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pobierz w PDF - Malopolska Regional Development Agency
Business in Małopolska Centre - promotes the Małopolska region worldwide
Three advertising spots promoting the economy of the Małopolska region will be shown
to the guests of the CeBIT International ICT Trade Show held in Hanover.
The movies were shot in December 2012 as part of the "Business in Małopolska - Grow with
us" project. The spots are directed at IT, LifeScience industries and specialised business
services, which are becoming a foundation for the development of a modern economy of the
Małopolska region.
The presentation at the Trade Show in Hanover will be carried out simultaneously
to a campaign in Lufthansa's in-flight magazine, which is going to feature for the whole month
the first of the three advertisements related to the TV spots promoting the region. The next flight
of the campaign in Lufthansa will be launched in April, and the last in September. The main
broadcasting set of advertising spots within the TV campaign, which is planned in one of the
largest worldwide TV stations, will be launched in June this year.
These times are not incidental – they are related to important business events reported in the media, as well as to the promotion
of the region by the Business in Małopolska Centre during the most important conferences and trade shows within the global IT,
Life Science and business services outsourcing industries.
The main assumption of the creative concept was to abandon the pattern of promoting cities and regions by listing their assets
and investment advantages. For this reason – as well as owing to the fact that it featured an actor resembling George Clooney –
the advertisement attracted media interest already at the stage of production.
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Małopolskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego: www.marr.pl
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