> Conservation preformed by Z. Romaszko, 2003
call number: 967 IV Kart."/> Christoph M. Bremer’s Album, 1646 – 1678
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2005"/> Missale Wratislaviense, Mainz 1499
Conservation preformed by K. Łabuz, 2005"/> Collection of sacred vocal scores for 4-6 voices, first
half of 17th century.
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2005"/> J. C. G. Loewe Die Festzeiten [fragment], first half
of 19th century
Conservation preformed by I. Bednarska, 2005"/> Jacobus de Theramo Belial, second half of 15th
Conservation preformed by M. Kruk, 2005"/> Jacobus de Theramo Belial, second half of 15th century
Conservation preformed by M. Kruk, 2005"/> Jacobus de Theramo Belial, second half of 15th century
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu - ul. Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12, 50-383 Wrocław
Uniwersytet Wrocławski tel.: +48 071 375 20 11, +48 071 375 22 15
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Special Collections’ Conservation Workshop (SCCW) - Range of preformed act
Opublikowane na Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu (http://www.bu.uni.wroc.pl)
Conservation preformed by M. Kruk, 2005"/> Album, 18th century
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2002"/> Carl Benjamin Bergis’ Album, 1753 – 1783
Conservation preformed by I. Bednarska, 2005"/> Carl Benjamin Bergis’ Album, 1753 – 1783
Conservation preformed by I. Bednarska, 2005"/> Christoph Johann Geier’s Album, 1773 – 1810
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2005"/> Album, first half of 19th century
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2002"/> Ernst Siegmund Miller’s Album, 1754 - 1755
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2004"/> Anonymous album (fragment), 1771 – 1782
Conservation preformed by I. Krókowska, 2004"/> Sebastian Hennemann Reysing’s Album, 1621 –
Conservation preformed by I. Bednarska, 2004"/> On photographs: preparation of papers used as
veneers in half-leather bindings of old prints from Library of St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old
Prints Department (part of BS project). Work by K. Tokarz and Z. Romaszko."/> On photographs:
preparation of papers used as veneers in half-leather bindings of old prints from Library of St.
Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints Department (part of BS project). Work by K. Tokarz and Z.
Romaszko."/> On photographs: preparation of papers used as veneers in half-leather bindings of old
prints from Library of St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints Department (part of BS project).
Work by K. Tokarz and Z. Romaszko."/> On photographs: preparation of papers used as veneers in
half-leather bindings of old prints from Library of St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints
Department (part of BS project). Work by K. Tokarz and Z. Romaszko."/> On photographs:
preparation of papers used as veneers in half-leather bindings of old prints from Library of St.
Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints Department (part of BS project). Work by K. Tokarz and Z.
Romaszko."/> On photographs: preparation of papers used as veneers in half-leather bindings of old
prints from Library of St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints Department (part of BS project).
Work by K. Tokarz and Z. Romaszko."/> On photographs: preparation of papers used as veneers in
half-leather bindings of old prints from Library of St. Elizabeth Church in Wroclaw, Old Prints
Department (part of BS project). Work by K. Tokarz and Z. Romaszko."/> Item before conservation
and identified front facing."/> Item before and after conservation.
Conservation preformed by Z. Romaszko, 2007"/> Item before and after conservation.
Conservation preformed by Z. Romaszko, 2007"/> Conservation preformed by M. Kruk, 2006"/>
Conservation preformed by M. Kruk, 2006"/>
Adres źródła: http://www.bu.uni.wroc.pl/node/1084
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu - ul. Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12, 50-383 Wrocław
Uniwersytet Wrocławski tel.: +48 071 375 20 11, +48 071 375 22 15
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