Mgr Oleksandr Boiko - Publikacje pracowników PL


Mgr Oleksandr Boiko - Publikacje pracowników PL
Raport wygenerowany z Bazy Publikacji Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej (03-07-2017 14:17:49)
Publikacje w latach 2015 - 2016
dla autora:
Mgr Oleksandr Boiko
Katedra Urzadzeń Elektrycznych i Techniki Wysokich Napięć
Współpraca z zagranicą
Impact Factor
Lista filadelfijska
Lista MNiSW
Artykuły (7)
AC hopping conductance in nanocomposite films with ferromagnetic alloy
nanoparticles in a PbZrTiO3 matrix / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Boiko Oleksandr,
Saad A. M., Fedotova J., Fedotov A.K., Larkin A.V., Kasiuk J. V. // JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS
- 2015, nr 7, vol. 44, s. 2260-2268 [MNiSW: 25]
Capacitive properties of nanocomposite (FeCoZr) (x) (PZT)((100-x)) produced by
sputtering with the use of argon and oxygen ions beam / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski
Paweł, Boiko Oleksandr, Czarnacka Karolina, Bondariev Vitalii, Saad Anis, Larkin A.V., Fedotov A.S. //
[MNiSW: 25]
Comparative assessment of digital filters for microprocessor- based relay
protection / Romaniuk Fyodor, Rumiantsev Vladimir, Novash Ivan, Rumiantsev Yury, Boiko
Oleksandr // PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY - 2016, nr 7, vol. 92, s. 128-131 [MNiSW: 14]
Impedance model of metal-dielectric nanocomposites produced by ion-beam
sputtering in vacuum conditions and its experimental verification for thin films of
(FeCoZr)x(PZT)(100-x) / Żukowski Paweł, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Boiko Oleksandr, Bondariev
Vitalii, Czarnacka Karolina, Fedotova J., Fedotov A.K., Svito I. // VACUUM - 2015, vol. 120, s. 37-43
[MNiSW: 25]
Pomiary właściwości elektrycznych nanokompozytów o strukturze stop metaliczny
FeCoZr w matrycy dielektrycznej PbZrTiO3 / Boiko Oleksandr, Kołtunowicz Tomasz //
65-70 [MNiSW: 7]
Presence of inductivity in (CoFeZr)x(PZT)1-x nanocomposite produced by ion
beam sputtering / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Boiko Oleksandr, Fedotov A.K., Larkin
A.V. // ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A - 2015, nr 5, vol. 128, s. 853-856 [MNiSW: 15]
Study of dielectric function of (FeCoZr)x(CaF2)(100−x) nanocomposites produced
with a beam of argon ions / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski Paweł, Bondariev Vitalii, Czarnacka
Karolina, Boiko Oleksandr, Fedotova Julia A., Kasiuk J. V. // JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2015, nr 25, vol. 650, s. 262-267 [MNiSW: 35]
Referaty (6)
Annealing studies and capacitive properties of nanostructures with (FeCoZr)
granules in a PbZrTiO 3 Matrix / Boiko Oleksandr, Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Fedotova J., Kasiuk J.
V., Protsenko Serhiy // W: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies
and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [książka
streszczeń] - 2015, s. 152-152
Capacitive properties of nanocomposite (FeCoZr)x(PZT)(100-x) produced by
sputtering with use of argon and oxygen ions beam / Kołtunowicz Tomasz, Żukowski
Paweł, Boiko Oleksandr, Bondariev Vitalii, Czarnacka Karolina, Fedotov A.K., Larkin A.V., Saad A. M. //
W: 22nd International Symposium on Metastable,Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, ISMANAM
2015, 13-17 July 2015 Paris, France: [book of abstracts] - 2015, s. 416-416
The effect of high energy Ion implantation on the structure and mechanical
properties of aluminum alloys / Anishchik V.M., Poliak N.I. , Ponaryadov Vladimir V., Opielak
Marek, Boiko Oleksandr // W: 11-th International Conference ION Implantation and Other Applications
of IONS and Electrons - ION 2016, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 13–16, 2016 : [book of abstracts] 2016, s. 44-44
Strain properties of double-component film materials
/ Protsenko Serhiy, Odnodvorets
L.V., Shumakova M.O, Protsenko I.Yu, Boiko Oleksandr // W: 9th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane,
Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [książka streszczeń] - 2015, s. 139-139
Structure and physical-mechanical properties of nanostructured (TiHfZrNbVTa)N
coatings after implantation of high doses (10 18 cm -2) of N + / Pogrebnjak A.D.,
Bondar O. V., Borba S., Piotrowska Katarzyna, Boiko Oleksandr // W: 11-th International Conference
ION Implantation and Other Applications of IONS and Electrons - ION 2016, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland,
June 13–16, 2016 : [book of abstracts] - 2016, s. 82-82
Study of current and voltage resonance phenomena on alternating current of
(CoFeZr)43.8(PZT)56.2nanocomposite nroduced in vacuum chamber / Boiko
Oleksandr, Lecki Karol, Podgorski Mateusz, Protsenko Serhiy // W: 9th International Conference "New
Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane,
Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [książka streszczeń] - 2015, s. 56-56
Rozdziały (4)
AC conductivity of (FeCoZr)x(PZT)(100-x) nanocomposites produced in vacuum
chamber / Boiko Oleksandr, Bondariev Vitalii, Czarnacka Karolina // W: Photonics Applications in
Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2015 : conference
[WOS], [Red:] Romaniuk Ryszard S. - Bellingham ; USA: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2015,
[MNiSW: 15]
Impedance of (CoFeZr)0,559(PbZrTiO3)0,441 nanocomposite annealed in a
tubular furnace / Boiko Oleksandr // W: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and
Nanotechnologies VIII, [Red:] Vladescu Marian , Tamas Razvan , Cristea Ionica - Constanta: SPIE,
Low temperature electrical conductance in (FeCoZr)x(PbZrTiO3)(100-x)
nanocomposite films / Boiko Oleksandr // W: Photonics Applications in Astronomy,
Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2016 : conference [WOS], [Red:]
Romaniuk Ryszard S. - Bellingham, USA: Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2016, s. [brak stron]-[brak
stron] [MNiSW: 15]
Structural features of the multilayer nitride coatings formation
/ Kravchenko Yaroslav
O., Goncharov Alexander A., Yunda Andrey N., Plotnikov Sergei V., Yerdybaeva Nazgul K., Boiko
Oleksandr // W: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VIII,
[Red:] Vladescu Marian , Tamas Razvan , Cristea Ionica - Constanta: SPIE, 2016,